Understanding the GMO debate: the real dirt on what's happening to your food

by Maximus Thaler

Hello Slingshot! I’d like to take up the next 10 minutes of your life talking about the chemical glyphosate. (You can also follow along with the above video!)

Here is Glyphosate’s chemical structure. Its IUPAC name is (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine)

Glyphosate is by far the most heavily used herbicide in the United States, with over 200 million pounds used annually(i). So what’s all this chemical for? Well, it kills weeds.

Glyphosate is an enzyme inhibitor. Glyphosate stops the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase from doing its job, which is to help synthesize the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine.(ii) There are twenty two amino acids that all creatures need to stay alive. Not having three means death.

So, if we don’t have any copies of this enzyme, then glyphosate shouldn’t do us any damage, right? Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complex than that.

But, it’s important to remember that humans, and most other animals, don’t actually make 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase themselves. We’ve got mouths instead. We eat creatures (plants) that make fancy molecules like this, so that we don’t have to make them ourselves.

So, if we don’t have any copies of this enzyme, then glyphosate shouldn’t do us any damage, right? Unfortunately, it’s a bit more complex than that.

Glyphosate was developed by the Monsanto corporation in 1970. For the last 46 years it’s been marketed under the name of Roundup®.(iii) But, Roundup® didn’t reach absurdly high levels of use until genetically modified foods became widespread.

Monsanto developed Roundup Ready® soybeans in 1994 and Roundup Ready® corn in 1996. These crops contain an alternative version of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase, a version derived from bacteria and which is not inhibited by glyphosate. Today, Roundup Ready® genes are found in about ninety percent of the soybeans and seventy percent of the corn and grown in the United States.(iv)

Are you with me so far? Let’s pause here for a second, because it’s about to get pretty complicated.

There are four hot-button issues all tangled up together which make it extremely difficult to talk about this chemical without someone getting angry at you. And they should get angry, because a lot of this is pretty messed up.

So here’s the deal: Some people are upset about the use of genetic modification technology. Some are also upset about the ecological damage caused by monocultures. Others worry about the toxicity of herbicides and pesticides, and still others don’t like the way our food system has fallen under the sway of international corporations like Monsanto.

Here are those four issues in a list:

1. Corporate Oligarchy

2. Monoculture

3. Agricultural Chemicals

4. Genetic Modification

These problems are all intertwined, but they have very distinct solutions. Unfortunately, the public debate surrounding these issues tends to look like this:

It’s possible that propaganda like this might be true, but I think we owe it to ourselves to try to figure out why…

It’s possible that propaganda like this might be true, but I think we owe it to ourselves to try to figure out why, OK? So, let’s look at each of the four issues I raised above individually.

Issue #1: Is Monsanto bad?

Absolutely, unequivocally, yes. They are terrible.

Most of their terribleness comes from their legally recognized monopoly. In 2009, Monsanto was investigated for violations of anti-trust laws. (v) This investigation went nowhere, perhaps because Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas (along with several EPA and FDA officials) is a former Monsanto employee (vi). It should come as no surprise then that Thomas wrote the majority opinion in the 2001 court decision which found that “newly developed plant breeds are patentable under the general utility patent laws of the United States.”(vii)

Monsanto has begun to research Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT), also known as terminator seeds—seeds genetically engineered to produce sterile offspring, so seed saving is impossible. 

What this means in practice is that Monsanto has an unfair amount of control over how farmers grow and distribute their crops. Their patents prevent farmers from hybridizing Monsanto seeds with heirloom varieties.(viii) It’s also illegal to save seeds from Monsanto crops to use for the following year, forcing farmers to annually buy new seed from Monsanto. (ix)

For developing countries outside of the US without such strict patent protection, Monsanto has begun to research Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT), also known as terminator seeds—seeds genetically engineered to produce sterile offspring, so seed saving is impossible.

Thankfully, the international response to GURT was strong, and Monsanto halted research in 2006, (x) but the fact that this technology was even considered shows the ethical plane that Monsanto is operating on. Their policies make it harder for small farmers to make a living, and exclusively incentivize large industrial monocultures.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that Monsanto, as a corporation, is distinct from the idea of monoculture, or chemical use, or even genetic modification. Monsanto is terrible for political reasons, (the revolving door and unfair IP laws) and it might be possible for some version of the other ideas associated with the company to be applied sustainably in a different context.

For example, imagine a permaculture school which operates a lab, and uses open source methods to adapt the genomes of its crops to the local microclimate. Or, imagine a worker owned fungicide manufacturer, whose products are designed for targeted, ecologically sensitive use. There is no fundamental reason organizations like this couldn’t exist, but our current ideological landscape makes them difficult to conceive. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. As it stands, the agricultural chemicals and GM crops that Monsanto produces are inextricably tied to monocultures.

Let’s take a look at why that’s a problem.

Issue #2: Is monoculture bad?

The problem with monoculture is that it optimizes land use for machines, at the expense of biodiversity, human accessibility, and even yield. That’s right, even yield. Yields could be much higher if different species were planted amongst each other, to take advantage of different seasons and growth patterns and such (this is permaculture 101). But, we don’t often grow food like this anymore because it’s difficult to make a machine that can harvest one kind plant while leaving another kind intact. And so instead, we have thousands of acres occupied by loose grids of one kind of creature. This keeps prices low. But, this also keeps pest populations unusually high, so fields like this require a lot of pesticides. Like, a lot.

So, does that mean that agricultural chemicals are terrible too?

Issue #3: Are agricultural chemicals bad?

Well, it depends.

The vast majority of agricultural chemicals used in the US are used on monocultures. Thousands of acres are fumigated all at once, creating ecosystems of literally one species. Such “ecosystems” are unstable. It’s very easy for other organisms (“pests”) to enter and fill unoccupied niches. This forces the monocultural farmer to spray even more chemicals, creating vicious cycle. Here’s a stunning quote:

“[D]espite the more than 10- fold increase in insecticide use in the United States from 1945 to 2000, total crop losses from insect damage have nearly doubled from 7 to 13%”(xi)

Each season of monocultural production sees an increase of both pests and pesticide use in an evolutionary arms race. Clearly this use of agricultural chemicals is destructive. But, a monoculture is not the only place these chemicals can be used.

Let’s go back to glyphosate. A lot of the criticisms of Roundup® aren’t about the direct toxicity of glyphosate itself (although the surfactants it is mixed with are often toxic (xii)), but rather, its unexpected ecological effects. For example, glyphosate runoff has been shown to be particularly destructive to aquatic ecosystems. (xiii). But the only way that Roundup® could ever reach those aquatic ecosystems, when it’s supposed to be applied to just crops, is when it’s applied massively and repeatedly, over a huge area – monoculture applications.

Applying Roundup® to individual weeds with tenacious roots in your backyard garden likely isn’t going to do that much harm. If we chose to use these chemicals infrequently, for a specific pest in a localized area, we could protect our crops without bulldozing the surrounding environment. The goal is to use chemicals that are ecologically specific.

And, oddly enough, this is the promise of genetic modification.

Issue #4: Is genetic modification bad?

Let’s think about what’s been done to Roundup Ready® plants. They’ve been given an alternative copy of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase, a copy that’s not inhibited by glyphosate. (xiv) Glyphosate can then be applied to these crops, and it will leave them alone, while eliminating the more harmful weeds nearby. This style of modification could allow for incredibly specific chemical control, if used properly.

Or, take another GM crop, BT corn. BT corn has been modified to produce a bacteria toxin which is deadly to caterpillars.(xv) It is not however deadly to other insects like beetles or grasshoppers, nor is it harmful to humans. The toxin is produced in the tissues of the plant, so there is no risk of it leaching into the environment, like what would happen if the pesticide were sprayed willy-nilly all over the place.

Basically, genetic modification has the potential of providing highly specific, ecologically sensitive ways of controlling pests and improving fertility. Unfortunately, the way we’ve been using it has increased, not decreased our ecological footprint.

Basically, genetic modification has the potential of providing highly specific, ecologically sensitive ways of controlling pests and improving fertility. Unfortunately, the way we’ve been using it has increased, not decreased our ecological footprint. But that has more to do with the politics of Monsanto and the economics of monoculture than it has to do with genetic modification itself, or even the nature of agrichemicals. Instead of designing crops to resist the application of a broad spectrum herbicide, we could design them such that our chemical use could be precisely targeted, or even unneeded. Instead of adding artificial fertilizers, what if we modified our cereal crops to form nitrogen fixing symbioses like beans? Could our vegetables form mycorrhizal relationships with edible fungi?

Instead of designing crops to resist the application of a broad spectrum herbicide, we could design them such that our chemical use could be precisely targeted, or even unneeded. 

This is why I get so frustrated with the GMO debate. The fact of the matter is that GMOs are not inherently evil. They’re certainly not going to give you cancer, although there are plenty of articles which will tell you otherwise.(xvi) The same goes for many pesticides (although not all). The problem with these technologies is not inherent, but that their development and use is controlled by terrible corporations like Monsanto, which use their power to expand a destructive monocultural food system.

For the last century or two, various voices (mostly corporate) have promised us that each new technology on the horizon is going to dramatically improve our lives. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. Often, it feels like these technologies cause more problems than they solve. After so many high-tech innovations gone awry, we are right to be skeptical of the scientific establishment and their monopoly on facts. Research on potential toxins funded by the industries that make them should be received extremely critically, or flat out rejected. But (and this is a big but) just because these technologies pose a risk of harm does not mean that they will unconditionally cause harm in all contexts. Harm to a human body is different from harm to an ecosystem (those GM corn flakes won’t give you cancer, but they’re terrible for biodiversity). And technologies that harm ecosystems can also be used to heal them.

The enemy here is not science, and it’s not technology. It’s not GM, and it’s not agrichemicals. The enemy is the political and economic conditions which allow small groups of people to control the sustenance of billions. 

The enemy here is not science, and it’s not technology. It’s not GM, and it’s not agrichemicals. The enemy is the political and economic conditions which allow small groups of people to control the sustenance of billions. Were our food system local, diverse, and horizontally managed, the specter of these technologies would not look nearly so terrifying. 

1.  Source: http://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-10/documents/market_estimates2007.pdf

2. see Wikipedia page on EPSP synthase

3. see Wikipedia page on Gylphosate

4. see Wikipeda pages for Corn and Soy, See also http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/04/business/energy- environment/04weed.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

5.  The Monsanto 2009 anti-trust investigation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto_legal_cases#2009_antitrust_investigation

6. + 7. Monsanto & public officials conflicts of interest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto#U.S._public_officials.27_connections

8.  Monsanto Lawsuit in Canada: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto_Canada_Inc_v_Schmeiser

9. On the lawsuit allowing Monsanto to patent seeds: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowman_v._Monsanto_Co

10.  On Genetic use restiction technology, aka suicide seeds: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_use_restriction_technology


12. See Glyphosate Poisoning, Bradberry et all, 2004


14. Molecular basis for the herbicide resistance of Roundup Ready crops, Funke et all, 2006  http://www.pnas.org/content/103/35/13010.full

15. ‘Insecticide-Producing Corn’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modified_maize#Insecticide-producing_corn

16. see http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/07/15/new-study-links-gmos-to-cancer-liverkidney-damage-severe-hormonal-disruption/ for a typical example

Radical Spaces Update

Compiled by Jesse D. Palmer

Here are some additions and corrections to the 2016 Slingshot Organizer radical contact list. Let us know if you find errors or run across other spots we should include. We also post periodic updates at slingshot.tao.ca.

Arcus Center for Social Justice – Kalamazoo, MI

A space at Kalamazoo College that hosts a radical book exchange and events with availability to non-students. 205 Monroe St, Kalamazoo, MI 49006 (mail: 1200 Academy St, Kalamazoo, MI 49006.) 269-337-7398 reason.kzoo.edu/csjl

The Plant – Tallahassee, Fl

A DIY community workshop/art studio that offers anarchist free skool-style classes, film screenings, shows, display art, and hosts activist meetings and reading groups. All events are free/suggested donation and all ages. 517 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32304. theplanet.tally at gmail.com

El Hormiguero – Medellín, Colombia

An infoshop that hosts events. Cra. 44 No. 41A-24 (second floor) Niquitao, Medellín, Colombia casaelhormiguero.blogspot.com.co

Infoladen Magazin – Basel, Switzerland

An infoshop with a small anarchist library (books + zines), a free-access computer and printer. They host meetings, movies, discussions and workshops on topics including anti-repression, anti-racist, anti-gentrification, etc. Open Wed, Sat and Sunday afternoon. Inselstrasse 79, 4057 Basel, Switzerland


La Rizoma – Managua, Nicaragua

A radical collective / commune with an infoshop, community center, arts venue and student center. They have room for up to 7 volunteers / visitors / troublemakers if you’re in the area. Colonia Miguel Bonilla #129, Del Bar Esquina Fiel 3 Cuadras al Sur, Media Cuadra Arriba, Managua, Nicaragua. (on Facebook at La Rizoma Nicaragua.)

Changes to the 2016 Slingshot organizer

• Guide to Kulchur has moved. They are not at 5900 Detroit, Cleveland, OH 44102

• Yin Yang Fandango in Corpus Christi, TX closed.

• Last issue we published an address for Bombs Away in Athens, GA, but that address didn’t work out. They hope to have a new location in August.

• BRYCC house in Louisville, KY has closed.

• Soap Box in Cincinnati, OH has changed their name and moved. They are now McMicken Freespace at 527 W. McMicken, Cincinnati OH 45214.

• AK Press is moving. Their new address is 370 Ryan Ave #100 Chico, CA 95973.

• The Centro Social y Cultural Libertario in Medellin, Colombia no longer exists.

• The Red and Black Umbreall Social Centre in Wales (UK) has closed.

• The Valija de Fuego Bookstore in Bogotá moved and their new address is Cr 7 No 46-68. Chapinero, Bogotá, Colombia

• Biblioteca Social Reconstruir has moved. Their new address is Godard 20, Guadalupe Victoria II, 07790 Ciudad de México, D.F.


Hold the Space!!! A speech given to a collective in crisis

By Luna Lovebad

Radical communities, despite their best intentions to lessen systematic isolation, can be at risk for falling into the toxic interpersonal patterns that they purport to fight against. The following is an excerpt I read to a small radical community I am currently connected with. I share it in hopes that it will help other folks struggling with interpersonal tension in their communities that prevents productivity and action.

Shortly after the New Year, when I was at a local punk house/DIY venue, I noticed a man because he was impossible to not notice. He was loud, opinionated, and good at commanding attention. He appeared to like drinking beer, as many of us do. He also appeared to me, to be a white straight able-bodied cis male who had been socialized to fill up the space around him with his words. When he loudly gave unsolicited negative feedback to a friend, I told him he was being an alpha and that it was coming across a little funny to me. He responded, “Well, at least you had the balls to call me out.” I walked away and wrote him off, despite the better-than-I-expected response.

Hours later, I noticed he was sitting alone. It looked like there was a lot on his mind, and I decided to ask him about it. I am so beyond happy that I let my guard down to talk to him. I think the conversation that ensued will change me forever.

He told me that he is 20 years old and since he could remember, his family primed and trained him to become a fighter. His Christian military family saw a future for him of being a warrior for the federal United States government and did not encourage development in any direction more strongly than this one. In a recent training, his drill sergeant told him that he is “240 pounds of American kick ass”.

The problem is that he doesn’t want to do this with his life. While he has not been deployed, he has signed documents determining that if he backs out, he gets time in prison and comes out with a felony, along with serious conflicts with his family. These consequences would lead to being totally dependent on strangers to forgive his felony when he looks for jobs and housing. To say this man has been raised to be the strongest and most independent person in a room could be an understatement, so I can imagine why he does not feel like he has any choices. As he clutched my hand, and I clutched his back, I wanted so desperately to save him from his coerced servitude. But I know I can only save myself.

How many young people are terrified as they remained trapped into these circumstances? How many times have they been judged for joining the service on one side while being forced into it by the other?

Not everyone is necessarily oppressed, but everyone suffers under this system. Lost in the understandable defenses I developed toward men, I forgot that there is usually a very good reason for people being how they are. If there’s anything I’ve learned in life, it’s that. We are traumatized, some more than others. There are reasons why I am on my guard around loud white men, and many times I’ve deeply regretted trusting them. I regret trusting men who command power and authority in radical movements and all other aspects of my life who assault me or belittle my experiences of oppression, thus perpetuating the painful cycles. I regret trusting women who claim to love women but tear me down as soon as I show them my vulnerable side.

These instances are products of our environment and people have not yet always turned the mirror on themselves, and I was caught in that crossfire, as other people have been caught in mine. Understanding is not the same as justification. We all make mistakes. But I don’t regret trusting this man that I met. Being able to be vulnerable with one another in this world is a radical action and not a mistake. What a wonderful gift he has given me! And in that place of mutual vulnerability, I was able to share the ways in which I had felt he was unaware of his privilege, and he was open to listening.

I would like to see us all work together to create a culture in which we are vulnerable with each other, in which we do not cast immediate verbal judgments and offer unsolicited advice. I want people to listen to each other’s stories, thoughtfully and quietly, and not invalidate them. I want people to be aware of how much verbal and emotional space they are taking up in their interactions with others. We all have something to teach each other, but we all have something to learn from each other, too. I am sharing what I’ve learned in hopes that it can encourage us to make changes to how we are all conducting ourselves in this space and in this movement. I believe that cultures of gossip need to become cultures of direct and respectful communication. I have contributed to gossip cultures, and I imagine most, if not all have as well. Communities seem to work better together when oppressive and toxic behaviors are recognized and discussed face to face. It can be helpful to define differences between healthy processing and dishonest, passive aggressive gossip and other maladaptive, ego driven behaviors. To me, building solidarity means being directly honest with ourselves and others. Our oppression is built on lies and secrets. It is built upon a system that tells us to shove connection and humanity somewhere behind closed doors. I seek to tear down those doors.

To quote an excerpt from a zine called “Friends Make the Best Medicine” by The Icarus Project:

“There are so many of us out here who feel the world with thin skin and heavy hearts, who get called crazy because we’re too full of fire and pain, who know that other worlds exist and aren’t comfortable in this version of reality. We’ve been busting up out of sidewalks and blooming all kind of misfit flowers for as long as people have been walking on this Earth.”

“…We feel things stronger than the other people around us, a lot of us have visions about how things could be different, why they need to be different, and it’s painful to keep them silent.”

“…We need to start talking and networking- finding common ground and common language with the other people around us. We need to get together in groups and find language for our stories that make sense to us and leave us feeling good about ourselves. We need to summon up everything we’ve got to create social webs and lasting support networks for ourselves and the people who will follow us.”

For example, consent language could be a norm that is set to maintain solidarity within the group subculture. Consent language isn’t just about sexuality. It’s about saying, “hey, I want to have a discussion about solidarity but we’ve been meeting for 2 hours already. Let’s do a check in on who would like to shelve this until next week.” It’s about listening when someone says no the first time. There have been a couple of times I observed someone saying repeatedly that they wanted to engage in the activity or discussion that the rest of the group didn’t seem really excited about right in that moment. It seemed more about that one person’s agenda than what the group wanted.

Norms acknowledge that there are basic limits to the human body and psyche that must be taken into account. Emotional states change when we are overriding the messages our bodies are telling us, and some of us are more capable of these overrides than others. People often become grumpy when talking too and feel stuck in a meeting. The productivity of the meeting decreases. Then people snap at each other. This will not build the solidarity we seek.

Building solidarity requires not that we build a safe space, as no space is safe from the poison that we each have been steeped in as members of this giant machine. It requires, however, that we are aware of our poison, that we take ownership of it. We do not wake up one day perfectly attuned to everyone’s oppression and we just never participate in it again. Maybe we’ve tried to become as conscious as possible and stopped intentionally doing it, but that does not clear us of responsibility when someone calls us out, even if we had no idea we were doing it. I have been actively studying intersectional feminism over half of my life and have been a woman my whole life, yet I still have sexist thoughts. So when a man who has studied little of it tells me that he did not just do a sexist thing to me, or someone else belittles it when I recount that experience, I am not going to feel in solidarity with this person. And that does not make me reactionary or oversensitive. It makes me a non-robotic human who feels as though their valid experiences have been discounted.

I’ve noticed that in radical spaces I’ve frequented, many people have well-informed political and philosophical discussions about the problems with this society and our world, but do not always turn the mirror on themselves. Particularly for those with power and responsibility in these spaces, it is important to ask questions such as: How are the past romantic and sexual relationships between people in this collective impacting the way these meetings and groups are run? What about roommates and old friendships? Are people of color and older radicals feeling heard and welcomed here? Do homeless women even feel safe coming here, or are the men who are terrorizing them on the streets taking too much of the emotional and physical space without having boundaries set around those behaviors? Problematic behaviors could be something as seemingly simple as eye rolling or being frequently interrupted.

Is it possible that these factors are dragging us away from our goals of truly connecting with each other and being productive because we are trying to ignore it all, put it behind the door that I referred to at the beginning of this speech? Are we desperately avoiding uncomfortably direct and honest conversations, only to create a build up of even more painful discomfort? Are we trying to reinvent the wheel rather than actively looking for literature and advice from other radical spaces who have been through these same things?

As a counselor, a seeker of peace and social justice, woman, a queer person, a childhood victim of emotional, sexual, verbal, and physical abuse, a sufferer of severe depression and anxiety, and a person with white, cis, class, able bodied, thin privilege, I want to proclaim that it is time for us to wake up and start looking at how we unintentionally hinder others’ healing processes. We need to work to heal our collectives and heal ourselves, or how will we be able to heal anything else? We don’t need a restrictive 10 commandments to run a radical space. But, as the Icarus project says, we do need a common ground and a common language that leaves us feeling good about ourselves and our interactions, and that common ground and language should actively challenge privilege and support those who call out abuse of power, no matter how small of a micro aggression it might seem to someone who has never had to be at the receiving end of that micro aggression. We need a common language that helps people feel heard and empathized with even if they are not agreed with. We can reform the way we communicate with each other. But some will have to give up more power than they may be comfortable with. We can choose to do this by continually reminding ourselves that many struggles are invisible, or easy for someone from a privileged group to overlook. To bridge that gap, we can keep listening, stay open, and be willing to take accountability when our mistakes in doing this are brought to our attention.


Beat Happenings – Spring 2016 Events Calendar

FEBRUARY Black History Month


February 13 • 7pm – 9pm

1 Vision! 1 Voice! 1 Victory! VDay event to end violence against women and girls focusing on the resilience of women of color. Alicia Garza founder of Black Lives Matter keynote speaker. Historic Sweet’s Ballroom 1933 Broadway Oakland


February 14 • 12pm – 2pm

One Billion Rising: Dance Across the Golden Gate Bridge. Gather at the southeast end of the eastern walkway (San Francisco side). FREE ALL AGES


February 15 • 730pm

Anarchist Study Group (Weekly Event every Tuesday) @ Long Haul 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley FREE ALL AGES


February 16 • 7pm

Liberated Lens Movie Nite (Weekly Event every Wednesday) @ Omni Commons 4799 Shattuck Ave. Oakland


February 18 • 7:30pm

KPFA Benefit Talk about Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Writings Hosted by Angela Davis, Johanna Fernandez and Walter Turner. First Congregational Church of Oakland, 2501 Harrison, Oakland



Earth First UK Winter Moot Stroud England


February 20

Cardfiff Anarchist Bookfair UK


February 24 • 7pm

East Bay Homes Not Jails (Weekly Meeting every Wednesday) @ Omni Commons 4799 Shattuck Ave. Oakland. eastbayhnj@riseup.net


February 26 • 6pm

Free Film Screening – “Incident at Oglala” 906 Columbia Street SE, Olympia, WA 98501 David William Building, 2nd Floor


February 26 • 6pm

San Francisco Critical Mass. Gather @ Justin Herman Plaza FREE ALL AGES


February 27

National Day of Action: Demand Obama Grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier!


February 29

Leap Day Action Night


MARCH Woman’s History Month


March 3 • 7:30pm

An Evening with Jonathan Lethem author of Dissident Gardens and others. First Congregational Church of Berkeley, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley


March 5-6 • 8am – 9pm

Code Pink summit examining U.S.-Saudi ties. The UDC Clarke School of Law 4340 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC


March 6 • 7pm

Slingshot new volunteer meeting / article brainstorm for issue #121. Berkeley.


March 9 • 7:30pm

An Evening with Rebecca Solnit “Hope in the Dark: Untold Stories, Wild Possibilities” KPFA Benefit. Hillside Club, 2286 Cedar Street, Berkeley


March 6 • 11am – 6pm

LA Zine Fest. The Majestic 650 S. Spring St. lazinefest.com


March 8

Int’l Woman’s Day


March 19 – 25

Sacred Peace Walk. Pilgrimage 63 miles from Las Vegas to the Nevada Test Site. Join for an hour, a day, or the entire week. nevadadesertexperience.org


March 20 • Noon

National March for Palestine and the Palestinian people. White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington , DC


March 27 – April 2

Shut Down Creech Air Force Base and stop the killer drones, Indian Springs, Nevada. shutdowncreech.blogspot.com


April 1

St Stupid Parade / Fossil Fools Day

San Francisco


April 9 • 3pm

Slingshot article deadline for issue #121. 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley.


April 15

Steal Something from Work Day


April 15 -16 • 11am – 6pm

NYC Anarchist Bookfair Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, Manhattan anarchistbookfaire.net


Sunday April 17 10-5pm

Gilman Zine Event. 924 Gilman St. Berkeley CA FREE ALL AGES


APRIL 23 • 10 – 6pm

21st Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair.

Oakland Metro Opera house


April 24 • noon-dusk

People’s Park Anniversary, Haste above Telegraph, Berkeley FREE ALL AGES


April 20

Earth Day


April 30 • 11am – 6pm

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair, Trinity Centre Trinity Rd, Bristol BS2 0NW 3ca.org/uk


Late April – various days

Take Back the Night march – all over.


May 1 May Day!


May 1 – June 10

Oakland Spring Rising oaklandwiki.org/40farms


May 1 • 11 – 4pm

Asheville Zine fest The Grey Eagle 185 Clingman Avenue, Asheville NC


May 20 – 22

Left Forum. John Jay, NYC


June 11 • Noon-10pm

SF Free Folk Fest. Everett Middle School 450 Church Street (between 16th and 17th St.) San Francisco FREE ALL AGES


July 6

Pacific Northwest Climate Camp. Lemon Island, Oregon – 11 miles from Portland (strategically located within easy paddling distance of railroads hauling oil and coal, other earth destroyers. pnwclimatecamp.blogspot.com

Note: to view other articles in issue #119 scroll down — they appear in the order they were printed in the paper version of Slingshot (you may have to click pages 2 or 3 for some articles)

Migrant Lives Matter

By Wolverine de Cleyre

Recently in Europe, several high-profile mass deaths of refugees attempting to enter the EU have forced a long-overdue conversation about immigration and border policy. Increased security along the land borders has led immigrants to attempt dangerous sea crossings. Almost 3,000 people who attempted to enter Europe by sea this year are missing or dead, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. This is four times as many as 2013, and the year isn´t over yet. The carnage has inspired a mobilization of pro-immigrant sentiments, with tens of thousands demonstrating across Europe, and thousands cheering arriving refugees at German train stations.

Unfortunately, Europe is not the only place where tighter security at the border has led to massive loss of human life. The U.S. government´s immigration enforcement has created a steady barrage of corpses at the border with Mexico, and this needs to be central to our own conversation about immigration.

Much media and political attention have been given to the DREAM act, which would have provided a legal path to citizenship for people who entered the US as children. Meanwhile, according to the Pew Research Center, deportations have increased each year that Obama has been in office, from 360,000 in 2008 to 438,000 in 2013, and the border has become increasingly militarized.

This has forced migrants entering the U.S. to take more dangerous routes, involving days trekking through remote areas of the desert where it is easy to die of thirst and exposure. In the past ten years, more than 2,000 bodies have been recovered from the Arizona desert alone, according to Humane Borders. According to the Washington Office on Latin America, a human rights group, the number of deaths is the equivalent of five migrants dying every four days.

Particularly disturbing, when immigrants, realizing they are near death, decide to give themselves up and call 911 from a cell phone, they often receive no aid.

In most counties along the border, 911 dispatchers, often overwhelmed by the sheer number of these distress calls, transfer them to Border Patrol. These are police, not medical or rescue workers, and their job is to apprehend as many immigrants as possible. They arrest migrants when it’s convenient, and leave them to die when it’s not.

There is no mechanism to keep track of these calls, no accountability for how searches are handled. According to the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, some 70 percent of calls they forward to Border Patrol don’t go through. Those that connect often don´t result in an actual search. Border patrol agents have told No More Deaths that they will only search for people if given exact coordinates, which are often missing due to the spotty cell phone service. Once a search is initiated, Border Patrol usually finds the person in less than an hour. If the person isn’t near a main road and cannot be seen from the air they give up.

I cannot imagine this happening if I, a US citizen, were to place a 911 call that I had gotten lost hiking in the desert. Teams of helicopters would be deployed to look for me. Officers would comb the area on foot until I was found.

911 operators choosing where to redirect these calls can’t ask for I.D., so they have nothing to go on but racial profiling. Whether someone “sounds Mexican” on the phone will determine whether they get police or rescue workers, whether their life is worth saving.

This callous lack of regard for certain human lives comes directly from a system that defines immigrants as criminals to apprehend, not to protect. Those of us who stand against this police attitude in our cities must also stand against it at the border.

We need initiatives like the Dream Act or others to expand the number of refugees that the US takes on. But these legal changes will help only a few; curbing the massive death toll at the border will require something very different.

We also need to recognize that while some immigrants want to become U.S. citizens, many migrants do not. They prefer their home countries. They just want to come to the US to work their ass off for a few years, make enough money to go home and buy a house or start a business. And there´s nothing wrong with that. Human beings are a migratory species, and people have been crossing the U.S. – Mexico since border long before this fictional line existed. The problem is not the undocumented nature of some migrants, the problem is the border.

In order to change the actual facts on the ground, we need to stop insisting that everyone be “legal.” Instead of only enabling regulation for a few, we need to fight border brutality and the criminalization of all migrants without exception or apology. The death toll at the border is the real immigration crisis, and we need to do something to stop it.

We can do this by providing direct humanitarian assistance to people migrating, and by limiting the reach of anti-immigrant police.

Several organizations already exist to provide medical aid to migrants in the desert, or help their relatives recover their bodies. No More Deaths and Humane Borders operate in the Arizona desert, the most deadly region for migrants.

Many major cities, including San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles, have enacted “sanctuary city” laws. These are ordinances which keep local police from acting as or co-operating with federal anti-immigrant authorities. They allow immigrants to go about their daily lives with less fear.

The next legal step is defunding the bloated budgets of Border Patrol and ICE. And those so inclined can take a lesson from the Anti-Raids Network in London, which organizes disruption of immigration raids in progress on a neighborhood by neighborhood basis.

Initiatives like these are not solutions, but rather steps in the right direction. The important thing is to identify the problem, which is not the immigrants´ lack of documents, but the lack of respect for their lives.



What Is The Queer Agenda?

By Bumble

If you ask a member of the conservative anti-gay group Focus on the Family what the “gay agenda” is, they may mention, “discrediting of scriptures that condemn homosexuality,” “muzzling of the clergy and Christian media,” or even the “universal acceptance of the gay lifestyle.” Ask a liberal, and you’re more likely to hear about eligibility for military service, employment nondiscrimination policies, and the right to buy same-sex wedding cake toppers at the bakery.

As a queer anti-capitalist, let me be perfectly clear: the conservative description sounds way more exciting.

The recent series of legal victories that have driven the ‘gay agenda’ into the American mainstream (same-sex marriage, legalization of homosexuality in the military, etc) has been met with unbridled enthusiasm for most progressives, but it leaves many of us who are more interested in a ‘queer agenda’ with a lot of hard questions. Why does the political mainstream identify access to nuclear family structures, the military-industrial complex, and an exploitative labor apparatus as the most important issues facing queer folks today? Over 40% of homeless youth in San Francisco identify as LGBTQ – what is ‘the gay agenda’ doing for them? What do our newfound marriage rights mean to single queer parents in poverty, who experience none of the social or financial benefits of hitched queers? What did the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell do for queers in countries under U.S. military occupation (including our own), or to queer soldiers with PTSD and limited access to mental healthcare? What does the gay agenda have in store for queer meth addicts whose access to help is all but absent due to a militarized drug war? What does a nondiscrimination policy mean to a queer person in a country with widespread unemployment? And for employed queer folk, what does the gay agenda have to say about their labor conditions? What does it have to say about the fundamentally exploitative nature of their employment?

Not much.

In fact, the gay agenda often actively works against the interests of queer folks by boosting unbridled capitalism and subtly supporting transphobia. For example, while the absurdly-named “Human Rights Campaign” is the largest LGBT advocacy group in the country, the only unions they support are civil unions: they are enthusiastic boosters of the most notorious union-busting corporations, and often treat their own employees terribly. Their president is a wealthy white cis-male (the unquestioned norm among mainstream advocacy groups, with few exceptions) who caters largely to an even wealthier demographic of potential donors who have an enormous stake in the current economic order. They have routinely turned their backs on the tran folk they allege to represent (including dropping them altogether from proposed employment nondiscrimination legislation). Their merchandise is composed of the usual sweatshop fodder.

Somehow, HRC is the face of the mainstream gay movement. And yet, the strange thing is that their classist, and often racist approach to politics rarely works anyway. As Urvashi Vaid writes, “Gay and Lesbian people are at once insiders, involved openly in government and public affairs to a degree never before achieved, and outsiders, shunned by elected officials unless they need our money or votes in close elections.” Their proposed non-discrimination policy didn’t pass after they removed protection of transfolk from the writing of the bill either. Why even bother?

The real victors of the mainstream LGBT movement are not necessarily members of the queer community (even the middle-class queer community) but economic powerhouses that have found a powerful new marketing strategy: pretending to care about queers, and taking their money. Liberals and conservatives alike frequently interpret these developments, from ‘gaycation’ travel agencies to rainbow Doritos, as indications of ‘growing acceptance,’ but identification of social groups as potential consumers shouldn’t be confused with acceptance. In 1995, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (most famous for marketing cigarettes to children with the cartoon character “Joe Camel”) launched a campaign called Project SCUM. The goal was to target “alternative lifestyle” (read: queer) communities by appealing to the alienation that often accompanies coming out. Despite the subsequent outrage of many high-profile activists, this has become standard practice in the marketing world, which considers the ‘queer demographic’ an ideal consumer base, and reconceptualizes the alienation that accompanies queer life in a sexist, transphobic, and homophobic world as a void that can be filled with consumer goods and services. Media representations insist that the proper place of queers is in the mall (or at the bar) with the same intensity that they insist that the proper place of women is in the kitchen. We can look for inspiration here from Guy Debord, who writes that, “This worker, suddenly redeemed from the total contempt which is clearly shown him by all the varieties of organization and supervision of production, finds himself every day, outside the production and in the guise of a consumer, seemingly treated as an adult, with zealous politeness.” HRC, for their part, gave Reynolds a ‘corporate accountability’ score of 100% in 2009.

In the United States, HRC has attained a new level of hegemony over queer struggle thanks to their public identification with the triumph of same-sex marriage in the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges: their official logo, a simple equality symbol in a red or blue square, has become the standard symbol of those who support the mainstream brand of ‘marriage equality.’ What most enthusiastic celebrants of the Supreme Court routinely fail to admit is how utterly reactionary and even heteronormative the new court precedent manages to be, even as it ostensibly supports marginalized sexual communities. In his majority opinion, Kenney wrote that “Without the recognition, stability, and predictability marriage offers, their children suffer the stigma of knowing their families are somehow lesser. They also suffer the significant material costs of being raised by unmarried parents, relegated through no fault of their own to a more difficult and uncertain family life.” This is the kind of stigmatizing, normalizing precedent that can ultimately be used to hurt any and all queer parents who are not in the kind of nuclear families recognized under Obergefell v. Hodges. Where is the legal language that protects single queer parents, or queer parents in nontraditional (nonmonogamous, legally unmarried, etc) relationships? One would hope that the biggest LGBT rights organization in the world would have at least expressed concern when highest court in the country asserts that only ‘recognized, stable, and predictable’ family structures are positive environments for children,’ but instead we heard nothing but calls for jubilant celebration from the HRC.

But what about the rest of us? Why would we seek to become more like straight people through militarism, marriage, consumerism, or employment, when none of those things ever made straight people happy in the first place? If self-proclaimed ‘mainstream’ groups like the Independent Gay Forum are right when they announce, “We deny conservative claims that gays and lesbians pose any threat to social morality or the political order,” it is only because the LGBT image has been reduced to one-dimensional and politically ‘neutral’ identities in the public mind. But if the gay agenda has failed us, we can still turn to the queer agenda, one that has rich historical roots. Standing up to ‘homonormativity’ has been a struggle since the beginning of queer movements. The first gay journal, Der Eigene (1896-1932) was also an anarchist journal, and published radical articles until it was shut down by the Nazis. Even Oscar Wilde, arguably the most celebrated queer writer in modern history, famously noted, “I think I am rather more than a Socialist. I am something of an Anarchist, I believe.” Today, groups such as Gay Shame and Black and Pink continue to push a radical queer agenda to dismantle capitalism, racism, and the state.

The goal of queer liberation requires that we not only stand up to not only to oppressive heterosexuals in power, but to system of hierarchy itself that empowers them – and that means that radical queers will need to stand up to LGBT capitalists as well as straight ones. The queer agenda, then, is a familiar one: the destruction of capital, the formation of healthy community bonds, and the cultivation of a social rupture that upsets hierarchies such as heterosexism, ableism, racism, and nationalism. We bring a lot to the table that is often missing in heterosexist radical communities: an unusually articulate understanding of the role of bodies in radical struggles, a vibrant historical relationship with feminism, and a sobering familiarity with the realities of the medical system. These aren’t assets that can simply be married away.

No cop out! Calling for a climate uprising

By Jesse D. Palmer

The climate change group 350.org and others have called for a series of global marches and mass mobilizations before and after the so-called Conference of the Parties (COP 21) meeting scheduled in Paris from Nov. 30 – Dec. 11. The call to action gives us a chance to reject suicidal corporate business as usual and create a new world that is sustainable as well as just and free.

COP 21 is a massive meeting of the world’s governments to achieve a legally binding agreement about climate and emissions applicable to all nations on earth. It’s called COP 21 because it is the 21st annual meeting following the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Cutting through all the jargon, the world’s governments have been playing at addressing climate change for more than 20 years, and they’ve accomplished embarrassingly little so far. Global emissions have gone up almost each year since the industrial revolution, and they’ve actually increased more quickly since it became clear that CO2, methane, and other human-related gas emissions are causing an ecological catastrophe — the sixth great species extinction in the 3.5 billion year history of life on earth. Without swift action, the climate may become so destabilized as natural feedback loops kick in that humans could face widespread crop failure, famine and social collapse.

How could this be, given all the political, media and scientific focus on climate change over the last 20 years? We’re way beyond the time when it is a matter of understanding the problem. Now, nearly everyone realizes (or has to actively struggle to deny) that the ordinary day-to-day functioning of modern society is unsustainable. Yet there hasn’t been a significant response because the global economy is based on burning carbon, the world’s governments are beholden to big corporate interests, and regular people who have nothing to gain and everything to lose haven’t figured out how to break through the structural, political, cultural, economic, personal and psychological paralysis and turn our ship in another direction.

Governments talking at COP 21 isn’t going to fix this problem — but it does give us a focus around which to build the kind of decentralized, grassroots, global momentum necessary to dump fossil fuels and the bankrupt thinking, politics and technology that thrive on dirty energy.

It’s time to shake off our collective stupor and move forward with real change. The technology to transition away from carbon emissions exists, but the handful of people in charge — the ecological 1% — prefer to focus investment dollars on drilling in the arctic, fracking, building pipelines, and other projects that lock us into fossil fuels for another generation, not the wind farms and other alternative tech we need right now.

The situation looks grim because cutting emissions requires global coordinated action but we’re at a moment when most of us feel isolated, powerless and overwhelmed by the scale of the problem. This isn’t something any of us can address alone.

Confronted with 20 years of inaction and a power structure resistant to action, it is increasingly popular to sound all pragmatic and grown up: “It’s too late, the climate will crash and burn no matter what anyone does, we’re all going to die from massive famines and ecological collapse, don’t waste your time.” It’s a seductive headspace — it is highly romantic and dramatic because it places our lives at the end of history. It is comforting to have certainty about the future, but the truth is we really don’t know what is going to happen and life is usually a lot more complex and grey, not so black and white..

It is clear that the climate is changing and every corner of the world, every species, and every society is at risk. The question we just can’t answer yet is how bad it will all end up being. Given the grave reality, maybe it is actually comforting for some people to think “I won’t survive and have to see this go down.”

But learning to feel comfortable with doom is the wrong response. It isn’t the kind of energy we need individually, collectively, culturally and politically to build the unprecedentedly broad, sustained and powerful social movement we need to fight those who profit from climate change.

A less comforting thought is that if we do nothing to avert climate chaos, privileged people in the developed world will use their wealth and military power to maintain their lifestyles in armed camps — sucking up the last remaining food and defending borders against billions of starving, thirsty climate refugees. If you’re “lucky” enough to be on the inside of the fence with some food to eat — which most of the smug, youthful anarcho-pessimists are likely to be — you’ll watch as whole ecosystems, oceans, and societies die off before your eyes. Climate collapse, in other words, won’t get you off the hook.

If our response is resignation, depression, denial and apathy during an ecological red alert, chances are we’ll look back at our lives right now and ask “how could we have just sat there and done nothing knowing full-well what was at stake?” The longer we’re all checked out, passive, fatalistic — individually and collectively — the worse climate change is going to be. The earth isn’t going to mete out climate justice to the oil companies and corporations — only organized, courageous, loving human beings can do that.

At some point, the world will shift away from a carbon based world — even in a dystopian world run by oil company goons. It greatly matters whether this shift happens next year, or 10, or 50 years from now, because the difference will be measured in lives, in forests, in languages.

Getting out in the streets around COP 21 matters because it can help us move out of isolation and realize that virtually everyone around us and around the world already wants to wake up and wants to change course. Throughout history, power has always appeared irresistible and the status quo inevitable — right on the evening before moments of change.

Social movements are moments when people come together and are able to transcend individual isolation and powerlessness and accomplish change that appears impossible. You can’t schedule one of these moments when you need it — but you can make yourself available and join in when it arrives. If you felt the ecstatic energy during Occupy or blocking a freeway during the Black Lives Matter protests last year, you realize how much is possible when minds and social dynamics begin to shift. These recent moments have been fleeting with mixed results. A climate-oriented movement needs greater reach and staying power, but will be based on the same spark.

To get ready, we can practice building conversations that erode the assumptions we’re swimming in — that burning carbon, letting oil companies decide our future, and letting business as usual run us off a cliff is natural, inevitable or necessary. Bringing up climate change in everyday interactions normalizes and localizes the discussion. Over the past few months I’ve been trying this as an antidote to my own sense of anxiety and frustration and it really helps — it makes me feel better and the people I speak with are glad I brought it up. Actions around COP 21 offer a mass-moment to start conversations and make connections.

This is also about social organization. The world is too interconnected, complex and fast-moving and human’s technological power to alter nature is too great to leave life and death questions up to the will of a faceless market that is a-moral, dehumanizing, and that fails to consider (much less value) qualities like freedom, love, health, or life. The systems of private ownership, concentration of wealth and centralization of power are brutal and ecologically unsustainable holdovers.

Many people are realizing that it isn’t enough to simply change the way we get electricity. We need to understand the climate crisis as the strongest evidence that our hierarchical, greed based social organization is a dead end. Centralized, unaccountable corporate and government structures are increasing inequality, hurting our health, and making our lives oppressive, stressful, lonely, boring and miserable in addition to destroying the natural world. Why would we put up with this?

It is crucial to focus on who is benefitting because it is a tiny number of people. Since most of the world’s population is at risk without getting anything out of the system, this is an inherently vulnerable arrangement if we wake up, get together, and fight.

If you don’t go after what you really want, you’re certain not to get it. This is true on both a personal and a social level. Things we want personally — balanced lives based on fun, meaning, engagement and cooperation with others — align with the direction society has to go if we are to survive on our beautiful, fragile planet.

Lately, I’ve been feeling a strange sense of guarded optimism recently which I feel a little embarrassed to admit. For more than 20 years I’ve become more and more alarmed as the implications of global warming have become clearer, yet the social and political power structures have failed to respond.

But the funny thing is that the people I actually see and interact with on a day-to-day basis have never seemed more energized. All around me I see people working on amazing projects — radical social centers, land trusts, coops and alternative technology. I see parents pouring love and energy into their kids. I see people passionately loving each other; artists and musicians creating; cyclists pushing to the top of the next hill.

There is an energy building that is deeply responsive to and inspired by the climate crisis — that demonstrates that people want to survive and build a better future. A lot of these projects are strictly on a local basis because people feel hopeless about the global situation and so they’ve withdrawn. Since local projects won’t get us where we need to go, I’m hoping all these folks can re-engage with protests, re-engage with international networks, re-engage with the idea that we can and must build a global movement. While these actions may not feel as tangible nor as immediately satisfying as building a garden, the only way we’ll survive is to unite to fight the ecological 1%, the oil companies, the special interests, and the governments and political structures that do their bidding.

Tactics like the fossil fuel divestment movement that target universities and other public funds can sound like a liberal half-measure, but I think these efforts are a good start especially since investment is the way our society determines what is valued. Why can Shell invest billions in arctic drilling in 2015 given the climate implications?

It’s obvious we need to leave that shit in the ground. 350.org has issued a call to leave 80% of fossil fuels in the ground and fully transition to zero emissions by 2050. If we were really serious, we could get to zero emissions much faster. During WWII, virtually the entire US industrial system switched to war production in a matter of months and all kinds of technology evolved rapidly — the atomic bomb being a particularly notable example. The world needs to rapidly turn talent, money and technology towards energy sources and ways of living that don’t endanger life. Don’t tell me, “oh we can’t ditch fossil fuels” like it’s a physical law and I’m crazy. Alternatives exist now and the crazy thing is to keep burning fossil fuels thoughtlessly.

We need to fight the fossil fuel 1% in the streets as well as through the divestment movement. Over the last 20 years — maybe it’s because of the internet? — the number of street disturbances seems to have decreased each year, and this has taken a toll politically, spiritually and psychologically. There is a quality of shared experience and power in the streets that helps you be strong and feel that power structures can be fought, and that the future is up for grabs.

We need to practice physically disrupting the status quo like exercising a muscle. When people visibly put their bodies in the way of the machine, it is magnetic and can energize and inspire millions of other people who care — who want to do something — and are just waiting for the right moment.

The worst danger we face is succumbing to the idea that because things are a particular way now, those conditions are natural, inevitable, and permanent. I was recently reading a beautiful children’s book to my three year-old about the people who lived here before this land was covered in concrete — before the idea of humans changing the climate was imaginable. I was struck by how the idea of people living here for generations in harmony with the earth seems both invisible and impossible just a few hundreds years later.

For humans, things can change dramatically in a short time. It may be that someone standing here in 300 years — living in an ecologically sustainable future — will look at our oil-drenched lives now with their own sense of wonder. There’s really no way to know what the future will look like, but what we can say is that it makes a difference where you put your time, energy and heart now.


Pull Quote:


November 28 & 29:

Global climate march in Paris & worldwide




Issue #119 Introduction

Slingshot is an independent radical newspaper that has been published in Berkeley since 1988.

This issue got off to a promising start. At the article deadline, there were already a reasonable number of coherent articles. We didn’t get into any nasty arguments and had fun sitting together editing. At the end of an unusually short and efficient production meeting late Friday night, we heard a ruckus outside and saw a large group of people standing outside our office doing something with rope. We burst outside to witness a gaggle of birthday partygoers smashing (and burning!) a Donald Trump piñata and singing in Spanish, a joyous whirl of hugging and laughing and smiling. It was a wonderful reminder that enjoying our lives with the people we love and fighting the forces of oppression and misery are part of the same process, a process that is as ubiquitous and inescapable as it is diverse.

The next morning we were ready for a great weekend making this issue. We pushed the button to turn on our office computer and… POPPPFWOOM! A loud crack rang out and the toxic smell of burning circuitry filled the room. Apparently after being used to type numerous neo-luddite Slingshot articles, our computer had joined the struggle by committing suicide! But nonetheless, here’s a new issue. We did it!

Slingshot is an all-volunteer collective — we only work on this thing because it’s a good time. This means different things to each of us – whether it’s a chance to be creative, toss around ideas, meet people, or feel engaged with the world around us.

At one point, someone wanted to make the front page look like an old-timey newspaper from 1890 and was trying to come up with a slogan for the paper like old papers used to have. At first we came up with “All the shit that’s fit to sling,” and then more self-mocking ones like “information, inspiration, or whatever else shows up,” “Too dumb for your cool sister, too cool for your mom,” “We hardly proofread it!,” and “Well, at least we tried.”

What was clear out of the brainstorm is that this project wouldn’t be fun – and therefore wouldn’t be possible – if our main priority was perfection or the purely outward focus of creating a “serious political journal.” We know Slingshot could be a lot better. A do-it-yourself world is rough around the edges. It’s like real life, plenty of false starts but also laughter, friendship, music, and a feeling of meaning and satisfaction at the end. This issue was put together by an especially small crew but engaged a lot of people from society’s fringes who are usually totally invisible to the mainstream.

As we send this issue out into the world, we want to mourn the disappearance of Nabolom Bakery – the unofficial Slingshot café. It was a 70s collective that outlasted most others and maintained its funky public living room feeling to the end. A former Nabolom collective member who also volunteers for Slingshot realized that her Slingshot office key also fit the Nabolom door lock and vice versa – a fitting coincidence.

Slingshot is always looking for new writers, artists, editors, photographers, translators, distributors, etc. to make this paper. If you send an article, please be open to editing.

Editorial decisions are made by the Slingshot Collective, but not all the articles reflect the opinions of all collective members. We welcome debate and constructive criticism.

Thanks to the people who made this: A. Iwasa, Cedar, Eggplant, Finn, Gretchen, Holiday, Isabel, Izzy, Jesse, Joey, Korvin, Timothy, Xander and all the authors and artists!

Slingshot New Volunteer Meeting

Volunteers interested in getting involved with Slingshot can come to the new volunteer meeting on Dec. 13 2015 at 4 pm at the Long Haul in Berkeley (see below.)

Article Deadline & Next Issue Date

Submit your articles for issue 120 on January 16, 2015 at 3 pm.


Volume 1, Number 119, Circulation 20,000

Printed September 25, 2015


Slingshot Newspaper

A publication of Long Haul

Office: 3124 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley CA 94705

Mailing: PO Box 3051, Berkeley, CA 94703

Phone (510) 540-0751 • slingshot@tao.ca slingshot.tao.ca • twitter @slingshotnews


Slingshot free stuff

We’ll send you a random assortment of back issues for the cost of postage. Send $3 for 2 lbs. Free if you’re an infoshop or library. slingshot@tao.ca


Circulation information

Subscriptions to Slignshot are free to prisoners, low income, or anyone in the USA with a Slingshot Organizer, or $1 per issue. International $3 per issue. Outside the Bay Area we’ll mail you a free stock of copies if you give them out for free. Say how many copies and how long you’ll be at your address. In the Bay Area pick up copies at Long Haul and Bound Together books, SF.


Against Rape Culture! Against the State! Anarchist Responses to Sexual violence: A conversation

By Joey

Currently a social worker for folks living with HIV, I’ve worked around sexual health for five years. In August, I interviewed my friend Tuck who lives in Eugene, OR and works in sexual assault survivor support and advocacy. Her work includes on-call crisis response advocacy, e.g., for someone who has experienced a recent sexual assault and chooses to either come in and disclose, or goes to the hospital to get a kit done, or wants to make a police report, or wants accompaniment to any of those. She also accompanies clients to court, staffs a crisis line, and trains volunteer advocates and crisis line workers.

J: What’s the current system like for responding to sexual violence?

T: The current mainstream system for responding to sexual violence, specifically for Oregon – and I will say that I think things are transitioning in law enforcement in an effort to become more trauma-informed – is that if someone is assaulted, they can go to a hospital and get something called a sexual assault forensic exam kit, which collects forensic evidence from their body, and they may get interviewed about what happened, anonymously or identified. The process for making a police report is that they’re interviewed by the responding officer (a beat cop), and that person collects initial evidence, might interview witnesses, might talk to the perpetrator, and then if they decide there’s enough of a case it gets passed on to a detective and possibly eventually to a DA.

The survivor can also file a lawsuit, but I don’t know as much about that. There are other services that folks become eligible for as well, like reimbursement from the state for lost wages, mental health care, etc. People also have civil protective options for their safety, which aren’t dependent on having a criminal case.

J: The state plays quite a large role then.

T: Yeah, I’ve started collaborating with a perpetrator intervention program, and there are some things in place around restorative justice or community accountability, but these are all community-created, not civic in any way. Most of it is the state.

J: The reason I reflected how much involvement the state seems to have is that we’re an anarchist publication and we’re – I am – interested in the groups you just mentioned, which are doing this at the community level, not at a civic level, as you put it. Two questions: what are the implications of the state having so much involvement, and could you saw more about the programs that are doing this kind of work on their own from a restorative justice lens?

T: I’ll answer the second one first. The question I’ve been thinking about is what does accountability mean? There’s a whole host of issues related to responding to sexual violence as a crime: one of the main problems is that the criminal legal system is so based around property that it doesn’t translate to these harms that are more spirit-based. How do you understand or quantify intent or impact?

I think that one of the issues that a lot of community accountability processes – and there’s a great book called the Revolution Starts at Home that has a ton of info about projects that folks have done around accountability, specifically confronting sexual violence in activist communities – is that people seem to mimic the criminal justice system in the ways they’re approaching accountability. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, so then you have to prove that crime took place, which when it comes to something like theft is demonstrable: I used to have a bicycle, now I don’t. But when it comes to something like sexual violence, especially around consent, it becomes much harder to prove, as any detective will tell you, and it doesn’t really reflect what actually happened in an act like sexual assault.

What ends up happening is that there are big town hall meetings, people present evidence, and people’s character comes under attack. If someone has more social capital, they’re more likely to believed; if someone has shaky standing in their community, that comes in as well. So there are a ton of problems that arise when we try to recreate a system that is inadequate to respond to this type of event — and, I would argue, is inadequate to respond to most things.

I’m by no means an expert on transformative justice, but I do feel that there are things that can be learned from survivor support movements, that would better inform accountability and transformative justice projects. People who have worked so closely with survivors are better equipped to understand the impact of sexual violence on people and should therefore be part of crafting the response to it.

Within anarchist/radical/whatever communities, there’s often an agreement around shared values, and one of those is that we need to develop alternatives to the state, so there’s more of a framework in place for working on this, as well as a high value on community; sometimes it doesn’t work that well, but at least folks see each other as members of a community rather than people who happen to live in the same town. Well, I don’t just work with survivors who are anarchists, I work with survivors from everywhere – how do we provide for folks who aren’t necessarily already involved with radical spaces?

J: I think there’s maybe a tension between folks who would say they’re not concerned with how well you can scale up a project like that: if you can make a project work in your community, that’s what you can do, and any attempt to scale up becomes inherently recuperative – and on the other hand, I think there’s a lot to say for the idea that, as you put it, a lot of people who experience sexual violence aren’t in those communities – and a lot of people who are swallowed up by the prison-industrial complex aren’t in those communities.

T: I think the issue is seeing community accountability as a replacement for the criminal legal system, because it’s too big. We can’t have a community accountability practice end up as a town jury.

The problem is if you imagine that you’re going to rehabilitate a perpetrator, for example, or work with them so they stop perpetrating violence or unlearn toxic patterns of violence and control, which is a task radical communities often give themselves – we’re working so far out of our skillset. And a lot of the time we don’t have healthy communication and boundaries, because we’ve never had it modeled for us. Especially in communities that are more transitory, it’s hard to imagine how personal-work-based change takes place. So how do we make community with each other that’s accountable, that takes care of each other, where each member is committed to working through their own stuff, where the social norms support that? I think it’s much more about culture-shifting than creating another non-profit or collective; there’s a lot of good to be done in having community workshops where people talk about these issues.

J: What do you think prevents communities from being accountable?

T: That’s a good question. When you see a problem this systemic, the answer is always that it’s a system issue. Sexual violence is deeply raced, deeply classed, based in colonialism; and these dynamics are recreated in our relationships. All of that affects what we do. So creating accountable community is in part about destroying patriarchy, white supremacy, heterosexism, etc, and it’s as difficult as any anti-oppression work that we have.

J: The thought in the back of my head was, it seems like part of the reason we don’t have accountable communities is because we don’t have to do the work of creating accountability; people just call the cops and imagine that the cops and the prison-industrial complex will somehow do that work for them. Does that resonate with you at all?

T: Largely, people want to keep sexual violence an invisible issue. When you look at the statistics on sexual violence and domestic violence in our country, it’s staggering — it’s epidemic. To confront that means confronting a huge part of our entire culture. Most people don’t want to think about it, and even people who understand that aren’t necessarily thinking about what survivors have to work with. So they might reflexively say, “Don’t call the cops,” but they don’t know what it’s like to be a survivor or the choices they have.

I will say that the movement to end sexual violence works really hard to ally itself with the criminal justice system; it’s been an intentional act over the past three decades to get cops to respond adequately to sexual violence. Remember that most kinds of sexual violence weren’t even crimes until recently, and if they were crimes they were property crimes – marital rape wasn’t a crime until 1994.  A lot of the initial work went to moving these issues from the realm of private business to public crimes. And we’re now left with the result of that. A lot of that trajectory coincided historically with a state that said, “You know what we’re really into? Throwing everyone in prison.” And those two movements worked really well together. While critiquing that, I also want to hold that people had real safety reasons for doing that, and continue to.

J: Yeah, it would be a misstep to blame a survivor who calls the cops. We’re in agreement there. But a little while ago I wondered what you think the implications are of the state being so involved in the response process, and I was thinking on a more systemic level about the historical process you just described – of the genocidal levels of incarceration coinciding with this new approach of collaboration with the criminal justice system.

T: I feel a strong critique of the DVSA [domestic violence, sexual assault] movement around its cooperation with the criminal justice system, and that critique has been brought forward by women of color advocates consistently, and especially black and indigenous women, who had named so much of that. The history is really reflective of the ways white voices dominated the movement – they didn’t see obvious consequences to that choice to work so closely with the criminal justice system.

In terms of what are the effects of state involvement, I think there’s been an intentional process of mystification around how the criminal legal system works: most people think that an individual presses charges against an individual, but that’s not how it works. So survivors come to the system saying, “this is what so-and-so did, and it wasn’t OK.” But what they find is that it’s taken entirely out of their hands and comes down to an issue of consent, where one person can say it was consensual and the other can say it wasn’t, and then the law says, we don’t know who to believe.  This is an important lesson for accountable community processes, to know that we don’t want to do that, too. Instead, approaching survivors from a trauma-informed perspective takes us away from this abusive criminal justice system: it’s not an issue of, “only one person can be right here,” but rather two people perceiving a situation differently, where one person has been harmed, and the harm is what we need to address – not what did or didn’t exactly happen.

J: And it seems like the state doesn’t have any way to deal with processes from that framework.

T: No, it’s not a part of the framework. I’m curious about what will happen, because the way consent conversations have advanced in the past 10-15 years is outstanding. We’ve developed these nuanced ways to talk about consent as an active process, and a lot of prevention work is based around consent education, but none of that has made it into the state. That is just not how consent is reflected in the law.

The other thing is that trauma-informed care is working its way into some parts of the state response, but not all. Things like understanding flight-fight-freeze as a normal trauma response hasn’t made its way through yet. So people are still questioned about, “Why didn’t you leave? Your car was there – why didn’t you take off?” Because people don’t understand how trauma works.

There’s a common question I hear of why haven’t people put work into community accountability? Well, a lot of people have, and do this work around the world, but in my personal experience there’s a pattern where some people do this work and many people don’t. And that’s often across gender lines – who does emotional labor, and who can choose to ignore sexual violence. Who chooses to support survivors by working on these issues, and who doesn’t.

J: I think that parallels a long-standing critique of activist communities – and this is somewhat of a caricature of the critique – looking at who’s out in a riot, for example, and who’s taking care of the kids of those folks.

T: Who will do the dishes after the revolution, type of stuff.

J: Yeah, it’s both predictable and sad to see that dynamic here as well… Anything you want to add?

T: The only thing I would want to add is to leave you with, what do we need to be accountable to one another? What are the ingredients for the recipe of accountable communities? We need to be survivor-centered, etc. I’ve learned in doing this work that those ingredients are skills that you can learn, ways of looking at the world – at power – that can be reframed. What we know is that people in positions of power sexually assault people with less power because they know the survivor won’t be believed. That’s a classic situation that’s well known, and yet in radical communities we don’t have a deep understanding of that.

So part of being accountable means learning about patterns like that, to demystify sexual violence. We know that rape culture is more than a movie with a fucked-up portrayal of non-consensual sex, but is actually present in these subtle ways.

So again, what do our communities need to be able to do this better, if we want to have an alternative space?

J: Right, and that recipe connects to so many other struggles… Thanks so much,  Tuck!


Leap For It! Leap Day Action Night Call to Action February 29

By Jesse D. Palmer

Leap Day — February 29, 2016 — is an extra day that gives us a chance to look at how we spend most of our days and wonder if we can’t do a little better? If the answer is “yes”, Leap Day can be an arbitrary but overdue moment to create decentralized, militant and yet creative and hilarious uprisings against the various oppressive systems that vex us.

The odds of evolving a brain like ours that can comprehend its own existence, play, create and love while spinning on a tiny rock in an infinite universe — those are very long odds. And yet people spend most of their lives just scraping by — facing constant pressure at jobs we hate, looking at computers when we would prefer to be at the beach. The world is full of instability, fear and loneliness as we constantly compete for virtual friends, overpriced housing and products that are killing the planet.

Leap Day is a gimmick. Systems of inequality, racism, police violence and environmental destruction are vulnerable, but they won’t collapse on their own. They need our help. Everyone is standing around waiting for something to happen or just focused on the latest outrage. We need to take the initiative and throw the first punch every once in a while.

In 2000, in the wake of the huge protests against the World Trade Organization in Seattle, some of us in Berkeley created what we think was the first Leap Day Action Night. The size, radicalism and rebellious success of Seattle was a welcome surprise to many its participants — the energy we shared there is a great model for what we need now.

For 2000 leap day, one tiny meeting led to a night of mobil disruptive tactics with music blaring from a bike mounted sound system in front of banks and chainstores throughout downtown Berkeley — long on action and inspiration, short on tired protest rituals. We deployed finger puppets, not the huge puppets you sometimes see at tamer protests, because you can run while wearing a finger puppet. Confused businesses just shut down and the police didn’t know how to react.

Leap Day 2004 saw decentralized protests in Berkeley, Houston, New York, and Manchester, England. In Berkeley, black clad marchers carrying a “closing” sign threw glitter, foam “bricks” and popcorn at dozens of chainstores and banks while using a pretty red bow to tie doors shut. The action was festive yet determined with no arrests.

In 2012, right in the wake of the Occupy Movement, we had a funeral for capitalism in Oakland, complete with a real coffin and a brass band leading a procession through the streets to a dance party. The police had taken our camps, but they couldn’t make us love our bosses or the 1%.

The call for decentralized revolt on Leap Day 2016 is open-ended in terms of tactics, goals and strategy. The broader the critique of social institutions and the farther from single-issue-activism-as-usual, the better. It is up to you and each local community to figure out how to use this extra day for something exciting and new. Decentralization and openness are a key strength and necessary if unrest is to expand and engage the larger community.

Leap day can be a laboratory to see what actions feel relevant and engaging in view of local conditions. It’s useful to let your imagination run free and go beyond the well worn patterns of radical activity. How can we articulate our vision for the future now in dynamic, emotionally resonant, new ways? While unrest can be militant, its also important to maintain a sense of humor and avoid grim self-seriousness. How can we reach beyond the same folks we typically see in the streets? Leap day at its best can help break down the artificial separation between “activism” and living our lives full of enjoyment and freedom. Living joyful lives must ultimately be the same as building a new world.

You don’t need permission to celebrate Leap Day, and there is no organization, no structure, no email list. There is no success or failure. This is about taking matters into your own two hands and seeing what might happen.

There may be to ideas, resources, local action callouts and report-back at leapdayaction.org. Slingshot also has big posters we can mail you for free if you email us. Leap for it!


The 6 regrets of the dying

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

6. I wish I had used Leap Day every 4 years to get out in the street and be brilliant, creative and zany to smash capitalism, patriarchy and the state!