1 – My jiddo fled genocide in Palestine so I could be free

Cw: murder, Palestinian genocide 

By Laila/Laiq R. Makled

In 1948, at the age of seven, my jiddo (grandpa in Arabic), his parents, and his six siblings were forced to flee from their home in Haifa, Palestine. A few years ago, my jiddo told me his memories of standing on a balcony, seeing naked dead neighbors in the streets, hearing screams in the distance, children “going crazy” because their families were gone. That morning, they ran for their lives to the Mediterranean.

My family was privileged and wealthy: They owned an olive oil mill and property in Palestine, so they had resources to flee and survive for some period of time.

When they got to Sur, Lebanon, my great grandmother, Badrieh Al Khamra, started to sell her jewelry to keep everyone fed. This kept my family alive for a while, but after five months, it was gone, and everyone started to starve.

So, with nothing but the clothes on their backs, they got on a cattle train to Aleppo, Syria. The trip took a few days. Eventually, they arrived in Aleppo, where they stayed for six months, before settling in Damascus, Syria. What ultimately helped pull our family from starvation to survival were two things: My great grandfather, Ahmed Izzat Taha, spoke English and also had a college degree.

It was incredibly hard for Palestinians to get jobs at the time, so having an education meant everything to my family. And for the Tahas, they experienced how a degree could mean the difference between having dinner and not. Over his life, my great grandfather published and translated 46 books, including The Oregon Trail and Cheaper by the Dozen.

In 1959, my jiddo Nabil Ahmed Izzat Taha was accepted to Purdue University with less than $20 to his name. He worked as a dishwasher making 80 cents an hour to pay for school and housing. In 1964, while at a church event to get some food, he met my grandma: Sharon Elizabeth Hood, a young white, Baptist, small town girl from Texas. Not long after that, on February 24, 1965, my mom Rhoda Nabil Taha Makled was born in Baytown, Texas to a white Baptist mom and Muslim Palestinian dad.

My grandma’s unexpected pregnancy forced both families to reckon with how they were going to integrate their lives — and so they did. My grandma not only supported my jiddo, the father of her child, in becoming a citizen, but many of his other siblings as well: writing Congress, filling out immigration paperwork, etc. And on March 6, 1969, under the affirmation and witness of my maternal great grandparents, Earl Winfred Hood and Elaina Marie Hood, my jiddo was recognized as a United States Citizen by the District Court of the United States in Houston, Texas.

This narrative of a wealthy family, turned poverty stricken refugees, turned American Dream may seem like the inspiring story the colonizer propaganda machine wants us to hear. But this story continues to be marked by tragedy.

With a darkness looming over him, I can hear my jiddo saying to me: “I am completely broken at this point.”

The impact of this apartheid, of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, continues to impact this generation and generations to come. Genocide carries itself in our bodies, beckoning us to tend to its healing and to honor the pain and devastation it has caused. Every few months, when Palestine is in a news cycle, we are forced to relive the trauma our family went through while watching other families continue to suffer. It’s incredibly painful to witness, and all people who come from Palestinian bloodlines are survivors of this tragedy. Regardless of what’s in the news, my jiddo, now nearly 85 years old, still gets night terrors.

I called my mom the other day to let her know I was writing this piece and to check in with her about how she’s feeling about the news. She was struggling, talking about how her whole life she has felt so confused and hurt and disconnected from the struggles in her heart about Palestine. She told me when she read this essay that I put words to feelings she has long struggled to put words to. This is what she wrote to me after our conversation:

“In a world where colonization still draws painful borders around Indigenous lives, through silent echoes of the past and loud clamors of the present, the narrative of my dad’s shattered dream and unyielding survival stands as a testament. It is a soul-stirring reminder of the human spirit’s unyielding flame, burning fiercely amidst the chilling winds of conquest, illuminating the paths of resistance for generations to come.”

In the spring of 1992, I was born to a Muslim Lebanese dad and my mom. Today, 31 years later, and 75 years after my family escaped the Nakba, I live on Confederate Villages of Lisjan territory in Oakland, California. On Trans Day of Visibility this past year, I posted a photo of me after top surgery, talking about what it means to me to be trans. This is what my jiddo said:

My jiddo fled genocide by Israel in 1948, and I get to be free as a transgender person with access to things like gender affirming care and community in 2023. My jiddo always tells me he is proud of me for just being me, and I truly believe him when he says that. He has endured so much, and to see his grandchild live in such a loving and fulfilling way, is a dream come true for him.

A few months ago, when I asked my jiddo if he considered me a Palestinian, he said, “nothing would honor me more.” 

That is why I’m sharing this story. I carry my Palestinian elders and ancestors in my heart and body everywhere I go. It is not a separate part of me; it is me. It is part of where I come from. I come from the land and people of Palestine. I am a transgender Palestinian.

A free Palestine means a freer world. Wall-shattering resistance from Palestinians is a direct result of 70+ years of colonization, land theft, occupation, and apartheid. It is the result of traumatized, imprisoned, and oppressed people fighting back.

Do not be silent. Have conversations with people in your life. Call and email your legislators and demand a cease fire. It matters when you stand in solidarity with people as they fight against militarized and global forces that want them extinct, especially when those forces are backed by biased mainstream media.

I hold all oppressed people fighting for liberation in my heart. Black liberation, sex worker liberation, Indigenous sovereignty, transgender liberation, Palestinian liberation — it is all intertwined as we aim to decolonize and return home. 

I read this piece to my jiddo before publishing, and I asked if there’s anything he wanted me to add. With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, this is what he said:

“We [Palestinians] are not going away. We’re in this world to stay, and the world is going to have to deal with us.”

Back Cover – Spell of the Future (Calendar)

March 8 – Free All Ages
International Women’s Day

March 12 – Noon Free All Ages
Mobilize Climate Healing Gathering – People’s Park, Berkeley

March 12 – 7 pm Free All Ages
Party to mark 35 years of Slingshot collective publishing – Long Haul 3124 Shattuck, Berkeley slingshotcollective.org

March 13 – April 19 Free All Ages
Contact Slingshot if you want to help edit and add dates for the 2024 Organizer slingshotcollective@protonmail.com

March 15 – 6:30 – 8:00 pm
The Common Goodness of People and A Father Escaping Nazi Germany – 2 Authors -The Green Arcade 1680 Market Street SF

March 21- Free All Ages
National Day of Action to demand banks stop funding climate chaos – cut-up credit cards, protests at banks. Everywhere – organize one in your town. mobilize.us/thirdact

March 31 – 6 pm Free All Ages
San Francisco Critical Mass bike ride – Justin Herman Plaza (Market/Embarcadero), SF • sfcriticalmass.org

April 2 – 2-5 pm
Queer Survival Skillshare: bike maintenance and repair – Oakland location, DM @queersurvivalskillshare on insta – they have lotsa other events every week – too numerous to list them all.

April 14 – 8 pm Free All Ages
East Bay Bike Party – at a BART station to be announced

April 20 – Free All Ages
Contact Slingshot by April 20 if you want to draw art for the 2024 Slingshot Organizer slingshotcollective@protonmail.com

April 20 – 22
Decolonizing Economics Summit – Virtual event with an in-person closing ceremony in McKinleyville decolonizingeconomicssummit.org

April 22 – 23 Free All Ages
People’s Park Anniversary concerts. East of Telegraph Ave between Haste & Dwight, Berkeley peoplespark.org

April 22 – 10:30am to 4:30pm
Milwaukee Zine Fest – Central Branch of Milwaukee Public Library binderymke.com/milwaukeezinefest
May 5 – 8 pm Free All Ages
San Francisco Bike Party – at a BART station to be announced sfbikeparty.wordpress.com

May 7 – Free All Ages
Dear Diary Zine Fest • Humanist Hall, 390 27th Street, Oakland, CA

May 27 – 28 Free All Ages
Art weekend to make 2024 Slingshot Organizer – Long Haul 3124 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley. slingshotcollective.org

May 27 – 28 10 – 5 Free All Ages
Montreal Anarchist Bookfair – at CCGV (2450, rue Workman) and CÉDA (2515, rue Delisle) anarchistbookfair.ca

May 28 -11 am – 6 pm Free All Ages
LA Zine Fest 2023 – Long Beach at the Expo Arts Center – lazinefest.com

June 23 evening Free All Ages
San Francisco Trans march – meet at Delores Park

July 1-7 Free All Ages
51st National Rainbow Gathering in PA or NH – ask a hippie for location

July 19 – 23
Swiss Anarchist book Fair 2023 – Rue jonchère 64, 2610 St-Imier – anarchy2023.org

August 13 – 7 pm Free All Ages
30th birthday party for Long Haul Infoshop collective -3124 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley – thelonghaul.org

October 14 – 15
San Diego Zine Fest Location: Bread & Salt

a15 – The lunatic fringe of literature

By Jose Fritz

Oh here we go again. Independent publishers send us their work for you to discover. Consider making your own “zine” to trade them and send us a copy.

Big Builder


Mock Duck Press – $3

This is more of a best-of collection than a true zine. But the juxtaposition of era-correct advertisements and quality articles made it irresistible. I had flashbacks to both the beginning of Melvins and the end of Squirrel Bait over the course of 64 pages. There’s a nice undercurrent of noisy sludgy music content with bands like Shellac, The Jesus Lizard, Killdozer and No Means No, all sporting lengthy interviews.

The varied source material (Kill Everyone Now, Forced Exposure, Dissent, Kerrang!, Skateboard etc.) does lead to a somewhat inconsistent formatting and style. But the project was worth doing. These pieces shouldn’t be lost in the garage, buried at the bottom of a milk crate, underneath moldy mic cables. Any modification of the original works would have lost something in translation, time traveling between now and the late-1980s. 

I do have open questions about the copyright issues inherent in this kind of compilation… but oh well. Be gay, do crime? 

Let Me Put My Pants On 


Anonymous – $22 (set of 3)

This is not one zine but one in a set of three zines: Let Me Put My Pants On, All The People I’ve Peed With, and Thread Direction is For Ass Holes. It’s an epic first-person, per-zine and runs for about 150 pages across the three volumes. We are into novella territory here. 

I read all three straight through and found it riveting. The author is anonymous for most of the run but concedes the nickname “teenage Boy” in part 2, and then to the name Lisa in part 3. Whatever her real name is, she’s a crust punk and these zines tell the story of her travels, her friends, allies, enemies, lucky breaks and epic failures. 

Most americans live in what Henry Miller called the air-conditioned nightmare. Very few people ride the rails this way anymore and she doesn’t pretty it up. The story is complete with all the mud stains, bruises and cigarette holes. It’s like Tom Kromers’ Waiting for Nothing in that way. A lot of time is spent drinking, fighting, passing out, sleeping in bushes, and occasionally waking up with no pants. Life is hard on the road. 

I’m told that today’s crust kids appreciate Chris McCandless more than Kerouac but it often reminded me of The Road anyway. It’s that escapism, that celebration of travel as pure freedom. I don’t know about you, but the M&H freight train comes through my town. I can’t help but hear that whistle now. I hear that train a-comin’, it’s rolling ’round the bend… 



This zine is a work of art with wild varied formatting and mixed ink printed pages. But without context I was a bit lost. After a bit of scrolling through the Cyrillic alphabet I found that the title translates to “Poverty Music.” I reached out to The esteemed Robert Eggplant for guidance and was put in touch with its creator, a Slingshotter named Josh. He filled me in a bit more:

“Really the intent was to write a few pieces of personal experiences which were tied to songs or music which were appropriate to the emotions or ideas in the piece. There are actually song lyrics scattered throughout the zine and titles of songs in the contents page… in the zine they are untitled and devoid of music and in this sense out of context which sort of leads me to my intention, which was that hopefully someone reading it comes across one of these lyrical fragments which are in the zine and searches up the song which it actually belongs to and then hears these beautiful songs in their original context. So… sharing some of my favorite songs while not depriving someone of the process of discovering it themselves. 

As a professional music fiend, I’ve identified a few songs already but the joy is in finding them yourself. Life is about the journey, not the destination, as Emerson once wrote. But he also wrote “Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startles out wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.” No spoilers of course. 

The People In My Panic Room

24 pages $5.00

PO Box 1547

Phoenix, AZ 85001


This is one of my favorite art zines to ever roll off a Xerox machine. It’s the debut zine by Brooklyn-based artist Ian Addison. It’s filled with black and white collage works created between March and November of 2022. 

Most of the twenty-two original artworks take the form of surreal portraits, with the subject’s faces obscured and/or defaced with images and/or text. While some of the works are clearly altered digitally, others have a more analog origin appearing to have been attacked with scissors and blobs of paint.

The collages act as an introspective look into the artist’s mental health. On the title-page Addison calls it a “monochromatic wonderland.” But the images actually remind me of some of the more disturbing paintings of Francis Bacon, namely his `screaming pope’ series from the 1950s

None of the images are pretty, but many of them probably were originally and that is probably the point. Addison is trying to tell you about the state of his innermost self — his mental health and its blemishes, scars and the open wounds. So it’s a little dark and a little ugly but it’s true and the truth is always beautiful somehow. OK, maybe that’s not true, but it sounds like it should be.



The subtitle here reads “Even the Concept of Countries is Temporary.” But this is no geopolitical diatribe. It’s a series of essays, interviews and excerpts approaching Rave culture anthropologically. The assessment is overdue, Disco Biscuits came out over 25 years ago. They’ve passed the literature-grade acid test and the genre belongs to the ages now, just like the beats, the punks, dadaists, postmodernists, and hungryalists.

Can a rave be a TAZ? The “T” does stand for temporary. TAZ makes these points eloquently, focused on the definition of the temporary autonomous zone (TAZ) as a free construct like a permanent autonomous zone (PAZ) differing only in duration. 

Different articles chronicle the history of Rave movements in different places: Jamaica, Detroit, the UK, mainland Europe, Chicago and how they grew, and mutated to create the modern phenomena. The best material here came in the form of interviews with people who were there. That kind of oral history is too often lost. Here it adds great depth to the story. 

Work like this could have strayed into academia but it stayed true to a more traditional zine style. It was for the best keeping the stories accessible and true to the loud, sweaty, drug-addled nature of a real rave. That stylistic decision preserved its authenticity; leaving the stories intact and alive.

It’s worth noting that the writers, and even most of the interviewees in this zine are anonymous. But I do recognize the pseudonym moldyroot from the 6-Beet Manifesto published in Slingshot last October. That too was an excellent read — highly recommended. 


40 pages – $5

PO Box 1547

Phoenix, AZ. 85001


Do you need any spare monsters? I can probably provide some direction here. NXOEED goes back to the very beginning of Fluke Publishing. I see his work online often. If not here, then you probably saw his work in NXOEED #1, MNRL CVLT Field Report or Miscreant to name a few. This new issue of NXOEED does away with the journaling and provides even more beasts and fonts. It’s 100% content and 100% on message.

It’s been rephrased often but I think the original line is from The Price of Tides, where author Pat Conroy wrote “Monsters are people too.” Few other monsters have been shared so widely. Ed “Big Daddy” Roth comes to mind. He propagated the Rat Fink onto T-shirts, plastic toys, album covers but he kept the Ratfink trademarked and inside his castle walls. 

NXOEED’s creations are truly free range monsters out wandering the prairie and country roads. You can make buttons, stickers, patches, album covers and re-use them in virtually any way. They’re all free to use in any way except NFTs. Those are monstrous in a totally different way. 


$11 – (48 pages)

PO Box 1547

Phoenix, AZ. 85001


We have all seen old art flyers taped up, glued up and slowly dying in the elements. It’s been in the sun, and the rain, it’s been torn, and maybe it’s already been partially covered by another layer of stickers and flyers. They build up in layers in some places like finger grease on a fretboard. 

OK, yes that’s a little gross, maybe another metaphor would be better but you get the idea. You only see part of it at one point in time and never see the whole of it, and never, ever do you know the context. Is it a basement show? A scavenger hunt? A neighborhood tag sale? We walk past quickly and never piece together the code.

Let’s pause on the word “code’ because this is Invisible Eye issue #2. I can tell you I spent hours decoding issue #1 because that’s the type of mad midnight typewriting finger pounder that I am at heart. I need to know the bleeding details. 

I can testify that issue number two doubles down on the codex. It’s twice as much psyched energy and obscurity and expands from basic numeric and alphabetic substitution codes into hardcore geometric codes and symbology. They have cranked the volume dial to 11. But don’t let it stop you. 
You just need to come prepared. Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. I’m going to recommend good lumbar support, gloves, a mouth guard, a helmet if possible and a TI-81 graphing calculator or better. Don’t forget to pack water and snacks, this is going to take a while. I hope you are off work tomorrow.

a14 – Jen Angel 1975-2023

By Ryan Fletcher

Beloved long-time social justice activist, anarchist, and owner of Angel Cakes bakery, Jen Angel died on Feb. 9, 2023. Jen passed on after three days on life support following critical injuries in an apparent robbery outside of a bank in Oakland, CA. 

For over 30 years, Jen Angel was a visionary influence and pioneering participant within multiple movements and sub-cultures that have significantly informed and shaped our world today. Jen has been a tremendous inspiration to me personally, providing a model of a life well-lived off the beaten track, in pursuit of a new, better and more just world. Ten years ago, we founded an activist media project together. 

Her involvement in punk rock and independent publishing in the 1990’s helped to codify the DIY ethic that has defined radical sub-culture. This work then fueled the Global Justice and anti-war movements of the early 2000’s and infused the anarchist politic that characterized this era of activism and gave way to Occupy Wall Street in 2011. These movements were a catalyzing force behind contemporary fights for racial justice, police abolition, climate justice, economic justice, and queer and gender liberation. Jen, through her projects, passion, and drive has been a throughline in these social movements over decades. 

Jen founded the social justice event production organization Aid & Abet. Jen was the co-founder and publisher of Clamor Magazine, a bi-monthly alternative magazine published from 1999 to 2006. In 2013 Jen co-founded Agency: an Anarchist PR Project, which promotes anarchist ideas to the public through commentary, media relations, and educational campaigns. Following media relations work we did together during the Occupy movement, Jen and I teamed up and created Agency. The mission and infrastructure she made possible continues to endure. The project marks its 10th anniversary this year. 

Anarchism was especially important to Jen, as was anarchist publishing. She was a PM Press author and part of the organizing collective for the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair for many years. She was involved in planning the 2023 book fair at the time of her passing. 

As an anarchist, Jen did not believe in state violence, carceral punishment, or incarceration as an effective or just solution to social violence and inequity. This message has been a core part of our work, as Jen’s family and friends, to respond to media interest in her life, and the circumstances that led to death — especially because her case has been classified as a homicide. The outpouring of mutual aid, solidarity, and care for Jen, her family, and friends is a resounding demonstration of the values Jen believed in. 

If the Oakland Police Department does make an arrest in her case, the family is committed to pursuing all available alternatives to traditional prosecution, such as restorative justice. This is what Jen believed in. It’s critical that stories referencing Jen’s life should not further inflame narratives of fear, hatred, and vengeance. Jen opposed the use of public resources for policing, incarceration, and other forms of state violence that only perpetuate the cycles of violence that resulted in her death. 

Jen believed in a world where everyone can live a dignified and joyful life and worked toward an ecologically sustainable and deeply participatory society in which all people have access to the things they need, decisions are made by those most directly affected by them, and all people are free and equal.

Jen Angel’s legacy is one that contains multitudes, among them was a deep commitment to safety and dignity for everyone. Rest in power, dear friend. 

a14 – Join the Conspiracy to make the 2024 Slingshot organizer

Contact us by April 20 if you want to draw art for the 2024 Slingshot Organizer — you do not have to live in California to be a co-conspirator. Around 30 artists from all over contribute to each edition. 

Also please send additions and corrections for the radical contact list by May 19. We’re especially looking for contacts in under-represented areas, states and countries: cities that are NOT college towns particularly in the South and midwest — anywhere in Alabama, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, West Virginia and Wyoming. Also especially spaces in Africa & the Middle East.

If you want to work on editing and adding to the radical historical dates, reach out between March 13 – April 20. We want to add protests or notable events from 2022 / 2023, older stuff we’re missing especially marginalized issues and movements, and we need help proofreading to try to locate and correct errors. 

If you are in the Bay Area, join Slingshot for two art party weekends to put the organizer together by hand May 20-21 and May 27-28 at Long Haul 3124 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley. “It is like a 24/7 art rave — but geeky and free.” You can drop by for an hour or stay all day. 

Selling the organizer enables Slingshot to print and distribute this newspaper for free. The 2024 organizer will be available sometime in August. If you know of a store in your area that could sell the organizer, let us know. 

We have extra copies of the 2023 big spiral bound organizer — contact us if you can distribute a dozen or more copies for free to youth who wouldn’t otherwise have access — particularly in the midwest, south, and other areas outside of the hip urban bubble: slingshotcollective@protonmail.com. We’ve already sent boxes of free organizers to youth in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota and South Dakota.

If you still want to buy the 2023 organizer, there is a list of bookstores and distributors at slingshotcollective.org. 

a14 – Shelters for freaks

Compiled by Jesse D. Palmer

Building community outside the narrow confines of the internet, consumerism, and alienated labor demands physical space for face-to-face interaction — forest camps, ragged artists warehouses, illegal venues, feminist bookstores and cluttered storefronts bursting with books, free piles, bike tools and Food Not Bombs. The good news is that the underground is thriving post-Covid — the following list of new spaces we’ve heard about and updates to the Radical Contact List in the 2023 Slingshot organizer is the largest we’ve published in years. You wouldn’t know it by paying attention to mainstream media, but we may be living in a golden age of counter culture. All these projects are waiting for you to walk through their door and put your time and heart into something that matters, not the dying empire. Plugging into something bigger than yourself is what makes life worth living and it’s the only path away from isolation and towards connection and love.Please let us know if you hear about spaces we should include. There’s even more info on-line at slingshotcollective.org.

Community Books – Stone Mountain, GA

A new community book store that aims to bring affordable new, used and radical books to a largely Black working class community that currently has no bookstore. They say that Stone Mountain “is at the center of antiracist struggle in the US south.” 978-A Main Street Stone Mountain, GA 30083

Wild Soul River – Williamstown, MA

An abolitionist herbal gathering space and herb / tea / healing store that hosts events. They have three free mutual aid shelves, fentanyl test strips and COVID rapid tests. 248 Cole Ave. Williamstown, MA 01267 413-597-1172 wildsoulriver.com

Source Bookstore – Detroit, MI

Independent bookstore that hosts events. 4240 Cass Ave, #105 Detroit, MI, 48201 313- 832-1155 sourcebooksellers.com

Trident Booksellers and Cafe – Boulder, CO

An independent employee-owned bookstore and cafe with Buddhist roots that hosts events. 940 Pearl St. Boulder, CO, 80302 303-443-3133 tridentcafe.com

Solidarity Fridge  Las Vegas, NV

Community refrigerator, pantry, and garden. 5502 E. Blackthorn Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89142

The Radical Cat – Reno, NV

Feminist bookstore, cat adoption center, and community space that hosts events 1717 S. Wells Ave Reno, NV 89502 775-409-3152 theradicalcat.com 

Free Black Women’s Library – Brooklyn, NY

A library featuring 4000 books written by Black women, social art project and interactive installation that hosts events. Open 1pm-5pm Weds/Thurs, 1pm-6pm Sat/Sun. 226 Marcus Garvey Blvd, Brooklyn NY 11221  thefreeblackwomenslibrary.com

P.I.T., The – Brooklyn, NY

A community space, venue and infoshop that sells books and records. P.I.T stands for “property is theft.” 411 South 5th Street Brooklyn, NY 11211 347-763-0333 propertyistheft.org

Hella Positive – Oakland, CA

A clothing store that hosts events. 1606 7th St, Oakland, CA 94607 hellapositive.com

Fallout SF – San Francisco, CA 

An underground (literally) radical, collective, punk community art space that hosts events. 50-A Bannam Place San Francisco CA 94133 falloutsf.com

Fluid Cooperative Cafe – San Francisco, CA

A transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming owned cooperative cafe that hosts events. 332 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102 fluidcoopsf.com

Medicine For Nightmares – San Francisco, CA

A bookstore with radical materials and art gallery that hosts events. 3036 24th St. San Francisco, CA 94110 415-824-1761 medicinefornightmares.com

Wild West Access Fund of Nevada – Reno, NV

A statewide resource for people seeking reproductive health services. Folks can apply for funding if they’re seeking an abortion in Nevada. NOT a radical space you can visit but still lovely. P.O Box 561 Keystone Ave #398 Reno, NV 89503 wildwestfund.org

Black Spark Cultural Centre – Melbourne, Australia

A bookshop, gallery and community hub that presents music. Open Wed-Sun 11am-6pm. 235A St. George’s Road Northcote, VIC, 3070

Catalyst Social Centre – Melbourne, Australia

A new social center operated by a federation of grassroots collectives with a cafe, radical library and garden that present events. 144-146 Sydney Road Coburg, VIC, 3056 catalystcentre.net

Platform C – Seoul, South Korea

A new activist education space. 41 Dongyo-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

The Queery – Brighton, UK

An independent, volunteer-run, queer radical bookshop and sober community space with a vegan pay-as-you-feel café. 46 George St, Brighton BN2 1RJ, UK. Thequeery.co.uk

Nordpol  Dortmund, Germany 

A not for profit and self governed bar and event space. Bronzer. 144 Dortmund nrdpl.org

Rizoma Coop – Lisbon, Portugal 

A food co-op grocery store that hosts events. R. José Estêvão 4, 1150-192 Lisboa, Portugal rizomacoop.pt

Centro Documentazione Porfido  Torino, Italy

They edit and distribute books, pamphlets and free anti-capitalist texts. They have a library with over 6000 books. “Center for the critique of capitalist society”. They also have audiobooks.  Via Luigi Tarino, 12, 10124 Torino, Italy porfidotorino.it

Corrections to the 2023 Slingshot Organizer 

• Anarres infoshop has re-opened inside Activespace at 1720 NW Lovejoy St, Unit 236, Mailbox 222, Portland OR 97209. Open 2-6 PM Friday and Sunday.

• Oops we left Flemington DIY off the list – the are at 26 Stangl Road Flemington, NJ 08822 856-431-3692 flemingtondiy.org

• Battery Street Jeans got left off – they are at 115 College Ave. Burlington, VT 05401 802-865-6223.

• Rag & Bones Bicycle Cooperative moved to 2916 North Avenue, Richmond, VA, 23222.

• Dalibom Book in South Korea has lost their space and is online only now.

• Deul Dabang has a new address: 1-131beon-ji Yuri Building 4FDongsung-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

• Sai Church in South Korea changed its name to Okbaraji Missionary.

• Songjeong Village Cafe in S. Korea closed.

a13 – Make Telegraph for the people ban cars

By Jack Meeks

The movement to ban cars on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley blocked traffic with live music, street art, and lively discussions January 28 to celebrate how life could be without the presence of automobiles. It was a young crowd led by Telegraph for People and there were many discussions about how transportation could work on a non-auto Telegraph with bikes, skateboards, foot powered scooters, walking, running, etc. We also discussed accessibility for all as not everyone is a bike rider, recent trips to mass transit sites such as the new Chinatown light rail in San Francisco, and how much time participants had without driving. The new heroes are the ones who have never actually driven — yes there are some. Another idea is removing parking spaces on the streets. In cities like Dallas and Houston something like 70 percent of urban land is used for parking purposes and cars are not used 95 percent of the time.

The new $7,500 tax credit for electric cars was also discussed. A big strain on the environment is fabrication, operation and destruction of automobiles, whether they be electric or not. Even after cars’ lives end, the material continues to pollute our environment. Lead, nickel, and other hazardous materials are in car parts and batteries, which leak into the ground in landfills and junkyards. About a third of US greenhouse emissions comes from transportation sources. 

San Francisco has a partial ban on cars on Market Street which prohibits private autos, however public vehicles like taxis are ok — not quite what we are looking for here in Berkeley. 

A very small minority of people here in the United Sates live without cars, like 7 percent of the population. Yet it is not just about not having automobiles, it is the safety and quality of life that is gained by not having cars on the streets. Clean air, less noise, more people getting exercise walking, no road rage, and perhaps a new sense of community as more of us get to know each other in the neighborhood. 

Cars and Capitalism go together, destroying lives, poisoning the air, and chewing up space, all in the name of profit”

More info telegraphforpeople.com

a13 – Catastrophic consequences – Chaos & Capitalism pummels Pakistan


Environmental disaster hit Pakistan in August 2022 when floods and heavy monsoons devastated the country and its people. Now, months after the news has filtered out of most press, public discussions, and social media, the effects of the catastrophe remain.

With so much going on in the world every day and a stream of new information constantly being fed to us, it can be hard to keep past events in mind. I worry that this incessant consumption of news may serve more to fuel desensitization and a sense of normalization when new catastrophes hit. So, I find value in looking at events that are considered to be old and recognizing how these events have long-lasting effects and reflect broader themes about society. 

Pakistan experiences flooding annually, however the extent of this past year’s flooding was at an unprecedented scale. During the height of the floods, 70% of the country was submerged under water. Smaller villages along the Indus River have been most impacted, and 33 million people were displaced from their homes. Fleeing from their destroyed homes, people lived in tents or unsanitary makeshift houses that allowed diseases to develop and spread. Malaria, dengue, typhoid, and skin diseases from trekking through dirty and contaminated water infected many and further raised the death toll. Pakistan is primarily an agricultural country, and the floods washing away 45% of its agricultural land has led to massive food shortages that will continue to have long effects on the country’s people and their economy. The intense diseases, starvation, and a severe lack of purified drinking water has caused nearly 2,000 (documented) deaths and over 20 million people in need of humanitarian aid. 

Leading up to the floods, the country experienced issues with double-digit inflation, a giant economic recession, unstable political leadership, and housing issues. Maintenance of the drainage systems in Pakistan was of minimal concern. Most infrastructure designed to drain potential flooding were not structurally sound and dated back to the colonial period. The government was focused on repaying debts to overdeveloped countries, and let concerns over potential future issues lag behind on the priority list. Now, the country is likely to face greater debt as it grapples with over $30 billion in losses. The cycle of global poverty continues and the economic issues that left the country more vulnerable to environmental catastrophes have only worsened.

While the foreign aid that has come in from private donors and some governments are necessary at the moment, they are not sustainable solutions to the overall issue this reflects. Our current economic system prides itself on its globalization, but this skewed perspective of a globalized economy and trade merely serves to overdevelop some wealthy countries that are profiting off underdeveloped countries by extracting resources and cheap labor. Exploitative capitalism masquerades under the guise of “free-trade” and encourages us to forget the coercive methods and imperialist tactics that forcibly opened these markets in the first place. 

Why does the ideal of globalization not extend to the environmental aspect? Where is international exchange of resources when countries are in need and suffering from the environmental consequences? When profit-driven economic modes of thought dominate, social well-being rarely aligns. 

Pakistan, like most other countries in the Global South, has contributed very little to global emissions and industrial policies that pollute and drive climate change forward. Countries in the Global South are often formerly colonized countries that suffered severe exploitation of their natural resources, land, and labor. While imperialism may no longer appear under the same guise, it plays a role in international capitalism. This global wealth disparity reflects itself in issues of environmental degradation. As of 2022, 80% of all global warming emissions originate from the world’s 20 largest economies, and the effects of this are often found in the countries with the least economic resources. The Global South functions almost entirely as export economies and benefits the least from global industrialization. Countries in the Global South have provided raw material, resources and cheap labor that are exported to countries in the Global North where consumer goods are branded, marketed, and sold for massive profit. Commercialized goods often find their way back into the Global South to be sold – generating greater profit for overdeveloped countries and perpetuating global inequality. 

Normalization of this infiltrates its way into people’s minds in the Global North. We see a little infographic on the floods (as with other global disasters), think about how horrible it is, and then swipe forward to see an advertisement on the new clothing sale happening NOW ! Never mind that those clothes are likely made for pennies by women and children at workhouses with disgraceful and unsafe conditions. Never mind the global inequality that leaves people in the Global South with no other option than working in horrifying conditions. Never mind that Western overproduction and emissions cause great economic and environmental stress on underdeveloped countries. Never mind how industry-made climate change intensifies scorching heat-waves each summer and causes drought and massive loss of crops and human life. Never mind how pollution and poor air quality drive up daily deaths and create society-wide health problems that drastically impact countries with less resources to address these problems. 

It is frighteningly easy to disregard the connection between the economy and the environment. We have been socialized to view life in fragments, in our education and in our news outlets. There is a tendency toward separating views of the [economy] and the [environment] and [politics] and [education] and so on. It doesn’t help when news is fed to us in tidy and isolated categories. I critique the social media infographics, but I’ll admit that those are how I first found out about the floods in Pakistan, as is what happens with most of the news I learn about. Still, if this is our method of receiving information, let it not dictate our habit of consuming information. Do not allow the constant flow of media to result in mindless and desensitized digestion of the world’s issues. It is capitalism’s consumer culture that drives global economic inequalities, and it is this culture that leaves people placid and indifferent to the clear issues surrounding us. Catastrophes are not meant to be bits of media to be taken at face-value, they are real longer than the duration it remains on your screen, and the effects will persist long into the future. As climate disasters intensify, countries that are economically underdeveloped will likely struggle to combat the impacts. We must maintain persistent social pressure against our unsustainable and inequitable economic system, as well as the environmental degradation it perpetuates. There are alternatives to both the economic systems at hand and the current forms of energy and fuel that exacerbate climate change. 

a12 – Typewritter busking

By Jon D Rapp

You know about the typewriter saints? They sit on the corner with a typewriter and a sign, “Poetry for sale”. What does this mean? Poetry is changing. It seems that a lot of pedestrians would rather spend $5-$10 on a personal poem rather than buy an entire book of poetry. This is great! It gives you, the troubadour scribe, an opportunity to delve into spontaneity. Channel something unique; it’s part improvisation, part performance art. 

If you’re any good at it, it’s a great way to turn words into bread.

How does one develop this ability? I started out writing anonymous love letters to strangers who inspired me. I would hand it to them and gauge the response. This helped me develop courage and wit. I spent time at open mics delivering improvised stories and poetry. I practiced for many years before I found my first typewriter.

On finding a typewriter:

Test the keys. “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is one way to use all the letters in the alphabet. Make sure you check all the keys, whether they skip or space accidentally, and make sure the margins and the carriage are responsive. Run some paper through your machine.

You’ll likely need to replace the ribbon. This is incredibly simple. I’ve found the best ribbons come from Europe. You want the ink to rub off on your fingers when you touch the ribbon. It should print dark.

Clean your machine. Use a very thin coating of gun oil or sewing machine oil and a wire brush to break through any rust. DO NOT USE WD-40. It will attract dust and gunk. Typewriters want to run dry. It’s important to wipe off any residual oil. If your machine is jammed up from debris, dirt, and too much oil, use mineral oil and wire brushes (I use bore brushes) to clean it out.

On writing and busking:

Talent is not exceptional. Dispose of the mentality of over-night prodigies. Persistence is far more important than skill. Persistence creates skill.

Figure out your costume. Bring a tip jar, a chair, a TV tray, sharpie, signage, tape, scissors. I like to type on all kinds of stuff. Money, paper bags, etc. Experiment with your medium! 

Find a busy intersection where musicians like to busk. Ask if they don’t mind you setting up nearby. I consider the typewriter to be a percussion instrument. Who knows, you may be invited to jam with the musicians! Typewriter saints and the musical buskers are often welcome companions.

Relax. Be flexible. Some people may want a therapy session. They might want help writing a difficult letter to a relative. Keep a list handy, for each commissioned poem. Take pictures of them for your portfolio, if you want. Try not to spend more than 10 minutes on each poem if you have a long line.

Be patient. Some days you’ll make some money, other days you’re just writing letters to yourself. Keep busy typing. The sound of typing will attract interest. Have fun! It’s never about the money but we all gotta eat. 

For more typewriter busking inspiration:

IG @rogueXwriters

a11 – Where’s my Daddy?

By Eric Finley #C09900

“Where’s My Daddy?”

“He’s gone to prison.”

These words are a precursor to the destruction of yet another American family unit by the meat grinder that is our criminal justice system. While innocent children fall to the wayside in the wake of this incarceration machine, they become collateral damage in a way we are losing as a society.

Welcome to the front lines of America’s war on crime. It is a battlefield littered with confused and lonely children, who have lost one or both of their primary caregivers.

In my own lifetime, I’ve been both a victim of this process as a child, and a perpetrator of it as an adult. At four months of age, I permanently lost my mother when the criminal justice system took her away and I became a ward of the state. On January 16, 1990, my own three month old son was harnessed with a similar fate when federal agents arrived at our home with my freshly minted marijuana trafficking indictment. My son and I have not seen each other since that cold morning.

This issue was brought sharply into focus for me recently when a man I barely know approached me with a humble request for help. 

Antonio is about my age, and his metal bunk is within sight of mine. I watched him push his walker toward me, and I was surprised when he stopped next to me and remarked, “I see you spend most of your time writing.” He hesitated for a moment, then he added, “I can’t write very well because I shake so much.”

Antonio then pointed to the manuscript I was working on, and he told me, “You must be good at saying things on paper.”

I smiled at this compliment, then I listened as Antonio went on to tell me about his wife passing away, leaving him alone with two young children to care for. At that time, Antonio was already disabled from a gunshot wound he sustained earlier in life. 

As a single Black parent, he managed to care for these two children for roughly a year before becoming ensnared in our criminal justice system.

Antonio received an eight year sentence, and his children became wards of the state. Now, after more than a year spent fighting the courts, he’s just been granted the right to correspond with his children. 

He shared all of this very personal information with me, then he was humble enough to look directly at me and say, “I’m not very good at writing, and my hands shake really bad, so could you help me write a letter to my kids?”

This man impressed me with his straight forward request for assistance, so together we created a nice letter for his two children. With the aid of the Lutheran Services Organization, the letter went to the kids. 

The determination and bravery of this man has given me the inspiration to attempt locating my own son, a process made nearly impossible by a lack of funds, access to public records, or social media outlets. Many inmates like myself have no outside contacts or family, further hampering these types of efforts. I have not been able to locate a single organization willing to help.

Children of all races and ages are victimized by a cold and efficient incarceration machine that infects our society generation after generation.

Minorities are particularly victimized by this process. Once a family becomes caught in this repeating cycle of incarceration and abandonment, our dysfunctional criminal justice system just keeps grinding them up.

This means there is a very good chance my son will be incarcerated, if and when I find him. And he may have children. 

From where I now sit, we cannot bring about any change, and the madness continues, unchecked…

Write the author at Eric Finley #C09900 19000 SW 377th St. Florida City, FL 33034