
Inspiration for a drug war hostage

Dearest Beautiful People:

Personally I would like to thank everyone involved and contributing to Slingshot. Six weeks ago I was released from the New Hampshire State Prison after 40 months of being held hostage in support of the War on Drugs.

Although the facility I was held at was very skeptical of all incoming mail, somehow the Earth Mother let 4 of your issues cross into my hands. They have given some inspiration, gratitude and much positive energy flow.

Finally I can feel some true rebellion and strength to stand up for views and philosophies – h is magical.

Currently there is a strong need for a micropower independent radio station in the extremely cultured and progressive Portsmouth, NH (seacoast) – hippest town in NH . I want to be the supplier, I need info!

-Thanks Scoff Byrnes

Railroad to disaster

Dear Slingshot:

I don’t know when it happened but somewhere along the line American Society boarded a runaway train headed for disaster. In an attempt to ‘get tough on crime’ the general public has been sold the myth that locking people up is the solution to the crime problem. In the short run R appears to have some impact. But over time the tracks will end, most certainly ending up in disaster.

Let’s focus on the offender for a moment. As an inmate in the Arizona Department of Corrections, having been convicted of a non- violent, non-dangerous offense, I have had the opportunity to observe a penal system designed to encourage failure. Instead of providing an opportunity and an environment that encourages rehabilitation, we are essentially being warehoused until our release date comes around. There is essentially no ‘corrections’ only punishment.

Look at R like this. If you put an offender in prison, warehouse him for as long as you can, then release him back to the streets, what do you have? The same offender, who is a little older, a little wiser, and perhaps a little angrier at the system that failed him. Wouldn’t R be wiser and safer for society if during his incarceration, this same offender was able to take advantage of. real rehabilitation programs, maintain strong family ties and work on the issues that brought him to prison in the first Mace?

I hope one day we can begin true rehabilitation in our criminal justice system. As things exist today the system is destined for failure. I only hope that those on the outside will act with society’s best interest in mind. Because if we continue on the track that we are on, there will most certainly be a crash. I’d hate to be around to view the wreckage because it will most certainly be a mess!

I welcome any comments. I can be reached at:
Patrick Williams #84677
Arizona State Prison- Perryville
PO Box 3300
Goodyear, AZ 85338

or e-mailed at Patfick@inmate.com,
information about me can be found on the Internet
at: http://wwwinmate.com/inmatestpaldckw.htm