Compiled by Jesse D. Palmer
There’s finally light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. Yet, for many radical spaces the past year has put them on the edge of extinction. Now’s the time to put life into the slogan “We don’t want to go back to normal.” When the lockdown finally lifts, your local radical space, DIY venue, bike kitchen, coop, community garden, arts warehouse etc. needs your help so it can get back on its feet and fill the schedule with events, shows, activity and energy. If you’ve been isolated and missing other people, join the struggle against soulless consumer capitalism and spend your time on stuff that really matters: freedom, art, music, love, justice and the earth.
Slingshot maintains a list of racial projects worldwide in its Organizer and on its website at slingshotcollective.org. Hugs for everyone all around. Here’s some corrections and additions to the list in the 2021 Organizer. Email Slingshot if you have any other updates we can include in the 2022 Organizer.
Prøve Gallery – Duluth, MN
An all-volunteer experimental and contemporary art gallery with a big stack of zines. They host music, spoken-word and other events. 21 N Lake Ave., Duluth, MN 55802, provegallery.com
Cactus Club – Milwaukee, WI
An artist-run music venue & community space. 2496 S. Wentworth Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-897-0663
Red Planet Books & Comics – Albuquerque, NM
Reportedly the only Native comic shop in the world. They highlight work by Native and Indigenous artists and writers. 1002 Park Ave SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-361-1182 redplanetbooksncomics.com
Pilson Community Books – Chicago, IL
Employee owned and operated new and used bookstore. 1102 W 18th St. Chicago, IL 60608 312.478.9434 pilsencommunitybooks.com
Rock Paper Scissors Collective – Oakland, CA
All-volunteer craft space, gallery and performance venue. They host low-cost classes and community events. 416 26th St. Oakland, CA 94612. They lost their space on Telegraph Ave and are now at this address rpscollective.org
Little Read Books – Denver, CO
A free bookstore – they also operate an outdoor free book stand that offers books, food, water and other necessities to those who need them. 2260 California St, Denver, CO 80205 littlereadbooks.org
Razed Bridges Distro – Chicago, IL
A zine and book distro located at Common Cup. 1501 W Morse Ave. Chicago, IL 60626
Kickstand – Vancouver, BC
Volunteer-run community bike shop with tools and parts so people can fix their own bikes. 1187 Parker Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 2H3 eastvankickstand.org
Dandelion Vivioteca – Guadalajara Mexico
An anarchist library. Calle Garibaldi 556, Colonia Centro, CP 44100, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
InfoPavlač – Czech Republic
A new infoshop associated with Food Not Bombs. Roháčova 20, Prague, Czech Republic
Sabotage Bistro – Czech Republic
A radical vegan cafe. Kodaňská 22, 110 00, Prague, Czech Republic
Corrections to the 2021 Slingshot Organizer
• The correct address for Lucie’s Place is 307 W. 7th Street Little Rock, AR 72201
• Wasted Ink has a new location: 906 W Roosevelt St, Suite 3 Phoenix, AZ 85007.
• The Food Cooperative in San Diego is a non-hierarchical, student-run, leftist, vegan food restaurant on UCSD’s campus. 9500 Gilman Drive MC-0323, La Jolla, CA 92093.
• Cedar Ridge Café in Maplewood, NJ has permanently closed.
• The Institute of Barbarian Books is now at 1073 Itabashicho, Shobara, Hiroshima 727-0014 Japan. tel: 080.4684.0130
• d-zona in Prague has a new address: Hybernská 4, Prague 1, Czech Republic