A New Normalcy

Riding the post 9-11 wave of mass hysteria, Congress enacted a sweeping new set of “anti-terrorism” laws October 26, 2001. According to President, George W. Bush, the new legislation was intended to “strengthen the fight against terrorism while protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans”. Bush then went on to state that “the overwhelming bipartisan support for the bill [a 98-1 vote in the Senate] stemmed from its respect for the civil liberties guaranteed by our constitution.” In light of the federal round up of over 1000 Arab Americans, one can’t help but wonder if President Bush has any idea what his beloved Constitution states.

In reality, the measures enacted with the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) only sanctioned common practices the Feds have been utilizing for decades. This is especially apparent in the environmental hotbed of Portland, Oregon, where “the war against terrorism” has justified repression of domestic radicals for years before the September 11 attacks. The experience in Portland could be repeated nationwide given the new license enjoyed by the Feds to crackdown on domestic radicals under the guise of fighting the “war on terrorism.”

Since as early as 1997, the Portland Police Department (PPD) has been working in close alliance with the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS), US Customs and the Drug Enforcement Administration amongst several other undisclosed agencies to combat the growing underground movement of the Earth and Animal Liberation Fronts (ELF & ALF). It wasn’t until November of 2000 that the broad power of these dangerous allies became official in the form of the Portland Joint Terrorism Task Force (PJTTF).

Joint Terrorism Task Forces have been utilized in other US cities dating back to the late seventies in NYC. The New York JTTF was established to combat a rash of bank robberies in the city, hardly the stuff of a domestic terrorist threat to the US government. Since the early days of JTTF’s, over 30 cities have taken on these allegiances between federal and local law enforcement agencies. Attorney General Ashcroft has now ordered the formation of JTTFs in every federal prosecutor’s territory.

The typical make-up of JTTF’s is comprised of a half dozen or so local law enforcement officers with an equal number of federal agents from the corresponding area branch. Indeed, the JTTF is nothing more then a training ground for officers to be deputized as federal agents, further blurring the line of exactly who is accountable for what and to whom.

As its primary mission statement, the PJTTF, vowed to “identify and target for prosecution those individuals or groups who are responsible for acts of criminal terrorism within the traditional criteria of the Right or Left Wing movements, as well as acts of criminal terrorism committed by special interest groups, such as the anti-abortion movement and the ALF/ELF. The PJTTF will enhance the effectiveness of federal, state, local law enforcement resources through a well coordinated initiative seeking the most effective investigative avenues by which to convict offenders.”

As is clearly evident in the loose language and structure of the mission statement, the PJTTF obviously doesn’t want the public to have any inkling of what they truly determine to be classified as terrorism. Obviously, large pockets of the populace in the Northwest are well informed about the existence of the Earth Liberation Front in the region. The FBI would love to have everyone believe that members of these underground organizations are “violent extremists hell bent on the destruction of all that we hold sacred in this country.” But when you start to read between the lines and sift through the mountains of misinformation the police channel through their allies running the major media outlets, you begin to uncover the true aim and goals of these partners in crime.

In April of 2001, Craig Rosebraugh, then the national spokesperson for the ELF and a Portland resident, faced an all-too-familiar scenario as he was stopped on a “routine traffic violation” and detained for 30 minutes while the FBI had time to prepare search warrants for Rosebraugh’s residency and business, the Calendula Baking Company. All told Rosebraugh’s home with fellow environmental activists Leslie James Pickering and Elaine Close was searched for six hours while a simultaneous four hour search was being carried out at the bakery. Upon leaving the bakery and the home, agents seized hundreds of items of property including computer equipment, phone lists, videos, literature and other items. High profile arrests and seizures attached to prominent above ground activists such as Rosebraugh have become one of the chief pillars of the FBI’s typical political investigation. These acts of harassment lend credibility to the notion that the FBI are close to cracking open the cells of ELF, when in actuality they have rarely ever convicted anyone even indirectly involved in acts of eco-sabotage.

After completion of the raid Rosebraugh was issued his seventh grand jury subpoena since 1997, this one in regards to a non-ELF arson of an SUV dealership in nearby Eugene. When asked to comment on the latest interrogation Rosebraugh said: “This is nothing more than another attempt by the thugs of the state and federal government to stop the legal work of the North American ELF press office.” He went on to say that “These random items which were seized have no connection to any crimes and this is quite obviously just another form of harassment by the state.”

Although Rosebraugh has garnered major independent and mainstream media coverage in the past few years, he is but a single victim in a sustained, highly sophisticated war of heavy-handed tactics that the PPD and their federal allies have initiated to dismantle the radical community in Portland. An anonymous anarchist and former resident of Portland recently told me of a continuous flurry of supposedly random pullovers at the hands of the PPD. During these encounters local anarchists and community activists would be questioned on the state of their involvement in various organizations and given extreme tickets on largely fabricated vehicular and bicycle infractions.

The Portland crackdown coincided with the heightened state of fear in the region in the period between the June 18, 1999 street riots in neighboring Eugene and that fall’s massive shutdown of the WTO meetings in Seattle, three hours to the north. In both cases anarchists from Portland were identified as instigators. Things became so hot in the wake of these two events that it became common for local activists to be pulled aside at demos by police who knew their name, their affiliation with various groups and their residencies by heart.

On the evening of March 29th, 2001 this building anti-anarchist witch hunt reached a pinnacle as a private party in a northeast Portland house was raided by 43 police cars who responded to a state of emergency call issued by the first cops to arrive on the scene. The original complaint was that of a reported noise complaint. Not more then two minutes after the cop was assured that the noise would be contained, cruisers began pouring into the area with sirens blazing, completely surrounding the house and blocking off streets in several directions in the immediate area of the party.

Accounts of the confrontation by activists and police are contrary. Police claimed that an officer was trapped inside of the house and was physically detained and beaten by several attendants of the party, all of whom just happened to be members of the local activist community and punk rock subculture. From the moment the squads began encircling the house, police brutality reigned upon the crowd. Pepper Spray was used and scores of individuals were questioned and photographed.

Three individuals were arrested at the scene and charged with assault and riot, both felonies. Later they w
ere released on their own recognizance and ordered to appear for a court date the following Monday afternoon. At the hearing, the three were re-arrested and all of their supporters were forced to leave the courtroom. In addition to the two felonies, the three were charged with kidnapping at the hearing. Months later one of the victims had all charges dropped after a private detective was hired. The other two individuals ended up doing month long stints in a work camp after they plead guilty to reduced charges.

In the time following the raid, widespread community condemnation of the PJTTF began to mount and it appeared that the fall review and proposal for renewal for the ordinance would be defeated. Before the hearing, however, the September 11 attacks squashed any hopes for de-escalation of federal or local police department activist harassment.

Since that time cities small and great have been whipped into a state of panic by the US government with warnings of a “new, different kind of war, where terror can and will strike without warning”. With the formal endorsement of joint terrorism task forces by attorney general Ashcroft and passage of the Anti-Terrorism Act, the experience in Portland may be just the beginning.

Steve Sherlag, a Portland lawyer who has testified against the PJTTF fears the worst. “There has been a movement to label people who question the military response as un-American”. People who are protesting the US government’s approach “can expect that they’re going to be investigated by the FBI and the Portland Police Bureau’s JTTF”. Dan Handelman, a member of the Portland chapter of the national police accountability group, Copwatch, echoes Sherlag’s sentiments, “Regardless of whether there is real terrorism or not, a task force that has such an ill-defined mission, and which keeps information secret from society, is a danger to civil rights”.

With the ramifications of September 11th being felt globally, nations from all political leanings are rushing to pass highly restrictive new laws. In Canada the always flimsy definition of what constitutes terrorism mentions threats against property in the same breath as those against human lives. In the war torn country of Columbia the executive branch is passing new legislation that enables the government to detain anyone who is suspected of terrorist activity without first obtaining incriminating evidence. And the beat goes on in Britain and India and Jamaica and. . . .

Here in the US, increasing use of terrorist laws to attack domestic radicals appears likely. With the lines between federal and local law enforcement being distorted with the proliferation of the JTTF phenomena, federal power is dramatically enhanced. With the new license for political surveillance, we must assume that every time you speak in opposition to the blood on the hands of the US government, they are listening. Every time you question the integrity of our great president, they are watching. Every time you receive Slingshot in the mail, they are keeping track of you.

To fight the descent into a security state justified by a perpetual war on terrorists, we have to understand what we’re up against and organize to smash it.

The author, Greg Wells, can be reached at: PO Box 5021 Richmond, VA. 23220

Slingshot Box

Slingshot is a quarterly, independent, radical newspaper published in the East Bay since 1988.

We worked diligently, dressed in drag queen attire a la Hedwig for endless day after endless day. Failing computers, a short supply of waxer wax (only available in Florida!), and a chocolate famine were but a few of the obstacles that we confronted. As you can see, we have persevered to bring you this wonderful issue of Slingshot.

We’re putting this issue out right before the World Economic Forum (WEF) protests; consequently by the time you get this it will have happened and we won’t have an article on it. Such is the story of bad timing. We wish our friends who attend the best and we will be following closely on indymedia.

We’re always looking for writers, artists, photographers, editors, distributors, free-thinkers, and porn stars to make Slingshot better.

Editorial decisions about Slingshot are made by the Slingshot collective. Articles do not necessarily represent the opinions of everyone in Slingshot. We welcome debate, discussion, and criticism, even slander.

Also the 2002 Slingshot organizer is now available. Send $5 for one, $16 for four, or $27 for 8 (new discount for 8!). All postage is included and if you send an extra $1 with your order and we’ll throw in a one year subscription to Slingshot! What a deal.

slingshot volunteer meeting

Volunteers interested in getting involved with Slingshot can hang out with us on April 14 at 4 p.m. at the Long Haul in Berkeley (see below).

article deadline and next issue date

Submit your articles for issue 74 by May 17, 2002. We expect the issue out in early June.

Volume 1, Number 74 Circulation 10,000

Printed January 29, 2002

slingshot newspaper

Sponsored by Long Haul

3124 Shattuck Ave Berkeley Ca 94705

Phone: (510) 540-0751



Slingshot is free in the Bay Area and is available at Long Haul and Bound Together Books (1369 Haight St in SF) and at many other places. Contact us if you want to distribute Slingshot for free in the Bay Area.

Subsciptions to Slingshot are $1 (until the State is toppled) per issue (bulk mail pre-paid) or $2 for First Class Mail after the issue comes out. International is $2.50 an issue. Back issues are available. Amazing experimental free distribution program: We’ll mail free copies of Slingshot to distributors, infoshops and bookstores FREE in the U.S. if they give’em out for free.

Communicate for Revolution

Glam DIsco Punk

Dear Slingshot,

This is Sean “Goblin”. Just read your “No War” issue #73. Generally it’s good stuff (aside from the ancient clip art). The whole September 11th deal awoke or rather jelled the repressed @narchist in me…which i had basically given up on during my burning out on punk rock years…. Anyhow, I’ve done a lot of thinking and soul searching since 1994 and i’m ready to have a go at the revolution again. While I don’t subscribe to any particular philosophies, generally I lean on the Black Panther/Sun Ra, Crass/Discharge, MC5/ Donovan, T-rex/Bohansson/Tolkien side of things…fantasy laden, esoteric/spiritual fueled Jazz Rock Funk Folk Metal Glam Disco Punk Biker deal. Anyhow, “Planning for Revolution Requires Communication” and that’s what I’m doing. Even though I thot you cats were a bunch of P.C. squares when I was younger and less focused, I’m down with the plan, I’m devoted to freedom and putting us, the earth and the aminals above systems and I’m in West Oakland. Also here’s some of my new comix. Enjoy. Protest and Survive, Sean

Don’t Discount Potential Allies

Dear Slingshot,

It’s too bad that some elements within the anarchist community are defensive about dealing with racism, both in the larger world and within our smaller community. This defensiveness is well illustrated by Pirate Prentice’s article “Planning For Revolution Requires Communication”. Many of the suggestions Pirate makes are good ideas, but for some reason, and in contradiction to many of the other suggestions, s/he specifically advises against working with youth of color. S/he also recommends that we not deal with racism, sexism, homophobia and classism within “our”own groups, since we’ve all been raised with that stuff and it can be divisive. Well, as a white anti-racist lower class woman, I’ll “divisive” myself right out of any group not willing to deal with this shit, and I suspect many other folks from historically oppressed groups feel the same way, which would explain why a majority of the people who hold long term places of influence and recognition within our local anarchist scene are straight white men.

We all need to work out asses off to stop the “War on Terrorism”, but we all also need to work our asses off to stop capitalism and the state (I mean, for revolution). I can’t imagine that the anarchist community will have much success in contributing to and participating in a broad based grass roots revolution if we insist on keeping ourselves in our self imposed ghetto, saying “other groups must organize themselves” and prioritizing work with groups like ALF, who are amazing and inspiring, no doubt, but not in the least revolutionary. Since the current war the United States is waging is very much grounded in racist ideas and assumptions, now is a really good time for us to explore what that means for us as an anarchist community and how to incorporate our understanding of the entrenched racism of the United States into our day to day networking, organizing, and action. Many communities of color, from youth in Oakland to Arab American groups everywhere, are providing amazing examples of resistance to the United States’ war machine and brutality. Now is not the time to hide behind our defensiveness about dealing with racism and other forms of oppression.

Pirate suggests we “discover who our allies are.” My allies are not only people who oppose this war, but who also oppose this entire messed up capitalist, patriarchal state, and I know for a fact that includes many youth of color.

These are hard times, and the work we have to do is hard. Discounting whole communities and potential allies will not stop the war and it will not help us down the road to positive revolution.

Thanks for putting out the special ‘9-11’ issue.

Yours in struggle (with each other and the state), Rahula Janowski



I agree that discounting whole communities will not stop the war or bring revolution but, then again, neither will misreading Slingshot articles.

Saying other groups must organize themselves is only the truth; I as a white person cannot organize in the Black community, they would laugh me out of there. And that was the point of the article, that older white guys trying to push their agenda onto youth of color doesn’t work. That doesn’t mean one shouldn’t work at all with folks of color, but one should do it as equals not as an organizer going into a community pushing an agenda that may not be wanted.

The article did not “recommend that we not deal with racism, sexism, homophobia and classism” in our own groups. The article said to “avoid the rhetoric and p.c. criticism”, notice–avoid the rhetoric not avoid dealing with oppression. The point being that, yes we all share a culture steeped in racism, sexism, homophobia and classism and we all need to be aware of our behavior and language, but it doesn’t help if we jump down the throat of a comrade if he doesn’t use the approved language. Different people are going to have different levels of proficiency at P.C. talk, but we should be sure of what the intent of the person is before we spew anti-racist dogma at her to educate him in group think.



Dear Slingshot:

I’m really upset to see that you listed act-up San Francisco as a contact in your organizers for 2002. This is a very right wing group with a gay twist. They work with right wing politicians to cut funding for aids drugs because they say hiv doesn’t lead to aids. They put out a lot of half truths and often manipulate facts. They also beat up people for taking aids drugs. They claim they just use “aggressive in your face tactics.” I seriously thought you people would know better. These people aren’t anarchists, they’re just conspiracy theorists.

-Joe Levasseur

Joe-we have already realized our mistake and they will certainly not be in next year’s organizer. -Astrogirl

Friends in Paris!!!

Dear Slingshot

Hi! Passing through San Francisco on November 14, I came upon a demonstration against the war, and someone gave me a flyer signed Jason Justice, from Slingshot. It is very comforting for some of us, in Europe, to see that Americans say everything we think. Of course we are in the same ship, against the same kind of power, for the same human world.

With a group of friends, we write a paper in Paris, France, for and with the people of our neighborhood – very pluri-ethnic and pluri-cultural. Our goal is to let people express their opinions and their creativity. We feel we have made a small step in the right direction when people of different origins speak to each other without referring to a French intermediary, when someone from Mauritania writes a paper on modern slavery with a Bangladeshi, or a Pakistanis reflections on terrorism with an Italian, when a Muslim woman who has never left her home before, comes and gives us a poem. Our paper is also multilingual. We try to have people write in their native language, and we translate in French, with the author’s help; for those who cannot understand. This is the reason why I was wondering if you would allow us to reprint one of your articles, the one that was handed to me and that uplifted my spirit or another from your paper (I found you on the web after I got back to Paris). We would love to have a fruitful exchange with you, so far and so close.

Peacefuly yours

Dominique, from the “Voice of Cultures”.

Jail Mail

Dear Slingshot:

Yet another year passes here in this Texas Gulag Hell Hole. Please note the above address and T.D.C.J. addition of two numeral slots on my prison number. We are in the millions now and still counting in State, Private, Federal prisons and jails. I have not moved physically, only in name.

Thanks for these past years in your mailings to me of Slingshot. You are the only one left who mails out on a regular basis. It seems all the others either have failed in some way, most pr
obably financial, to be able to produce their periodicals and have ceased to exist are just barely able to get by at their home base.

It is a shame that it has to be that way, because it is the only way that I can get the truth in news with alternative reporting in the state of affairs be they local, state or global. Much unlike the News Hour Bullshit on TV.

I am an avid reader. Due to manpower shortages here the prison library on this unit has been closed to all non school participating prisoners such as me for going on four months. I have a prison job. I refuse to work since at my age and length of prison term most probably I will not live to see any possible prison release.

All that I have to do is read, do crossword puzzles, or listen to the radio. TV nor recreation is an option in my case.

So, if you or anyone else you may know of who might be able to help in any way it would help immensely. These few things are the crux of my ability to be able to cope with and this ass load of time in any sort of way easier than T.D.C.J. would have do it.

Again thanks to all at Slingshot. Please put my poor old ass in the mail hopper for another year.

One who love ya


Edgar Waller #00738675 1800 Luther DR. O.L. Luther Unit Navasota, TX 77869

Undermining Land and Workers

Pacific Lumber Swings Their Axe Again

Forestt defenders in California’s northwoods are preparing for a spring of direct action protests as they struggle to preserve the last scraps of the worlds old growth redwood habitat – and they need your help. Keep your ears open for upcoming protests and campaigns, and keep your knapsack packed and ready to go! There will likely be protests against logging plans for residual old growth areas including Allen Creek if it gets approved, two more logging plans in Hole in the Headwaters (one section of forest in this area was already cut in the fall), and logging plans up for approval in the Mattole. Public action is also required around the Bureau of Land Management’s draft Management Plan on the (publicly owned) Headwaters Preserve. Public hearings are expected in April.

Pacific Lumber (PL), the largest private owner of redwoods in the Northwoods, recently submitted a proposal to log in the Allen Creek Grove, one of the six old growth groves set aside under protective status for 50 years under the infamous Headwaters Deal. These groves comprise the Marbled Murrelet (bird) Conservation Area, and are supposed to be protected under legally binding terms of the Deal, yet the company is poised to log mature second growth and residual old growth redwoods within the heart of this vitally important habitat.

PL is attempting to get around the agreement with the preposterous claim that their logging operation would “improve” Murrelet habitat. However, since these elusive seabirds rely on intact forest stands and are extremely susceptible to noise disturbances and predator species, their logging would have disastrous effects, resulting in reductions in canopy density and closure, increasing wind and weather impacts and increasing opportunities for predatory birds that predate on the Murrelet’s eggs.

The contract between Pacific Lumber and the state of California for the release of the bucketloads of money paid them as part of the Headwaters Deal ($480 million) clearly prohibits any kind of logging within the 13 Marbled Murrelet Conservation Areas for a period of 50 years. PL and the Calif. Dept. of Forestry are trying to ignore this fact and use their own creative interpretations of PL’s Habitat Conservation Plan to claim the logging could be allowed.

People are urged to contact the Calif. Dept. of Forestry (CDF) while the plan is still in comment period (no end date set; contact BACH for info) and tell them this logging plan, THP 1-01-352 HUM should be denied.

In addition, PL has plans in the hopper that would allow them to go into “occupied” Marbled Murrelet habitat (they have already logged 5000 acres of Murrelet habitat since the Headwaters Deal.) There was a lull before the storm after the 1999 Headwaters Deal that may have led some to think there would be a reduced level of logging in Humboldt county. There will be soon, as PL has about used up all the prime timber land under their ownership (see layoffs, below). But this lull was only due to plans being brought into compliance with the Deal’s so-called Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), and we are braced for a stormy spring.

In addition, cynically blaming not only environmentalists and state regulations, but claiming to be constrained by their own HCP, Pacific Lumber put 140 of its workers out of work in December. PL’s overcutting, which spiraled out of control with the takeover of the company by Maxxam Corporation in 1985, landed them where they are today, with a very depleted resource base but a wealthy parent company. (Charles Hurwitz, CEO of Maxxam, got an $11 million bonus for the Headwaters Deal, which could go a long way toward helping the people living in a county in economic decline.) Operations will continue at PL’s smaller Carlotta mill, but the Scotia mill is the visible PL icon on Highway 101, and central to Scotia, one of the last company towns in America. PL said those employees laid off must move out of their company-owned homes in 6 months.

For news about all of these upcoming actions, keep in touch with the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters hotline (510) 835-6303, monthly meetings (2nd Tues. @ Rockridge Library) their listserve and website: www.HeadwaterPreserve. And keep your knapsack packed.

Don't Wave Your Finger At Us

Beware! The groundwork is quickly being laid for use of the “War on Terrorism” against domestic political radicals, anarchists, and environmentalists. Will the term “terrorist” be used to suppress anyone who questions the corporate/industrial system, in a kind of “new-McCarthyism”?

The danger of being labeled a terrorist for engaging in domestic political activity is high because once labeled, there is no way to fight the label. Groups or people labeled terrorists may be subject to increasingly extreme and unpredictable forms of government repression.

The definition of terrorist activity is so broad and includes so many types of activities that virtually anyone opposing corporate or government action using tactics other than voting and letter-writing could be labeled a “terrorist.” Federal law defines terrorism as “acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of criminal laws of the U.S. or any state; that appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population and to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.” The FBI defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce” the government or the civilian population.

Six days after the September 11 attacks, attorney general John Ashcroft announced the creation of anti-terrorism task forces in all federal district attorney offices across the country. His announcement appears to revive COINTELPRO tactics, although this time to disrupt and neutralize “terrorists” instead of “subversives.” He noted: “Once substantial credible information is received indicating that individuals or groups in a particular district may be terrorists or abetting terrorism or aiding terrorism, the members of the anti-terrorism task force in conjunction with the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice will determine and implement the most effective strategy for incapacitating any terrorist activity on their part.”

Since Ashcrofts announcement, numerous articles in the mainstream press have appeared to lay groundwork for labeling anarchist and radical environmentalist groups as terrorists who should be “incapacitated.” The New York Times recently published an article on the dangers posed by rowdy anarchists to the Olympic games. In another article, the Times noted that anarchist-based anti-racists who had protested a Nazi gathering in Pennsylvania were more violent and dangerous than the Nazis they came to protest. And a recent preview article about the protests against the World Economic Forum featured photographs of black-clad anarchists trashing a McDonald’s restaurant in Davos, Switzerland, and pictures of police and protesters clashing in Melbourne and Salzburg, Austria. All these articles, and many others found in papers across the country, appear designed to justify repression.

One of the most blatant war on terrorism based attacks on domestic dissent so far has been against the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (EFL). On October 31, Craig Rosenbraugh, the former press spokesperson for the ELF, was subpoenaed to testify before a FEBRUARY 12 Congressional hearing on Ecoterrorism. Rosenbraugh has said he won’t cooperate, and could be jailed indefinitely for refusing to respond to Congressional questions. The FBI has an on-going investigation against the ALF and the ELF (they were listed as terrorist groups before September 11) and it is unclear what might happen after the congressional hearing. “In probing the threat of terrorism, it only stands to reason that Congress should probe the threat of eco-terrorism as well,” Representative Scott McInnis (R-Colorado) said.

Soon after scheduling the hearing on ecoterrorism, McInnis and other congressmen sent letters to a number of mainstream environmental groups asking them to condemn the ALF and the ELF. The letter stated “As our Nation begins the recovery and healing process following the tragedy of September 11, we believe it is critical for Americans of every background and political stripe to disavow terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. No matter its shape, source or motivation, Americans simply cannot tolerate, either overtly or through silence, the use of violence and terror as an instrument of promoting social and political change. ”

When it comes right down to it, the corporations and governments and industrialism and property are killing the earth and killing far more people than any terrorists’ bombs. The kind of terrorism which seeks to butcher people at random so the terrorist can obtain power – the same kind of power wielded by the corporations and the governments the terrorist attacks – that kind of terrorism is not liberation, but just more of the same death and domination.

But the struggle for liberation from power is a struggle that requires disruption of the system it seeks to destroy. “Working within the system” only strengthens the system and cannot free us from the system. The struggle for liberation doesn’t seek to kill people – it seeks to fight a system of power which dominates people. We must not permit those who seek to retain power to label our struggle for libaration as “terrorist” thereby justifing use of the system’s violence against liberation.

Give Capitalism the Rope to Hang Itself

I was sitting and waiting for the train to come when something that had been stirring in my brain for nearly a year began to ferment once again. I wasn’t thinking about this “something” at all. Unsurprisingly, I was daydreaming of Emma Goldman and imagining that I might at some point in my life come close to touching upon her sincerity. In Living My Life she tells of one of her first experiences speaking in front of people. She has been strongly influenced by Johann Most and is speaking in Cleveland to a group of animated workers. She gives them a “sarcastic arraignment” and prods them to fight for more than temporary gains. It is then that an old worker rises to speak

“he said that he understood my impatience with such small demands as a few hours less a day, or a few dollars more a week. It was legitimate for young people to take time lightly. But what were men of his age to do? They were not likely to see the ultimate overthrow of the capitalist system. Were they also to forgo the release of perhaps two hours a day from the hated work? That was all they could hope to see realized in their lifetime. Should they deny themselves even that small achievement? Should they never have a little more time for reading or being out in the open? Why not be fair to people chained to the block?”

This was a turning point for Emma that impressed upon her the need for independent thinking. For some reason this particular sentiment hit me when I was tossing around the current Roe vs. Wade situation in my malcontent brain. The thought of losing Roe Vs. Wade with the impending implantation of one more demonic “supreme” court “justice” makes me grimace and choke back vomit. I do not believe in petitioning the state and this leads me to wonder what is the female anarchist role in the struggle to maintain control of our bodies? Those who will suffer from the overturning of Roe vs. Wade more than just ideologically like myself, are the poor, uneducated, people of color, i.e. the same people who always lose under capitalism.

Should I organize demonstrations? Should I implement abortion workshops? Should I tour the poorest areas of every city and town with information? What would be effective?

I am not writing this to supply answers or information but to provoke thought in the hopes that the thought will provoke action, and that action a reaction. I have found that when I have a question it is best to ask it because questions either supply answers or deliberation. Both of which I consider productive. It is from these humble musings that I found myself scratching at the walls of the beast. Perhaps, this particular issue seems too liberal for some. Many, in my experience, see it the way Goldman leered out over the crowd of haggard workers.

It is time that we begin to educate and organize everyone possible, from every angle. The system doesn’t work and there is always a personal connection to that. For womyn, this is a good example. Let us tie every struggle into a knot (also a good birth control method) and point at the big mess of capitalism.

For information on herbal emmenagogues (stimulating menstruation) or herbal abortifacients (encouraging abortion) go to:


New Infoshops Opening

In the last few months several new infoshops have opened up around the land, and some have moved. If you’re in the area, stop by and help support them. If you know of other openings, let us know.

New Autonomous Zone in Chicago

The Azone in Chicago has moved. The new address is 2129 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL 60647 and the new phone # is (773) 460-0237. The mailing address remains the same; 1573 N. Milwaukee, Chicago, IL 60622. The new space should be fully constructed by this printing and will include a full kitchen, computer lab, infoshop, library, bike shop and darkroom, and a basement for shows. Sounds cool! If you’re in Chicago check it out.

Flor y Canto opens in LA

Flor y Canto Centro Comunitario Flor y Canto has a bookstore, internet hookup, a meeting space and a foosball table! They are a not-for-profit space seeking social change. They also have films, potlucks, study groups and other classes. Hours are–Tuesday through Saturday 1-6 pm. 3706 N. Figueroa Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90065 www.florycanto.org mail@florycanto.org

Corner Books opens in Yellow Springs

Corner Books is located at 108A Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, OH. They offer free alternative literature, new and used books, and a weekly video showing. Corner Books is run by a collective of local Yellow Springs residents and Antioch College students. Hours are Saturday 12-5 and Sunday 1-5, and other hours as volunteer effort allows. email: CornerBooks@mail.com web: www.CornerBooks.org. Phone: 937-374-1552.

New Activist Resorce Center in DC

The Gaea Foundation will soon open a public resource center for activism and arts (no name yet) at 1730 Connecticut Avenue, NW, 2nd floor, Washington, DC 20036. It will have a library, Internet access, a web portal, art display space and a video projector. It will be staffed by a trained reference librarian and will support study groups and present guest speakers.

Boxcar Books open in Bloomington, IN

Boxcar Books will be opening February 1st at 310 A S. Washington St. Bloomington, IN 47401. We can be reached at (812) 339-8710, boxcar@softhome.net, or www.boxcarbooks.org Our hours are 11-9 Mon – Sat and 12-5 Sun. The bookstore specializes in new and used books, zines, periodicals, graphic novels, and comics. The meeting space is open to any groups and discussion groups interested in using it. And, The Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project is officially part of our non-profit and uses the back part of the space to fulfill 80-100 requests for books a week.

Urbana-Champaign IMC & library

Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center and Library collective located at 218 West Main Street in Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 344-8820. We’re open every day, noon-9pm on Sun., Tues., and Sat., 4-9 all other days. We will be celebrating the 1-year anniversary of the opening of our space later this month. The library holds a growing number of materials in print, audio and video from alternative and/or small, independent publishers as well as independently produced zines, alternative journals and a media archive of work produced by IMC members.

Brycc House Library, Louisville

The Brycc House Library is located at 1055 Bardstown Road, Louisville, KY 40204, (502) 456-1006, brycc@brycchouse.org, www.brycchouse.org. The library is part of the Brycc House, a collectively-run center with a venue, computer lab, internet radio station, and art studio. The library takes zines and radical/independent books and literature. We are looking for more volunteer librarians.

Arise Resource Center, Minneapolis

Arise Resource Center and Bookstore. 2441 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55405. We are a collectively run infoshop offering meeting space, office space, and research facilities for the Twin Cities activist community and the community at large. Groups actively meeting currently are; ARA, NORML, Minnesotans for a United Ireland, Mumia Coalition, Women’s Prison Book Project, and Free Radio. Our hours are 9am-8pm everyday.

Black Oyster Infoshop: Williamsburg

This is a great opportunity for us, because we recently formed. We’d like to offer a free and alternative forum for various events in Williamsburg, Virginia such as poetry readings, discussions, film presentations, and later offer anarchist and other radical literature. Our address is Black Oyster Infoshop 206 South Boundary Street Williamsburg, VA 23187 We want to offer a free forum for progressive issues and events, as well as attempt to build a community solidarity with labor or other groups. We plan to have alternative and anarchist literature available. For now we are more event oriented.

Internationalist Books & Community Center

We’ve been around as a bookstore for 21 years now, but just got 501(c)3 status last month. We carry new and used books and magazines and should have a lending library started within the month, and hopefully a computer resource center by summer(depending on grant moneys). We’re open Tues-Sat from 11-8, Sun 12-6 and Mon2-8, with Food Not Bombs on Sundays at 3:30 and Earth First! meetings Tuesdays at 8pm. 405 W. Franklin St. Chapel Hill, NC 27516, (919)942-1740,

Those BASTARDS Are At It Again

Anarchist Conference In San Francisco

The second BASTARD (Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research & Development) anarchist conference will be happening at New College in San Francisco this year. This one-day event will be Sunday March 31, probably 10:00am – 6:00pm, the day after the San Francisco Anarchist Bookfair. There will be two panel discussions, one on race , the other to be announced. The panel on race will feature Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin. (He will also be at several other events around the Bay Area that week, look for them). BASTARD is still looking for workshop proposals for the conference so if you are inclined to, send along a proposal. Facilitated discussions will get priority for longer workshop slots. Futher details will be available when they become clear.

For the proposal form and more up to date details, go to www.bay-anarchists.org or send email to asg@onebox.com. Regular post to Anarchist Study Group c/o 3124 Shattuck Av. Berkeley, CA 94705 or you can call (510) 239-2239 x2662

Activist Repression

Santa Cruz 2 Sentenced

Environmental activists Matt Whyte and Peter Schnell were sentenced January 28, 2002 at the close of a year-long trial. Arrested in January of 2001 in Capitola, CA (near Santa Cruz) in possession of components for incendiary devices, Matt and Petey accepted a plea bargain in federal court in October 2001, pleading guilty to one of two federal charges. Matt received X months and Petey.

To reach them, or for more information on how you can help, email santacruztwo@hotmail.com or write: Santa Cruz Two Defense, PO Box 583, Eugene, OR 97440

Animal Rights Acivist Within Claws of State

Seattle animal rights activist Jonathan Batchelor has become yet another target for activist repression. While dumpster diving in Seattle in late November 2001, Jon was stopped by police and then arrested on two Virginia felony warrants for actions that allegedly took place during the Animal Rights 2001 conference in Fairfax, VA. He was extradited to Virginia in early January and is now being held without bail awaiting a trial March 6, 2002. He is desperately trying to raise legal fees and needs support. You can send contributions and support via

Jonathan Batchelor

Seattle Mutual Aid Fund

PO Box 95616

Seattle, WA 98145-2616

Bari vs. USA

Pack the courtroom as Bari vs. USA, postponed after the September 11 disaster, finally goes to trial on April 8! Now more than 11 years after a car bomb exploded under Earth First! activist Judi Bari as she drove her car in Oakland, her civil rights lawsuit against the FBI and the Oakland Police Department is both more difficult and more essential. Although Judi didn’t live to see trial (she died of cancer in 1997) her spirit is powerfully present in the final days of trial preparation.

The lawsuit alleges that the FBI and the Oakland Police Department framed Judi and Darryl Cherney (who was riding with her in the car) on charges that they car-bombed themselves. Instead of trying to find the real bomber, the FBI and the OPD tried to smear Judi and Darryl’s reputation in an attempt to disrupt the 1990 Redwood Summer protests which aimed to preserve the ancient redwood trees in Headwaters forest and elsewhere.

In the ten years the lawsuit has been pending, Judi and Darryl’s lawyers have uncovered shocking evidence of FBI and police misconduct, while surviving numerous government motions to dismiss the case.

With trial approaching, community support and public awareness of the lawsuit are crucial. During the trial, events that will include a summary of the week in court are scheudled for each Thursday (more info available closer to trial):

April 11: Ward Churchill, Native American activist and author, speaking on the history of the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations

April 18: the local Industrial Workers of the World will host Utah Phillips

April 25: The War Against Activists program will include discussion of violence perpetrated against activists, with speakers, music, and film clips.

May 1: Celebrate May Day with Earth First! at Ashkenaz

May 9: Copwatch will discuss problems with the Oakland Police Department, a defendent in the case.

May 16: Panel on the John Ashcroft attack on civil liberties.

May 24: the 12th anniversary of the attack on Judi Bari and Darryl Cheney. Watch for a major commeration!!

Funds are needed for the legal team who are fighting the case. Send donations to Earth First!, 106 W. Standley, Ukiah, CA, 95482, (707) 468-1660, www.judibari.org