a 12 – Days without a buzz

By darrel

Zionist nova mob in Israel has pulled yet another “By way of deception you shall engage in war” terror stunt with their false front infiltration of consumer electronic supply chains, secreting high explosives in rechargeable non-removable batteries of consumer pagers and hand held walkie-talkies because Hezbollah wanted to avoid mobile phone communications that can be intercepted and even tracked to a specific device for communication direct via hellfire missile. These devices caused dozens of deaths and thousands of causality’s (permanent blindness, blown off hands, destroyed pelvis’s). Can you hear me now?

By design, modern ‘smartphone’ networks have to track and intercept communications from specific device’s whether they are on or off or they could not function as communication devices. 

Booby trapped, or socially engineered exploitation objects have long played a history in state murder. Poison wells, smallpox blankets, exploding cans of food, bomb shiny toys for the children…. The Trojan horse even, were socially engineered item exploits. 

With near field communication ‘tap-to-pay / tap-for-ticket’, ‘smartphones’ can track what you buy, where you go, and depending on how dependent you are on it, track your bio-metrics… 

With geolocation (that’s how the state claims they grabbed up all those folks around the ‘insurrection’ Jan6 2021), everything (if you use one of these devices) you buy or search for, and who you communicate with is tracked for commodification unless you try to block it and that too is commodifiable data. 

What happens to all this data? Used to convince people to buy stuff? Sure! But with all this data humans struggle to make sense of it. Labor saving devices have been built to deal with this problem. 

Some of the latest are the so called ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) labor saving for the folks that want to sell you more stuff, that is, and maybe even propagate their socially engineered propaganda exploit agenda…

Some of the AI programs that the Zionist entity are using in their mass slaughter on Gaza and Lebanon are named ‘Lavender’ and ‘where’s daddy’. These programs integrate demographics, including mobile device data, into an AI targeting assassination machine which goals are mass slaughter and genocide of anybody that stands in the way of said Zionist entity. 

The vast majority of Americans – 97% – now own a cellphone of some kind. Nine-in-ten own a smartphone. More than eight-in-ten Americans get news from digital devices.


So the next time you’re checking out the mobile device that looks so good as a bump on that cute persons butt, think, “it probably wont blow their ass off with 4 grams of PETN” (yet). But its blowing out their minds as you gape!