Essays in the Organizer

The Essays that appear in the Slingshot Organizer

Note:  Oy Slingshot is not good at storing computer files . . . for a few recent organizers we have some already-typed-in versions of articles we published (though not always the final version that we printed) – for the older ones, we have the paper copies but need to type them in or scan them, so please be  patient. . . .

2025 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2025 Organizer 

Why practice consent

Hot reads (booklist)

Now is the time to unionize

Tips 4 dealing with the police

Building a new world in the shell of the old

Gender spectrum

Group decisions

2024 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2024 Organizer

Books they want to burn

Leap into Action

Alternatives to calling the police

Resources to guide your choice

Tips for subversive sex

Don’t panic – gender  is a social construct

Don’t forget parents

Know your rights – tips for dealing with the police

Tips on writing to pen-pans behind the prison walls

2023 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2023 Organizer

2023 Book list – the future is unwritten

Building a new world in the shell of the old

DIY emotionally well-being tips

Shit! The cops! now What?

Abortion access for All – Self-help, mutual aid and building institutions

Knowledge in action

Better consent 4 better sex

Now is the time to Unionize

Live Free! Anti-corporate technology resources

2023 Menstrual calendar 

2022 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2022 Organizer

Books not bombs

In it for the Long Haul

Care Economics

Tips for dealing with the police

Self Defense tips

Tips for subservise sex

Tips for disruption

2021 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2021 Organizer

2021 Menstrual Calendar

Tips for dealing with cops

Demo readiness and arrest rediness

DIY emotional health tips

CRAP shoot!

Regenerative Cycle

Collective Process

Sex can be fun

2020 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2020 Organizer

Know your rights with ICE

Fuck the Police: Tips for dealing with cops

I love it when you…

System change not climate change

Leap Day Action Night is February 29, 2020

Drop a prisoner a line

Read a Goddman Book (Radical reading list 2020)

2020 Menstrual Calendar

2019 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2019 Organizer

2019 Menstrual calendar

Books for sleepless nights (2019)

A conversation piece 2019

Know Yr Rights 2019

Subversive Sex! 2019

Making Great Community Process After #Metoo 2019

It takes a village – being friends with parents 2019

Taking mental health back into our hands 2019

Postcards through prisoner bars 2019

2018 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2018 Organizer

Book list 2018

Thinking critically 2018

Tips for dealing with the police 2018

Tips for disruption 2018

Affinity groups & action decision making 2018

Gender is not binary 2018

I love it when you … 2018

The cage of convenience 2018

Fuck being efficient, quick and cheap 2018

2017 Organizer:

Introduction to the 2017 Organizer

Help a prisoner escape 

Breaking barriers

Prison pen pals

Hey hey ho ho Chants

Taking down rape culture one heart at a time

Know your rights 2017 edition 

Not another damn meeting

DIY bike touring

Take good care of yourself – tips for wellbeing

2016 Organizer:

Introduction for 2016 organizer 

Hopelessness without despair

“I love it when you . . .”  (good sex, communication and consent)

Know Your Rights

Books That Blew Our Minds!  (2016 book list)

Watching the Detective – how to Copwatch

Innertube chest harness (graphic)

Won’t you join us

2015 Organizer

 Introduction for 2015 organizer

DIY mental Health Tips

Tips for Disruption

Open relationships 101

Bicycling as an act of Resistance

Practicing good consent

Harm reduction

2014 Organizer

Introduction to 2014 organizer 

 R@dical publications – 2014 book list

Subversive sex

DIY tips for shutting down a bank

Please Call Again – Naming and addressing “others”

Know your rights – tips for dealing with the police

Tips for collective Process

Writing to prisoners 

2013 Organizer

Introduction to 2013 Organizer

The Living Network

Talk a turn-on

Venue Menu

DIY emotional well-being tips

Botanicals for healing

Print we like – nonfiction, art/poetry, fiction/zines

Feed the radical mind – breaking into the underground press

2012 Organizer

Introduction to 2012 Organizer

Books to Read or throw at zombies

Anarchist Astrology 2012

How to lucid dream

Radical poetry: beat anarchism

A short incomplete introduction to Critical Thinking

The cage of Convenience Ease is the Disease!

Gender is not Binary

Leap Day Revolt

2011 Organizer

Introduction to 2011 Organizer

Standing still in the eyes of storms (On Burnout)

Guitar chords

What’s your sign?

Will you go down on me?

Don’t chew on this – how a conscientious approach to our food can subvert the Death Industry

Beyond Doom

Read Information and Inspiration

Collective Process

How to Cop Watch

How to Start a Radical Space

2010 Organizer

Introduction to 2010 Organizer

A few acupressure points

I am real! If I wasn’t real, I shouldn’t be able to cry

DIY Bike touring

In the name of better sex everywhere

Conspiracy Law and being true to yourself

Discovering the romance of [books]

You write a prisoner

2009 Organizer

Introduction to 2009 Organizer

False Hope Real Transformation

Tips for disruption/Affinity groups

How to start a Food Not Bombs

Recipes 2009

All sewn up!

Oooh! Reading is sexy! (Book List)

Self Defense tips

Know Your trans folk

Ride Slow, Talk Fast– Critical Mass

2008 Organizer

Introduction to 2008 Organizer

Make a leap of action

Slingshot sing along

Will you go down on me?

Know your enemy

Slingshot reads and so should you (Book List)

The Diggers – create the condition you describe

DIY Emotional Wellbeing Tips

DIY urban hunting and gathering

Carbon calculator

Say What?

2007 Organizer

Introduction to 2007 Organizer

Homemade hygiene products

You are history

Books and more books

Tips for modern simplicity

Tips on collective process

Self exams for your testicles

Self exams for your breasts

Bike Tips

Good recipes – tasty food

Will you go down on me? 

Sing along lil’ doggy (song lyrics to Horray for the Riff Raff)

2006 Organizer

Introduction to 2006 Organizer

Don’t dream it – be it

Booklist 2006

Heroin/Downer overdose prevention

How to tell if you are ovulating!

Coping tips!

When you need emergency contraception

Condom conundrum

Herbs and Natural Healing

Infused Oils

Apocalypse Now – emergency preparedness tips

2005 Organizer

Introduction to 2005 Organizer

Relax, sweetheart! Revolution’s no rat race

Urban chickens

A concise planting guide for gardeners and other radicals

Book list 2005

Tips for disruption

Recipes 2005

Emergency contraception