Drink Mead

Mead may well be the oldest recorded fermented beverage. The Celts were drinking it in 500 A.D. There are indications that the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Scandinavians, Assyrian, Incas and Aztec used mead, both in festivals and as a religious drink. Honey, and by association, mead, have been attributed with such powers as that of an aphrodisiac, and it has been said that it imbues the drinker with attributes such as life, wisdom, courage and strength. Mead was popular until the 18th century, when sugar was developed. As the popularity rose and the price fell, sugar became the sweetener of choice and mead and other drinks made with honey became increasingly rare.

Making Mead

All you need is honey, water, yeast and a container. No boiling is required and infection is much less likely than in beer. Keep in mind that there are a thousand ways to make mead, and no one way is ‘correct’.


A lot of the equipment listed can be found or made with little to no money with a bit of ingenuity. Just remember that you have to sterilize this stuff so, keep away from wood.Choose plastic, glass, enamel or stainless steel. And don’t use aluminum, as it will react with the acids in the mead.

*Yeast Starter Bottle (a quart Mason jar)

*Primary Fermenter – a 5 gallon food grade plastic pail is common

*Secondary Fermenter – 5 gallon glass carboy (bottle). (try glass shops or brewing stores)

*Siphon Hose for Racking

*Rubber Stoppers for the primary and secondary fermenters

*Air Lock (also known as a fermentation valve or bubbler)

*Sanitizing Solution Bleach: 2 tablespoons to a gallon of water.

*Scum Skimmer (tea strainer) for those who use raw honey

*Measuring Spoons

*Long-Handled Spoon in stainless steel

*Bottle brushes


*Bottles, Corks or Caps, and Corker/Capper Bottles are easy to come by. Be sure to sanitize them! Some people use screw top bottles, some use beer bottles and cap them (you can get cappers and caps at the brew shop). Standard wine bottles work and grolsch bottles with the flip top are a hot item.

*Brew Pot

*Racking Cane This is a rigid tube that fits down into the carboy. It connects to the siphon hose, and allows you to more easily siphon off the clear mead and leave the gunk behind.

*Bottle washer

*Bottle filler or bottling cane Hydrometer and acid testing equipment

Basic Mead Making Information

1.Sterilizing The Must (the mixture of honey and water)

You want to do this to kill off wild yeasts and other microorganisms that can spoil your developing mead, and you want to give the yeast the best chance to do it’s thing. To pasteurize dissolve the honey into 160 deg. F water and let it set at that temp for about 5 minutes. This is called ‘flash pasteurization’.


Honey- The amount of honey will help determine how sweet your mead is. Dry meads use from 2.5-3 pounds of honey per gallon of must while sweet meads will need from 3-4 pounds of honey per gallon. Also, keep in mind that the of honey you use will greatly determine the flavor of your mead.

Water – Use the best water available.

Yeast – Your choice of yeast will also affect the mead’s flavor and sweetness.


Add raisins, bee pollen or bee larvae to provide lacking nutrients such as such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.


Add lemon zest and a bit of lemon juice to balance the acidity of the mead. Mead tends to lack in acidity which can make it too sweet.


Tannin helps the brew work more efficiently and adds to the balance of the finished product. It also helps bind the protein and ride it out of the must, providing a clearer mead. Tannin affects the mead by providing an astringency that gives the mead it’s ‘punch’. You would add tannin to a mead that did *not* have hops, herbs or fruits. They generally don’t need it but it does work nicley in a plain mead. You can get tannins from black tea.

6.The First Two Weeks

Rubber Stoppers and Air locks are important for the first couple of weeks of fermentation after which the activity level of the yeast drops off, and you can siphon into the secondary fermenter. Stop the neck of the bottle with a drilled rubber stopper and fit it with an airlock. The bubbles in the airlock will tell you when your fermentation is nearly over.

7.Siphoning and Racking

This is what you use to take the mead from the primary fermenter to the secondary fermenter, and also for your subsequent rackings. You don’t want to pour the must (honey and water) from fermenter to fermenter, because it introduces oxygen, and that is *bad* in the latter part of the fermentation. Oxygen is also something that will encourage growth of acetobacter (the bug that makes vinegar!). Use a length of 5/16 inch hose, 3-8 feet long. Some folks use a racking cane, which can be a big help. You need to place your secondary fermenter below your primary fermenter, and start the rack by filling the hose with water and placing either end in each of the fermenters. Then let the water run, and it will pull the must with it. The purpose of racking is to get the mead off the sediment, so you set the end of the racking hose just above that, leaving the sediment behind.


Poor Man’s Cyser (apple) Mead

8 quarts recipe :

Made in TWO batches, so 1/2 ingredients for each pot.

2 large pots.

64oz. apple juice

2 lbs honey.

6 packs of rapid rising active yeast.

8 TBS normal cane sugar.

4 (black) teabags.

4oz lemon juice.

4-5 2 liter coke bottles sterilized with soap and a little bleach

Balloons (20 ct).

Ice to cool (or patience)

Divide the recipe into two equal batches to boil in two pots with the apple juice, honey, sugar, and tea bags. Boil and stir for about 15-20 min. Scoop off the foam. Remove teabags and put ice into mixture to cool and wait 45 min or so until its tepid, warm to the touch. Take a 3 packs rapid rising active yeast dissolve in and mix (for each pot) into a cup warm water and add while stirring. Stir 5 min. Mix the yeast up. With a funnel, pour into bottles and add a balloon on the lip. Change Co2 about 4x daily. Wait a week and wait for the yeast and Co2 to settle and rack (pour) off into another container discarding the yeast and then cap the bottle off (only if balloons are no longer active or you must wait.) Ready in a week, kick ass in two or let it age, it only gets better. Although a non traditional recipe as far as some steps or ingredients, it makes a tasty mead that is about 16%-18% alcohol.

Blackberry Melomel

12 pounds clover honey

3 quarts water packed blackberries

water to 5 gallons

Wyeast #3632 Dry Mead liquid yeast 4.5 tsp mead yeast nutrient

Heat 2 gal. water to 160 and dissolve 10 pounds honey into it. Pasteurize for 15 minutes. Add 2 more gallons room temperature water to pail. Pitch yeast into must, and aerate. Seal and airlock for one month. After a month, rack the mead into another plastic pail onto the blackberries in a fine mesh bag. Add 25-50 oz of raspberries if you like. Let sit for one more month, then rack to a carboy, adding another 1.5 pounds of honey dissolved in water. In another month, rack again, topping off if necessary. This mead ferments out dry, with a good blackberry nose, and a nice body. Complex flavors, but clean.

Ginger Cinnamon Warmer

12 lbs (1 gal) honey

4 gal water

12 oz bruised ginger root

8 lg cinnamon sticks, crushed

4 c raisins

juice and rind of 1 orange (organic) and 2 lemons (organic)

1 pkg Wyeast dry mead yeast

yeast nutrient

Simmer 1 gal water at 160 d. F. Add honey and simmer, stirring to dissolve honey for 15 minutes. Pour into pail and add rest of water. Pitch yeast and nutrient when mu
st drops below 80 d. F. Allow mead to ferment out. Boil 3-4 cups water and steep spices for 15-30 minutes. Let cool and pour into must. Rack mead, and age in carboy, racking when necessary (about once per month) for 6 months. If desired, use clearing agent such as bentonite to hasten clearing, and bottle.

Birch Mead

15 pounds unrefined honey

14 grams champange yeast

couple large peices birch bark – first outer layer


5 1/2 gallon glass carboy



Heat 1 gallon water in large kettle and add paper thin birch bark.When hot slowly add honey while stirring, until honey is desolved. Do not boil. Strain into 5 1/2 gal. carboy. Top off with room temp water.seal. Wait 24 hours to add yeast. Add airlock, and wait. 4 months to ferment and a long time to settle but worth the wait.

The Dead with Names

This is a list of the 387 American and British soldiers killed in Iraq from the first day of the war until October 16, 2003. More are getting killed every day.

Slingshot attempted to find a list of Iraqis killed so far, but not surprisingly, neither the US government nor the US media is keeping a list. According to www.iraqbodycount.net, there have been at least 7,390 and as many as 9,193 Iraqi civilian deaths since the war started. This number does not include the number of military deaths, which is certainly many thousands more people, most of them innocent draftees.

In other words, the list of Iraqi names would be about 20 times longer than the list you see below, and would take up this entire issue of Slingshot. We don’t know any of their names.

Most everyone getting killed in Bush’s war of aggression — both Iraqis and American soldiers — are innocent people. The corporate shareholders who are making billions of dollars off sweetheart reconstruction contracts aren’t dying.

We hope you’ll post this list and the total number of Iraqi and American dead so people can consider the human costs of the war. Bring the troops home.

Capt. James F. Adamouski, 29

Pfc. Michael S. Adams, 20

Lt. Thomas Mullen Adams, 27

Spc. Jamaal R. Addison, 22

Capt. Tristan N. Aitken, 31

Cpl. Stephen John Allbutt, 35

Spc. Ronald D. Allen Jr., 22

Sapper Luke Allsopp, 24

Lance Cpl. Brian E. Anderson, 26

Spc. Michael Andrade, 28

Army Spc. Edward J. Anguiano, 24

Chief Warrant Officer Andrew Todd Arnold, 30

Spc. Richard Arriaga, 20

Cpl. Evan Asa Ashcraft, 24

Cpl. Russell Aston, 30

Maj. Jay Aubin, 36

Lance Cpl. Andrew Julian Aviles, 18

Sgt. Andrew Joseph Baddick, 26

Pfc. Chad E. Bales, 20

Maj. Stephen Ballard, N/A

Lt. Col. Dominic R. Baragona, 42

Spc. Jonathan P. Barnes, 21

Capt. Ryan Beaupre, 30

Fusilier Russell Beeston, 26

Sgt. Gregory A. Belanger, 24

Pfc. Wilfred D. Bellard, 20

Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Bellavia, 28

Sgt. 1st Class William M. Bennett, 35

Spc. Joel L. Bertoldie, 20

Cpl. Mark A. Bibby, 25

Sgt. Michael E. Bitz, 31

Lance Cpl. Thomas A. Blair, 24

Command Sgt. Maj. James D. Blankenbecler, 40

Sgt. Trevor A. Blumberg, 22

Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr Jr., 39

Sgt. 1st Class Craig A. Boling, 38

Petty Officer 3rd Class Doyle W. Bollinger Jr., 21

Staff Sgt. Stevon A. Booker, 34

Spc. Mathew G. Boule, 22

Cpl. Travis J. Bradach-Nall, 21

Staff Sgt. Kenneth R. Bradley, 39

Lance Cpl. Shaun Andrew Brierley, 28

Sgt. Thomas F. Broomhead, 34

Cpl. Henry L. Brown, 22

Pfc. John E. Brown, 21

Spc. Larry K. Brown, 22

Spc. Lunsford B. Brown II, 27

Pfc. Timmy R. Brown Jr., 21

Lance Cpl. Cedric E. Bruns, 22

Spc. Roy Russell Buckley, 24

Lance Cpl. Brian Rory Buesing, 20

Sgt. George Edward Buggs, 31

Pvt. Matthew D. Bush, 20

Pfc. Tamario D. Burkett, 21

Sgt. Travis L. Burkhardt, 26

Sgt. Jacob L. Butler, 24

Capt. Joshua T. Byers, 29

Sgt. Charles T. Caldwell, 38

Spc. Nathaniel A. Caldwell, 27

Staff Sgt. Joseph Camara , 40

Cpl. Richard P. Carl, 26

Ryan G. Carlock, 25

Pfc. Jose Casanova, 23

Capt. Paul J. Cassidy, 36

Sgt. Sean K. Cataudella, 28

Staff Sgt. James W. Cawley, 41

Colour Sgt. John Cecil, 36

Cpl. Kemaphoom A. Chanawong- se, 22

Warrant Officer Robert William Channell Jr., 36

Pfc. Jonathan M. Cheatham, 19

2nd Lt. Therrel S. Childers, 30

Spc. Andrew F. Chris, 25

Spc. Brett T. Christian, 27

Trooper David Jeffrey Clarke, 19

Lance Cpl. Donald J. Cline Jr., 21

1st Sgt. Christopher D. Coffin, 51

Spc. Zeferino E. Colunga, 20

Sgt. Timothy M. Conneway, 22

Capt. Aaron J. Contreras, 31

Pfc. Ryan R. Cox, 19

Sgt.Michael T. Crockett, 27

Staff Sgt. Simon Cullingworth, 36

Spc. Daniel Francis J. Cunningham, 33

Cpl. Michael Edward Curtin, 23

Staff Sgt. Christopher E. Cutchall, 30

Capt. Eric B. Das, 30

Staff Sgt. Wilbert Davis, 40

Pvt. Jason L. Deibler, 20

Spc. Darryl T. Dent , 21

Pfc. Michael R. Deuel, 21

Pvt. Michael J. Deutsch, 21

Sgt. Michael E. Dooley, 23

1st Sgt. Robert J. Dowdy, 38

Staff Sgt. Richard S. Eaton Jr., 37

Pfc. Analaura Esparza Gutierrez, 21

Pvt. Ruben Estrella-Soto, 18

Pfc. David Evans Jr., 18

Lance Bombadier Llywelyn Karl Evans, 24

Cpl. Mark A. Evnin, 21

Capt. Brian R. Faunce, 28

Master Sgt. George A. Fernandez, 36

Spc. Jon P. Fettig, 30

Spc. Thomas A. Foley III, 23

Capt. Travis A. Ford, 30

Staff Sgt. Bobby C. Franklin, 38

Pvt. Robert L. Frantz, 19

Pvt. Benjamin L. Freeman, 19

Lance Cpl. David K. Fribley, 26

Sgt. David T. Friedrich, 26

Sgt. 1st Class Dan H. Gabrielson, 39

Cpl. Jose A. Garibay, 21

Sgt. Justin W. Garvey, 23

1st Sgt. Joe J. Garza, 43

Pfc. Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr., 20

Lance Cpl. Cory Ryan Geurin, 18

Pvt. Jonathan L. Gifford, 30

Pvt. Kyle C. Gilbert , 20

Pfc. Jesse A. Givens, 34

Spc. Michael T. Gleason, 25

Cpl. Armando Ariel Gonzalez, 25

Cpl. Jesus A. Gonzalez, 22

Cpl. Jorge A. Gonzalez, 20

Cpl. Bernard G. Gooden, 22

Spc. Richard A. Goward, 32

Lt. Philip D. Green, 31

Cpl. Sean R. Grilley, 24

Spc. Kyle A. Griffin, 20

Staff Sgt. Patrick Lee Griffin Jr., 31

Chief Warrant Officer Hans N. Gukeisen, 31

Pfc. Christian D. Gurtner, 19

Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, 22

Capt. Philip Stuart Guy, 29

Pvt. Jesse M. Halling, 19

Chief Warrant Officer Erik A. Halvorsen, 40

Sgt. Simon Alexander Hamilton- Jewell, 41

Sgt. Atanacio Haro Marin, 27

Spc. Kenneth W. Harris Jr., 23

Sgt. Nathaniel Hart Jr., 29

Leonard Harvey, 55

Spc. Justin W. Hebert, 20

Sholto Hedenskog, 27

Sgt. Les Hehir, 34

Pfc. Raheen Tyson Heighter, 22

Staff Sgt. Brian R. Hellerman, 35

Staff Sgt. Terry W. Hemingway, 39

Edward J. Herrgott, 20

Sgt. Nicholas M. Hodson, 22

Staff Sgt. Lincoln D. Hollinsaid, 27

Spc. Corey A. Hubbell, 20

Spc. Eric R. Hull, 23

Lance Cpl. Matty Hull , 25

Spc. Simeon Hunte, 23

Pvt. Nolen R. Hutchings, 19

Pfc. Gregory P. Huxley Jr., 19

Lance Cpl. Benjamin John McGowan Hyde, 23

Spc. Craig S. Ivory, 26

Chief Warrant Officer Scott Jamar, 32

Cpl. Evan T. James, 21

Spc. William A. Jeffries, 39

Army Sgt. Troy David Jenkins, 25

Pfc. Howard Johnson II, 21

Hospital Corpsman Michael Vann Johnson Jr., 25

Capt. David Jones, 29

Pvt. Devon D. Jones, 19

Lt. Kylan A. Jones- Huffman, 31

Sgt. Jason D. Jordan, 24

Staff Sgt. Phillip A. Jordan, 42

Spc. Spencer T. Karol, 20

2nd Lt. Jeffrey J. Kaylor, 24

Spc. Chad L. Keith, 21

Cpl. Brian Kennedy, 25

Pvt. Andrew Joseph Kelly, 18

Lance Cpl. Thomas Richard Keys, 20

Spc. James M. Kiehl, 22

Staff Sgt. Kevin C. Kimmerly, 31

Spc. Levi B. Kinchen, 21

Lt. Antony King, 35

Pfc. David M. Kirchhoff, 31

Lance Cpl. Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker, 19

Spc. John K. Klinesmith Jr., 25

Sgt. Floyd G. Knighten Jr., 55

Capt. Edward J. Korn, 31

Sgt. Bradley S. Korthaus, 28

Lance Cpl. Jakub Henryk Kowalik, 21

Sgt. Michael V. Lalush, 23

Lance Cpl. Alan Dinh Lam, 19

Spc. James I. Lambert III, 22

Sgt. Jonathan W. Lambert, 28

Capt. Andrew David La Mont, 31

Staff Sgt. William T. Latham, 29

Lt. Marc A. Lawrence, 26

Staff Sgt. Mark A. Lawton, 41

Spc. Cedric L. Lennon, 32

Spc. Farao K. Letufuga , 20

Capt. James Linton, 43

Staff Sgt. Nino D. Livaudais, 23

Cpl. Paul Graham Long, 24

Spc. Ryan P. Long, 21

Spc. Zachariah W. Long, 20

Pfc. Duane E. Longstreth, 19

Staff Sgt. David L. Loyd, 44

Capt. Robert L. Lucero, 34

Lance Cpl. Gregory E. MacDonald, 29

Pfc. Vorn J. Mack, 19

Christopher R. Maddison, 24

Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Maglione, 22

Spc. William J.
Maher III, 35

Flight Lt. Kevin Barry Main, 37

Lance Cpl. Ian Keith Malone, 28

Pfc. Pablo Manzano, 19

Cpl. Douglas Jose Marencoreyes, 28

Sgt. 1st Class John W. Marshall, 50

Pfc. Francisco A. Martinez Flores, 21

Chief Warrant Officer Johnny Villareal Mata, 35

Staff Sgt. Donald C. May Jr., 31

Pfc. Joseph P. Mayek, 20

Lance Cpl. James McCue, 27

Spc. Dustin K. McGaugh, 20

Sgt. Brian D. McGinnis, 23

Hospitalman Joshua McIntosh, 22

Pvt. Robert L. McKinley, 23

1st Lt. Brian M. McPhillips, 25

Sgt. Heath A. McMillin, 29

Cpl. Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin, 21

Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Menusa, 33

Spc. Gil Mercado, 25

Sgt. Daniel K. Methvin, 22

Pfc. Jason M. Meyer, 23

Cpl. Jason David Mileo, 20

Pfc. Anthony S. Miller, 19

Staff Sgt. Frederick L. Miller Jr., 27

Cpl. Simon Miller , 21

Spc. George A. Mitchell, 35

Sgt. Keman L. Mitchell, 24

Lance Cpl. Jason William Moore, 21

Master Sgt. Kevin N. Morehead, 33

Petty Officer 3rd Class David J. Moreno, 26

Staff Sgt. Chris Muir, 32

Piper Christopher Muzvuru, 21

Spc. Paul T. Nakamura, 21

Pvt. Kenneth A. Nalley, 19

Maj. Kevin G. Nave, 36

Spc. Rafael L. Navea, 34

Pfc. Gavin L. Neighbor, 20

Spc. Joshua M. Neusche, 20

Sgt. John Nightingale, 32

Lance Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon, 21

Spc. Joseph C. Norquist, 26

1st Lt. Leif E. Nott, 24

Spc. David T. Nutt, 22

Spc. Donald S. Oaks Jr., 20

Pfc. Branden F. Oberleitner, 20

Lance Cpl. Patrick T. O’Day, 20

Spc. Richard P. Orengo, 32

Lt. Col. Kim S. Orlando, 43

Lance Cpl. Eric J. Orlowski, 26

1st Lt. Osbaldo Orozco, 26

Pfc. Kevin C. Ott, 27

Lance Cpl. David Edward Owens Jr., 20

Sgt. Fernando Padilla- Ramirez, 26

Pvt. Shawn D. Pahnke, 25

Pfc. Daniel R. Parker, 18

Pfc. Kristian E. Parker, 23

Sgt. David B. Parson , 30

Master Sgt. William L. Payne, 46

Sgt. Michael F. Pedersen, 26

Staff Sgt. Hector R. Perez, 40

Spc. Jose A. Perez III, 22

Pfc. Wilfredo Perez Jr., 24

Staff Sgt. David S. Perry, 36

Spc. Alyssa R. Peterson, 27

Staff Sgt. Brett J. Petriken, 30

Sgt. 1st Class Gladimir Philippe, 37

Pfc. Lori Piestewa, 22

Spc. James H. Pirtle, 18

2nd Lt. Frederick E. Pokorney Jr., 31

Staff Sgt. Andrew R. Pokorny, 30

Sgt. Darrin K. Potter, 24

Spc. James E. Powell, 26

Pvt. Kelley S. Prewitt, 24

Cpl. Dewi Pritchard, 35

Gunner Duncan Geoffrey Pritchard, 22

Sgt. Jaror C. Puello- Coronado, 36

Staff Sgt. Michael B. Quinn, 37

Pfc. Brandon Ramsey, 21

Sgt. 1st Class Randall S. Rehn, 36

Sgt. Brendon C. Reiss, 23

Spc. Ramon Reyes Torres, 29

Sgt. Sean C. Reynolds, 25

Pfc. Diego Fernando Rincon, 19

Sgt. Duane R. Rios, 25

Capt. Russell B. Rippetoe, 27

Cpl. John T. Rivero, 23

Sgt. Todd J. Robbins, 33

Sgt. Steven Mark Roberts, 33

Staff Sgt. Joseph E. Robsky, Jr., 31

Pfc. Marlin T. Rockhold, 23

Pfc. Jose Francis Gonzalez Rodriguez, 19

Cpl. Robert M. Rodriguez, 21

Sgt. 1st Class Robert E. Rooney, 43

Cpl. Randal Kent Rosacker, 21

Spc. Brandon J. Rowe, 20

Sgt. Roger D. Rowe, 54

1st Lt. Jonathan D. Rozier, 25

1st Lt. Timothy Louis Ryan, 30

Spc. Rasheed Sahib, 22

Capt. Benjamin W. Sammis, 29

Spc. Gregory P. Sanders, 19

Staff Sgt. Barry Sanford Sr., 46

Staff Sgt. Cameron B. Sarno, 43

Staff Sgt. Scott D. Sather, 29

Maj. Mathew E. Schram, 36

Spc. Christian C. Schulz, 20

Pfc. Kerry D. Scott, 21

Spc. Stephen M. Scott, 21

Capt. Christopher Scott Seifert, 27

Sgt. Juan M. Serrano, 31

Mechanic (Comm.) Second Class Ian Seymour, 28

Lance Cpl. Karl Shearer, 24

Cpl. David John Shepherd, 34

Lt. Col. Anthony L. Sherman, 43

Cpl. Erik H. Silva, 22

Pvt. Sean A. Silva, 23

Sgt. Leonard D. Simmons, 33

Pfc. Charles M. Sims, 18

Pfc. Christopher A. Sisson, 20

Pfc. Brandon Sloan, 19

Lance Cpl. Thomas J. Slocum, 22

Pfc. Corey L. Small, 20

1st Sgt. Edward Smith, 38

Chief Warrant Officer Eric A. Smith, 41

Pvt. Jason Smith, 32

Pfc. Jeremiah D. Smith, 25

Lance Cpl. Matthew R. Smith, 20

Spc. Orenthial J. Smith, 21

Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith, 33

Sgt. Roderic A. Solomon, 32

Cpl. Tomas Sotelo Jr., 20

Lance Cpl. Barry ‘Baz’ Stephen, 31

Staff Sgt. Robert A. Stever, 36

Maj. Gregory Stone, 40

Sgt. Kirk Allen Straseskie, 23

Warrant Officer 2nd Class Mark Stratford, 39

Spc. Paul J. Sturino, 21

Lance Cpl. Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar, 20

Spc. Joseph D. Suell, 24

Spc. Narson B. Sullivan, 21

Staff Sgt. Christopher W. Swisher, 26

Staff Sgt. Riayan A. Tejeda, 26

Lance Cpl. Jason Andrew Tetrault, 20

Spc. Kyle G. Thomas, 23

Sgt. Anthony O. Thompson, 26

Spc. Jarrett B. Thompson, 27

Maj. Matthew Titchener, 32

Spc. Brandon S. Tobler, 19

2nd Lt. Richard Torres , 25

Sgt. Michael L. Tosto, 24

Fusilier Kelan John Turrington, 18

Lt. Alexander Tweedie, 25

Sgt. Melissa Valles, 26

Chief Warrant Officer Brian K. Van Dusen, 39

Warrant Officer Colin Wall, 34

Sgt. Donald Walters, 33

Maj. Jason Ward, 34

Staff Sgt. Kendall Damon Waters-Bey, 29

Maj. William R. Watkins III, 37

Spc. Douglas J. Weismantle, 28

Pfc. Michael Russell Creighton Weldon, 20

Spc. Jeffrey M. Wershow, 22

Lt. Philip West, 32

Spc. Donald L. Wheeler, 22

Sgt. Mason Douglas Whetstone, 30

Staff Sgt. Aaron Dean White, 27

Lt. Nathan D. White, 30

Sgt. Steven W. White, 29

Lance Cpl. William W. White, 24

Flight Lt. David Rhys Williams, 37

Sgt. Eugene Williams, 24

Lt. James Williams, 28

Lance Cpl. Michael J. Williams, 31

Spc. Michael L. Williams, 46

Sgt. Taft V. Williams, 29

Sgt. 1st Class Christopher R. Willoughby, 29

Lt. Andrew S. Wilson, 36

Spc. James C. Wright, 27

Pfc. Stephen E. Wyatt, 19

Sgt. Henry Ybarra III, 32

Target: WTO: Sacramento to Cancun

WTO attacks water and agriculture. We attack WTO

The war on Iraq is over, but the struggle for control of the rest of the world is still raging. The battle pits a tiny fraction of the globe’s rich and powerful elite, using corporations as their weapons, and bodies like the World Trade Organization as their Central Command, against everyone else and the natural environment This summer, the front is in North America on the streets of Sacramento, California and Cancún, Mexico, where the WTO will be meeting.

Thousands of people are mobilizing to disrupt the WTO’s Fifth Ministerial Summit in Cancún September 10-14. Cancún is the first opportunity to directly confront the WTO since Seattle, when tens of thousands of people shut down the meeting and exposed the secretive, undemocratic WTO process to public scrutiny. After Seattle, the WTO had to have their next meeting in Qatar, a US-backed monarchy free of annoying demonstrators or pesky democratic participation.

In Cancún, the WTO won’t be able to hide from the people’s wrath. The Mexican people — especially hard hit by economic globalization, which has meant more corporate control, pollution, sweatshops and poverty — have been mobilizing to shut down the WTO meeting. Folks in the United States and Canada can help by going to Cancún.

But you don’t need to go to Mexico to resist the WTO’s centralization of power. In preparation for the Cancún summit, the United States has invited Ministers of Trade, Agriculture, and Environment from 180 nations to a pre-WTO meeting in Sacramento June 23-25. The meeting is intended to prepare treaty text for the agriculture portion of the WTO’s Cancún summit.

Agriculture may be one of the WTO’s Achilles heels, because the United States, Europe and many other countries are severely split over use of genetically modified plants and animals and farm subsidies. If agreement is impossible on agriculture, the rest of the WTO’s expansion will also be threatened. Thus, successfully disrupting the Sacramento meeting will powerfully set the stage for Cancún.

The US government hopes they’ll be able to push through agreements in Sacramento to open up the world’s dinner tables to corporate dominated, factory farmed mega-agra corporate food. Corporate forces are putting on a private “Expo On Agricultural Science and Technology” at the same time as the WTO meeting to push their agenda. The US and a “coalition of the willing” recently took steps in a WTO court to sue European Union countries which have been cautious about permitting genetically modified organisms in Europe. The struggle at the WTO isn’t only to save family and subsistence farmers from centralized corporate control — it’s to save the environment from pesticides and genetic engineering.

Sacramento is an amazing opportunity to refocus public attention from Bush’s agenda of war, tax cuts, fear and attacks on civil liberties back to our agenda — the struggle for freedom, self-determination and an ecologically sustainable future. During the war, tens of thousands of people in the Bay Area took the streets and shut down business as usual. Let’s build on what we learned and go one better by shutting down the WTO meeting in Sacramento.

The elite can only lose the Struggle in Sacramento, because they can only save the meeting from chaos by turning California’s capitol into an armed camp. So be it — ultimately the corporate capitalist world envisioned by the WTO requires open violence to enforce the systematic theft of labor power and natural resources. Let’s make sure the system’s violence is exposed so the whole world can see it. Just because the overt war in Iraq has ended doesn’t mean that the everyday war against the earth and the public has changed. The ordinary, everyday, secret war is claiming victims right now.

Thousands of people will use a diversity of tactics to disrupt the WTO in Sacramento ranging from militant, mobile direct action to legal protests to street theater to educational events. Sacramento is flat with warm weather in June — perfect for mobile tactics, quick disguise changes, bike actions, disruptive public sex, etc. Get together with your friends now and figure out how to be part of the struggle. With creativity, spontaneity, courage and humor we’ll prevent the WTO from proceeding.

On to Cancún

Trade ministers from around the world will be in Cancún to conclude agreements on services (water, health care, and education); agriculture; and intellectual property among other topics. Each new agreement concluded by the WTO transfers more power over the work we do, the way we live, and what we know to multi-national corporations. Under the WTO, these corporations gain power to overturn any local laws regulating labor, health or environmental matters as “unfair barriers to trade.” Thus, the WTO brings us even farther from a world in which neither corporations nor governments control our lives. In the name of freedom and the survival of the earth, it’s vital to fight the growth of corporate power and the expansion of the WTO.

The convention center where the Summit will be held is at the tip of a long strip of land boarded on one side by the ocean, and on the other by the Nichupte Lagoon. Two bridges connect this strip to the main land and downtown. Most of the workers who serve the tourist industry on the island live on the mainland, so the authorities will have to try to keep access to the island open during the meeting. But with only two bridges and perhaps tens of thousands of protesters, this could be difficult.

There may also be attempts to block access from the airport to the island to prevent people from getting to the meeting site. Cancún’s airport is on the mainland — served by a single three-mile, two-lane highway thickly forested on either side.

In Seattle, we had to surround a convention center that was accessible from every direction, requiring the subdivision of downtown Seattle by blockaders into 13 sectors. In Cancún, the tactical issues may be much simpler.

For Americans hoping to go to Cancún, one significant problem may be crossing the border. Although you can drive to Cancún from anywhere in the US in a few days or fly relatively inexpensively since it’s a popular tourist destination, it’s likely that the police will stop people who appear to be on their way to the protest.

Because corporate controlled free trade — and in particular the North American Free Trade Agreement — has been such a disaster for the average Mexican, resistance to the WTO meeting is expected to be strong in Mexico. Hundreds of Mexican individuals and organizations have been participating in planning the resistance to the Cancun meeting.

Nonetheless, participation in the protests by people from the United States and outside Mexico is also important. The chances for brutal repression of demonstrations may be somewhat less if it would mean attacking large numbers of US citizens.

Nurturing international solidarity against the WTO and in favor of a future controlled by people instead of corporations is crucial. When thousands of ordinary Mexicans and Americans march arm and arm against the power structure that exploits them, it will become clear that workers in the US and Mexico have everything to gain together, and everything to lose if they can be divided.

The protests in Seattle were powerful not because the media correctly conveyed the complex economic and social arguments made by the thousands in the streets — we know such messages won’t get through the corporate media. Rather, highly visible resistance to the WTO and corporate control are crucial because they demonstrate to ordinary folks everywhere that everyone isn’t united around a corporate future, and there are still opportunities to struggle against the ruling order.

Many people thr
oughout the world are deeply dissatisfied with the life offered them by corporate control. People work meaningless, degrading jobs so that a tiny minority can get rich. The earth is being destroyed. The material abundance created by all the work and resource extraction is hollow — a million identical strip malls for the privileged western nations; a million identical slums and sweatshops in the third world. Existence is a vast prison without walls — the real decisions are out of ordinary people’s hands.

When we create images of passion, rage and a refusal to accept the life corporations offer us, we’re building a powerful vision of hope for something different. Visible opposition is our best hope to break the isolation and resignation that corporate society uses to control the future. We don’t need to passively accept our fate — people can struggle and build something better.

The Anti-War Argument While Still Supporting the Troops

In this time of permanent war, it is our job to provide the counter perspective: That of the 24 US bombing campaigns since WWII, none resulted in the establishment or continuation of democracy. Many campaigns were waged against democratically elected leaders, and most ended with the establishment and continued funding of dictatorships. We must point out the correlation between US-sponsored “democracy” and market-based capitalism, and push for self-determination on the part of people around the world.

Many people already sense that something is deeply wrong with this country even as they hang yellow ribbons. People are hurting economically, and Bush seems to be continually missing that point. But many folks are troubled by questions of loyalty, still hurting from the September 11 attacks, and still believe the government line that US intervention is appreciated by and brings freedom and democracy to people around the world.

These days, a hot topic in patriot land – and a good way to address fuzzy patriot thinking – is support for the troops.

Support for the recent Iraq war didn’t fully solidify until after the troops were in combat. After the war officially started, many folks who had serious doubts about the war felt it was unethical – unpatriotic – to protest the efforts of our soldiers, fighting for us.

You can support the troops, without supporting the designs of the Commander in Chief, because you don’t support people fighting and dying, period. In particular, we can support troops who break ranks. Support for troops does not mean demanding they occupy a country where they’re clearly not wanted—witness skyrocketing anti-occupation protests in Iraq. Instead, real support means good-paying jobs at home, non-militarized education, and emotional support of friends and family.

There is a poverty draft in place today. Despite small upsurges in interest in the military after 9/11 and the Iraq war, most folks still join the military to receive promised job skills and education funding. But two-thirds of recruits never get the financial aid they were promised – and only 15% actually get the four year degree they wanted! According to a report in the Army Times, the military actually took $720 million more from GIs in non-refundable deposits, than they paid out in college benefits between 1986 and 1993. About 90% of folks don’t end up using the skills they learned in the military in their post-military jobs. What a bunch of bullshit!

Some people package these anti-military arguments under the slogan “Peace is Patriotic.” The radical analysis goes further: Peace is not patriotic! Peace requires consideration, negotiation, listening. Patriotism requires unthinking allegiance. Peace won’t come from following directions, only from working out new solutions that empower people, not governments.

Now is the time to sever the link between support for government and support for people. Wars waged by the US to “liberate” people elsewhere, supported by people here at home, are not fought in the interests of people at home or abroad. Government leaders, and their friends in corporate boardrooms – from Bush and Cheney to Saddam – fight wars for their own private power-mongering interests, not in the interests of regular folks in either the US or Iraq. The money river that starts at government founts and pools around defense contractors runs dry by the time it reaches the dude on the street.

Let’s bust up myths that assume the government cares about us, and replace government loyalty with people loyalty. George Bush isn’t my man, my best idiot, my friend – YOU ARE.

The Brain Behind the Brainwash

An intelligent US public? That’s not the goal of the media, with its dumbed down soup of fear, sensationalism, and unquestioning patriotism. Radical grassroots activists, overwhelmed with the flood of insane patriotic imagery, make a false assumption: that people who buy into the stupid american dream are themselves…. Stupid.

True, it’s a lot easier to write folks off as stupid, than to actually engage with them. But when we focus on insane displays of patriotism, rather than the person behind them, we actually let the media and the government win. We perpetuate the fear of disagreement, debate, and critical thinking that allows this government to build an empire on lies.

Who are we, as radical grassroots activists, often based in urban areas, writing off? We don’t write off the urban poor, and other traditionally “oppressed” people – native people, migrant workers, for example. The people we discount are people who have bought, to some extent, into the american dream. From the far left, we see the folks in cookie-cutter suburban neighborhoods, the folks flocking to the mall, the callers on AM Talk Radio, all feasting on american milk and honey.

Undeniably, folks who love the american dream are buying into a web of oppression. But the fact that they don’t appear to see this truth and fail to analyze the consequences of their actions, doesn’t mean they’re one-dimensional humans without potential for change. The american dream is the status quo, easy to adopt, if hard to actually obtain. People often have thoughts and feelings much more complex than what’s seen on the outside. Truth be told, many “oppressed” people also want the american dream, it’s just not happening for them.

Neither is the appearance of american-style success a guarantee of happiness. There is real pain in the suburbs, small towns, rural areas, as well as in the cities—generalized dissatisfaction with life that goes far beyond 30-second sensationalized trauma spots in the news.

Many grassroots activists know this pain – many of us came to the urban scene from suburbs and small towns. We know that people can be stupid fucks and be damn proud of it. It’s fine that we’ve moved on. But we must remember that beneath that brainwashing is an actual brain, being fed practically nothing but grossly manipulated media.

In many parts of the US, there’s little access to the world news and analysis that the left thrives upon. American media does not encourage critical thinking. Issues are draped in patriotism, not framed in ways that foster consideration and discussion. Debate forums that do exist, like talk radio and political debate shows, are overwhelmed by dogmatic right-biased spectacle. So-called ‘alternative’ free weeklies have become cookie-cutter clones spewed out by a few companies.

Serious questioning and disagreement are tantamount to treason. Bush and Co’s conquering mentality – that there’s one answer, it’s American, and if you disagree, you are less than human – applies at home as well as abroad, and is essentially the end of debate.

The military industrial complex has powerful tools to smash dissent. The real threats of surveillance, infiltration, prison time, etc make anything beyond very mundane disagreement with the government very scary. In this climate of fear, support for the government, whether active or passive, is much easier than fully articulating and acting upon dissenting views.

But imagine a world where disagreement was okay. Where you could support people you disagreed with, where tolerance for difference was the norm. Where critical thinking and raising questions meant respect and discussion instead of being a nerd, a pinko asshole, or a domestic terrorist. This is the antithesis of the american imperialist view of the world, and it is the real meaning of freedom.

Radical activists can start spreading this freedom today, by engaging with people outside our tight, friendship-based circles—people who don’t automatically share our view of the world, with whom we might disagree. This is not a critique of doing activism with groups of friends, nor is it necessarily a recruiting assignment for the suburbs. This is a call for engagement in support of critical thinking. Before I try to persuade somebody to adopt an anti-capitalist view of the world, I want them to have the critical thinking skills to actually consider what I’m saying. I want people to feel empowered to think critically about the daily news, the political double-speak, the whole nine yards, in hopes that once people start viewing the news with a critical eye, events will seems as blatantly ridiculous to them as they do to me.

This is about listening and sharing ideas with people as people, not as stereotypes. Folks won’t take you seriously if you don’t prove you care about what they actually think and feel. This effort is about sharing information, listening to people’s response, suggesting analyses—and then stepping back and trusting people to arrive at their own conclusions. This is the fundamental difference between recruitment and engagement.

I don’t expect people to come flocking to our movement. People have their own ways of processing information and creating change. Politicizing doesn’t necessarily mean organizing—that’s its own very valid project. I’m scattering seeds, not looking for immediate recognition and political affinity. In the process, we might very well meet new friends and action partners, people who would find this activist scene on their own in a few years. Why should we wait for people to find their own radical grassroots movement? Let’s put ourselves out in the world!

Let’s go to people in neutral environments, where they’re comfortable. Let’s think beyond the old recipe of “talking” to people – sometimes a surprisingly challenging act. Let’s go to the suburbs with flyers, posters, sticker campaigns, street theater, several times a year. Let’s go in approachable small groups, looking like we’re interested in people instead of attacking The Man. Let’s cover cafes and Laundromats in alternative media. Let’s listen to people, so we can understand people outside of divisive stereotypes. Let’s try to discover the many motivations behind what comes off as unquestioning patriotism, so we can better understand why people put up with — and appear to enjoy – all this shit.

Some folks will call this an invasion or a missionary expedition. I think it’s mutual aid. We don’t want folks to become slaves to ideology. The message is, Stop – Don’t React – Think.

Movement of Opportunity

Torque the System Towards Radical Action!

In the immediate aftermath of the US war against Iraq, some folks who oppose a global US military empire are feeling discouraged and isolated. This is a big mistake — in this unsettled period, there are tremendous opportunities to advance the struggle against capitalism and its military empires.

The period leading up to the war brought millions of people around the world out into the streets against the war. Bush didn’t seem to care, and the war went ahead anyway. Big fucking deal! The point here isn’t that the war happened in spite of massive protest — the point is the massive protest, and that millions of people have learned a crucial lesson — that the political system is just going to ignore their polite protests.

The disappointment of millions of people who were unsuccessful in stopping the war using polite protest can lead in two directions: either people will be pushed into apathy and silence, or they’ll get radicalized and start to realize that the only way to stop the system’s drive towards mass murder is to figure out how to disrupt, resist and fight the system. If the system won’t listen to the people, the people will have to tear the system down as an act of self-defense.

The war, the disunity over the war amongst the capitalist powers, the crisis at the UN, and the global popular resistance to the war all disrupted the previous political balance. Like a balloon that was over-inflated and burst, all of the pieces of the game have been briefly tossed into the air.

Such an historical rupture can open the way for massive social change. The direction of that change is unknown, with all parties hoping to seize the moment and promote their own agenda. It’s up to the anti-war movement, and particularly radicals and anti-authoritarians within the anti-war movement, to make sure that the change in this unstable period is positive, not negative.

Now is a crucial time to organize, continue the struggle, emphasize lessons learned, and transform the organizations and people mobilized by the war from the reactive anti-war effort to a struggle for something new. It’s essential in the aftermath of the war to describe what we’re for — and move beyond what we’re against.

Our alternative vision is of a world organized around freedom, self-determination, cooperation and meeting human needs — not domination, violence, coercion and profit. Most people realize that naked might shouldn’t make right. Its easy to confuse Bush’s inevitable military victory with a political victory — with winning the peace. The anti-war movement may have a better chance of discrediting military solutions after the war than it did preventing the war.

The anti-war struggle has radicalized portions of an entire generation. People who have been through the experience of optimistically marching and rallying — only to be dismissed and attacked — have become critical towards many social institutions. In particular the media, which normally serves to promote political and social stability and hegemony, has been discredited.

For millions of people in the US, the United States government is no longer “their” government — it is a hostile, repressive force that endangers them. For most people around the world, it has become clear that the greatest threat to peace and freedom is the US government operating as an unchallenged, unaccountable, nuclear-armed mono-power.

We are Citizens of the Earth

What tangible actions can people take to use the aftermath of the war against Bush’s drive to forge an American empire?

It has been inspiring to see the creativity and courage of the Iraq people’s resistance to Iraq’s occupation by US forces. Bush touted the invasion as an effort to bring “freedom” and liberation to Iraq. But within just a few days after US troops crushed military resistance, thousands of Iraqis began peacefully marching in the streets — with English language banners — demanding “Yankee Go Home.”

The Iraqi anti-occupation movement has generally not been pro-Saddam. Participants are happy to be rid of a dictatorship, but don’t want to see it replaced by an authoritarian American client state. Here in the United States, anti-war activists should do everything we can to support Iraqi resistance to the occupation. American soldiers have been shooting into peaceful crowds, killing dozens of civilian demonstrators. The American anti-imperialist movement should make clear that the blood shed in Iraq is our brothers’ and sisters’ blood, and we will hold the US military regime accountable.

We can have solidarity with the Iraqis — while advancing our own domestic goals — by keeping news of Iraqi resistance in the headlines. The US media, after initial reporting about anti-American protest in Iraq, has largely gone silent on this topic. Does this mean that protests have stopped in Iraq? It seems unlikely. Perhaps it’s time to get a few independent media sources and civilian observers to Iraq.

As this article is being written, the American occupiers are quickly organizing a “new” regime to control Iraq. Not surprisingly, this involves merely recycling the old regime. Police and other officials under the former “evil” Baathist regime have now been rehired to be police and officials for the new “free” regime.

The difference is that now the leaders are American generals and Iraqi puppets of the Americans. Ordinary Iraqis are nervous to see their former oppressors re-armed, but Bush’s version of “freedom” doesn’t have much to do with the lives of ordinary people. As usual, the American rulers’ idea of “freedom” is freedom for American corporations to do business in Iraq. None of this is a surprise — western imperialism has always used local elites to control the local population.

Saddam’s regime was brutal, using summary execution, torture and a whole host of police state tactics. Unfortunately, the US commonly tolerates or promotes human rights violations in regimes it installs in countries it has “liberated.” Repressive conditions are common in countries supported by the US. Many of the countries that provided bases for the war against Iraq have horrible records of dictatorship, torture and repression. Agitating against US support for human rights violations can provide the American opposition opportunities to criticize the rush towards a larger US empire.

Before the war, a popular slogan was “no blood for oil.” It has been astonishing how quickly and boldly the American occupiers have made clear that dominance over oil was a primary goal of the war. As we go to press, the UN is poised to give the American occupiers direct control over the money generated by Iraqi oil sales. The money will supposedly be used for humanitarian aid and rebuilding Iraq.

The reality is that reconstruction will be carried out by huge American corporations with close ties to the Bush Administration. Bechtel was awarded — without competitive bidding — a $680 million contract for rebuilding only days after the fighting stopped. Vice-president Cheney’s old company Halliburton quietly obtained a contract that could be worth up to $7 billion (but may now “only” amount to $500 million) for rebuilding. The rush to war makes a bit more sense when one realizes that Bush’s close advisors and allies stand to make millions of dollars off Iraqi oil in the aftermath of the war. It is crucial that American radicals publicize these connections in the aftermath of the war.

The contradictions, lies and brutality pointed out above are just a few of the results of the war against Iraq. Now is the time for US activists to struggle to win the political war, and seize on the political instability in the aftermath of the war to promote an alternative vision for the future. We need to
build on the anti-war mobilization and expand the base of people opposed to a US global military empire. Preventing future contemplated wars against Syria, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Libya (and interventions in the Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia, Venezuela, etc.) is part of the picture, but isn’t enough. The American opposition has to be for something, not just against everything.

Just as Seattle and the globalization movement brought together environmentalists and labor / sweatshop activists, the resistance movement in the wake of the war must bring together the lessons and ideas of the anti-globalization activists with a new internationalism based on the anti-war movement. There are exciting opportunities to unite the US resistance movement with movements around the world who are struggling to resist US domination.

In the wake of the war against Iraq, there is no time to retreat into silence, apathy and defeatism. Like Joe Hill said, don’t mourn — ORGANIZE!!

Slingshot Box

Slingshot is a quarterly, independent, radical, newspaper published in the East Bay since 1988.

In an attempt to expand our artistic horizons, Slingshotters this issue debated the editorial content of the paper by engaging in competitive interpretive dance. It was an awesome sight; the staff frolicking and flinging themselves to and fro around the loft/office, emoting heavy political content with the added benefit of participating in strenuous, aerobic physical activity, to keep our blood flowing.

Finally, after fifteen years of publishing, we had our first ever retreat in April. What was planned as a sunny Saturday in one of the many beautiful nature spots here in the Bay Area, turned out to be a soggy, lightning and thunder filled afternoon in a leaky, red VW microbus. That may sound like an Arlo Guthrie song, but it actually was very productive, that is until we got to the bowling alley. No, really.

We decided that we want to change the process so we can publish the paper more often. We want to crunch the distribution cycle from about 3 weeks to just one weekend. That would take a lot more volunteer help that weekend. We talked about how we could get help from people who didn’t necessarily want to go to all our meetings and be fully involved in the collective, but who would nonetheless like to help Slingshot expand and thrive.

We also talked about reducing the period between our article brainstorm and our article deadline to just 3 weeks, instead of the current 5. To do that, we would need to find more writers outside the collective who would be willing to write an article or two per issue. Such folks wouldn’t have to go to our meetings or even live in the Bay Area. We would like to make these changes starting in 2004. Let us know if you can help.

In responding to a reporter’s question about the supremes hearing a case on sodomy, Sen. R. Santorum sez he is against all consensual sex. In response to that, a letter to ‘Savage Love’ suggested naming a sex act after Mr. S. We at Slingshot think this is a fine idea and after much heated debate and experimentation, suggest eating out an armpit as the act to henceforth to be dubbed Santoruming.

We are always on the lookout for writers, artists, editors, photographers, (folks from out of the area/US sincerely wanted!) distributors and independent thinkers to help us put out this paper. If you have such skills and would like to contribute we’d greatly appreciate it. Photos of demos or of cool reworkings of the cultural landscape, and stencils, are particularly welcome. If you do send us something, please be open to editorial discussion.

Editorial decisions about Slingshot are made by the collective, but not all articles reflect the opinions of all collective members. We welcome debate, constructive criticism and discussion.

Thanks to everyone who helped us create this issue!!!

Slingshot New Volunteer Meeting

Volunteers interested in getting involved with Slingshot come to the new volunteer meeting September 14th at 1p.m. at the Long Haul in Berkeley (see below).

Article deadline and Next Issue date

Submit your articles for issue 79 by October 18th, 2003. We expect the issue out the end of October

Volume 1, Number 78 Circulation 12,000

Printed May 22, 2003

Slingshot Newspaper

Sponsored by Long Haul

3124 Shattuck Ave Berkeley Ca 94705

Phone: (510) 540-0751

State Fucking With Anarchists

Dear Slingshot,

I am a prisoner at Oregon State Penitentiary, I have been for eight years. Currently I have a lawsuit going against the Oregon Dept. of Corrections for excessive, unreasonable censorship of Anarchist materials/publications and other publications who happen to print an article containing Anarchist symbols and statements/articles that contain Anarchist symbols. All funds that I do manage to accumulate are going towards this legal action. Currently, I, and my cellmate, Rob Los Ricos, are serving 120 days in the “hole” for unauthorized organization for fighting these restrictions. Both of us can be reached at the Oregon State Penitentiary.

Brian McCarvill 11037967

Rob Los Ricos 12112716

2605 State St.

Salem, OR 97310

Objurgating in Oregon,

Brian McCarvill

Mexican Anarchist in Prison

Mexican anarchist Carlos Alberto Estrada Arroyo was recently sentenced to 12 and a half years in jail for an alleged robbery that he denies having anything to do with. On May 14, 2001, Carlos was on his way back to work from a lunch break at his job as a brick mason in Mexico City, when he was arrested by the police. He was then beaten and tortured but still refused to admit guilt to a crime that he didn’t commit. Carlos was politically active including being involved in the large UNAM strike in 2000 that was crushed by the police.

Carlos and his family are thankful for the international support he has received including help from Argentina. Brazil, the U.S., France and Poland. His mother Sara Arroyo Granados writes: “…I am writing to thank you for the economic and moral help that has been provided to my son. The economic aid that has been given to us without knowing that we are a family with scarce resources and the letters you have sent to Carlos have cheered him up so much. They are like spinach for Popeye. When he is feeling down we bring him the letters and it brings back his strength. For this I implore that you don’t stop writing him. Even for me personally, I feel very inspired to know that we have friends, true friends. Thank you kids, thank you from all of my heart. To all in general, from all the states of the republic and of countries who have sent support, I know you may not believe in God, but I hope that life gives you all that can be desired. Goodbye.”

To send letters or donations to Carlos contact: upl_upl@yahoo.com


Hi Slingshot,

I just moved into a cell that someone had left a copy of Slingshot, Winter 2002 issue in. I really enjoyed it and found a lot in common with most all the views and agenda’s expressed. What’s a trip is you guys also chose to put “Godzilla” on the cover of that issue. I actually wrote some lyrics about Bin Laden hummed to the Blue Oyster Cult’s “Godzilla” song. Below is as copy of the lyrics for ya. Feel free to publish them and even publish my name and current residence here at the state prison. I’m only doing a short violation but I’m looking for like minded people to write to.

When I parole I’ll be homeless, I plan on residing in the Bay Area/Berkeley temporarily but have dreams and goals of traveling America. I’ve done a lot of time since 1990 (pretty much all of the 90’s) so even though parole will still have my number, I’m not gonna let it restrict my happiness and ambition of seeking personal freedom- “Fuck State Parole.” Everytime I get out it’s my time! My life- My way!

Anyway, I’m curious about the current state of Albany’s Natural Dumpsite? That article about such a place really intrigued me. You got my sympathy and agreement on saving such an area at its natural state of growth. I wish I could be there to help and support, possibly soon. I loved your ideas about everyone coming together. All walks of life and outcasts, united together! I’m a 31 year old, ex-punkrocker/lost identity, anti-social, wingnut-big gg fan.

Welp, thanks for your time. please write back. Respectfully for all tribes.

One love,

Alfred Busby T37800

San Quentin State Prison

San Quentin, CA 94974


Like a masquerading pirate, he rocked the

Kings ship, then ducked in a cave and

Laughed at the world while he took a shit

Oh yeah, got to go! Go-go Bin Ladin

Community Shuts Down Red Star Yeast

A coalition of community environmental justice organizations has finally succeeded in shutting down the stinking yeast factory in West Oakland! Lesaffre Yeast, formerly Red Star Yeast, emitted carcinogenic plumes into the densely populated West Oakland neighborhood. Despite efforts of Bay Area Air Quality Management District to actually renew Lesaffre’s permit, the company was forced to close after being bombarded by everything from street protests to legal proceedings.