Communique from Red Cloud Thunder

Fuck You Forest Service! and greetings from Fall Creek tree occupation, Oregon! Yes, we\’re still here well into our third year of occupation of this lovely old forest, still keeping the lying, thieving de-Forestation Service at bay. Although the Clark timber sale has been on hold since December 99 for red tree vole surveys, the bastards have rushed all that through as quickly as possible, allowed Zip-O Lumber (of Eugene) a 1 year extension on their contract and, by all indications, plan on letting them in here to cut this spring (May 1 possibly). We\’ve girth-climbed lots of trees, found several more vole nests to jam up their bloody gears but have no delusions about our enemy and its intentions, one who writes, breaks and re-writes the rules to suit its own felonious fancies. In one of the most classic true-life tales of Good vs. Evil ever told, we\’ve put our lives on the line (literally) to keep those greed eyed federale nature-raping chain-sawing sons & daughters of clear-cutting bastards and bitches greedy money-grubbing hands the Fuck off this magical ancient forest and we ain\’t about to give up now!

Honka hey! I don\’t have to tell you that strength is in numbers but I will tell you that we need you badly this spring. If you truly love what little wilderness that\’s left (thanks to them, less than 5 percent of Mother Nature\’s-our-your kid\’s ancient forests remain) then you\’ll be here this spring to walk your talk and help us put this god be-cursed white-Anglo-Saxon Protestant male-oriented techno-industrial-manifest destiny juggernaut in its place and keep it there. Many folks have flaked on us feeling the vole hold has saved the forest. Wrong. Hopefully they\’ll be back this spring or you\’ll be here to take their place, either up in one of our many tree sits or fucking shut up on the ground-whatever best suits you. If you are for the trees then we are for you, and if your heart\’s not in it, get your ass out. Infiltrators, agents, disruptors will be tarred, feathered, bound, gagged, pissed and shat upon. All others will achieve some level of sainthood (so long as you don\’t injure or kill one of the bastards.)

Come Out! Help out!! Do Something!!! Wake Up!!!

For more info, contact Red Cloud Thunder, PO Box 11122, Eugene, OR 97440, (541) 684-8977,, Drop by Out of the Fog Cafe or Morning Glory Cafe in Eugene for directions to the Forest (just 45 miles away.)