First (inter)National Copwatch Conference July 13-15, 2007

WE know we are out there! We know that in cities across this country people are watching the cops and offering resistance to abusive cops and the machinery of the police state. Based on our experience, over 100 organizations across the country are monitoring the police.

Berkeley Copwatch is hosting the first (inter)National Copwatch Conference July 13-15 2007 in Berkeley, CA. The event is to empower groups and individuals to be more effective in holding police accountable for their actions. We are planning skill-oriented workshops that are practical for those directly monitoring the police as well as strategy-focused workshops that enable discussion of theory and strategies for building a broader movement.

Our intent is to strengthen the national network of Copwatches, not create a national or centralized organization. Our greatest strengths are in our local and direct approaches to this many-faceted problem. We want to figure out how to share our experiences, build relationships, and act in support and solidarity with each other.

We want your help getting the word out. We also want to know what to include to make this conference as useful as possible to Copwatchers who are either in the streets now or are considering beginning a Copwatch type organization.

For more information about attending or submitting workshop ideas, go to or email us at

in solidarity, copwatch conference organizers