The Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley — also home of Slingshot’s offices — celebrates 10 years of being open at the same location this year in August. If you came to the Infoshop in 1993 or 1995 or 1997 and haven’t been back since because you think you have it pegged as representing this or that, you might want to come by again — a lot of stuff changes over 10 years.
Long Haul recently upgraded its audio/visual capability by installing a fancy sound system and a video projector. Most Friday and Saturday nights, there’s a concert, party or movie showing. If you want to book a show or screen a film, call the new booking hotline at 510 540-0751 ex. 4. We’re especially looking for independent video producers who want to screen their work. Long Haul is publishing a quarterly calendar with upcoming events. Or, you can check on the schedule of events by visiting our brand new website at
Another change is that after 10 years of Monday being reserved for women only, Monday is now open to all genders. Monday can still be reserved for women only events and folks scheduling all-gender events on Monday are asked to do so no more than three weeks in advance to give women only events scheduling preference. The change was made reluctantly after the staff of women’s night noticed that interest in a women’s only space had evaporated.
Drop by Long Haul Monday – Thursday from 6-9, or Sunday from 3-9. Or, if you want to get involved in running the place, the next meetings are March 2 and April 6 at 1:30 in the afternoon.