1 – Wear the fucking dress

By Andee Amplified – Somewhere between Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas

Yet again, Texas politics are being played out on a national scale. I have lived through this before and will do it again. By living I do not just mean existing. I found my power and my voice, and I made it my life mission to thrive and not just survive. 

The goal of their game is to overwhelm and minimize our existence. I have long ago opted out of this game altogether. My survival strategy? Joy and authenticity. These two simple but key actions are crucial in your survival and thrival. (Did I just create a new word? I think so.) I found in the face of adversity, nothing pisses off oppressors more than feeling and enjoying yourself right now as you are. I can’t explain nor do I understand it, but I do not have to. It requires me to apply compassion and logical thinking to people who lack those skills. I do not have the mental or emotional bandwidth to do so. I digress. In the context we are speaking of my joy and authenticity, I feel it is important to note what my existence looks like in general. I am a Neurodiverse, Brown, Queer, Femme centered, Gender Non-conforming gift from the universe. Their attempts to politicize almost every aspect of my existence have been returned to them sealed within a flaming glass bottle. 

Navigating my world has become a dance. As I thrive prioritizing my joy and authenticity within my Nonbinary Queer Femme Brown body, I have to move with intention and awareness. At the forefront, I prioritize my safety, rest, peace, and joy. I trust my gut and instinct above all because if you cannot trust yourself, who then can you trust? Identifying and setting your intentions for thriving and existing is key in all this. Acting and moving within these intentions ensures I am doing my part to stay here for the long run. So what does living my authentic joyful self look like? Here are just a few examples. 

1.) Wear the fucking dress. Do not wait for an excuse or occasion. I woke up, that’s the occasion. I do not exist for the pleasure or approval of others. I wear what brings me joy.

2.) Do the damn thing. This year I am committed to start podcasting. In the past, I have created and distributed my art (paintings, drawings, doodles, and whatnot). I also made a resource guide to community resources. The last one was rather simple and very healing as it connected me and my communities to vital resources available during these times of dumpster fire realness. 

3.) Authenticity is my guide. If I cannot show up fully and unapologetically, I have no business being there. This ranges from physical spaces to relationships. I do not have the mental or emotional capacity to water down myself for your comfort. 

4.) Find or create community. In overwhelming, shaming, and minimizing our existence, oppressors work to break us down in our lives and communities. It is important to find your people. Shit, when I committed to be true to myself, I didn’t need to find community as they found me. 

5.) Rest and prioritize peace. You receive no prize or trophy for burning yourself out. It is counterproductive to wear myself down, as it makes the oppressor’s job easier. There are days when I do not leave the bed or apartment. I do not answer the phone or messages. I will chaotically meme share. 

6.) Stay informed and aware of reality. While joy and authenticity is an act of resistance, it is not an excuse for me to disconnect from reality. I operate within my ability, my means, and my capacity to give a shit. I stay informed but not overwhelmed and select key issues to focus on. I cannot do everything nor care for everything, however I cannot do nothing. 

7.) Create space for all emotional states of being. Every aspect of my emotions deserves space, not just joy (though the emphasis is heavy on joy). I make sure I let sadness, happiness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise have the attention they deserve. However, they chose to manifest and express.

These are only a few suggestions and parameters I operate within. For me, it is about mobilization but being fully aware of my energy budget. Boundaries are important and a necessity. Please note that these are just some insights into how I chose to live and operate. One size does not fit all nor do I claim my way is the right way to be joyfully and authentically you. What matters is that you show up. So to everyone who made it this far in my ramblings, I love you and you got this. We are now a community and I welcome you. All of you. Fully, unapologetically, authentically you.