a11 – Help make the 2026 slingshot organizer

Contact us by April 20 if you want to draw art for the 2026 Slingshot Organizer — you do not have to live in California to draw. 50 artists from all over contribute to each edition. 

Please send additions and corrections for the Radical Contact List by May 23. We’re especially looking for contacts in under-represented areas, states and countries (cities that are NOT college towns). We’re looking particularly for contacts in the South and Midwest — anywhere in Alabama, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming, Africa & the Middle East.

If you want to work on editing and adding to the Radical History dates, reach out between now and April 20. We want to add protests or notable events from 2024 / 2025, older stuff we’re missing, especially marginalized issues and movements, and we need help proofreading to try to locate and correct errors. 

If you are in the Bay Area, join Slingshot for two art party weekends to put the Organizer together by hand May 24/25 (times TBA) and May 31/June 1 (24/7, baby!) at Long Haul 3124 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley. “It is like an art rave — but geeky and free.” Drop by for an hour or stay all day and all night. 

Selling the Organizer enables Slingshot to print and distribute this newspaper for free. If you know of a store in your area that could sell the 2026 Organizer, let us know. 

Sadly, we ran out of copies of the 2025 Organizer so we don’t have any extra copies to give out this year.

PRODUCT RECALL: The 2025 Organizer’s month-at-a-glance calendar for September is defective / off by 1 day. You can fix it with a pen. We’re very sorry about the error. Please tell your friends.